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"Alright, Darius, you're up for your pair," Florin instructs.

Darius and Christopher step forwards, the latter holding their antidote, and the former breathing in deeply, ready to be bitten by Norbert. Or, Norberta, rather. The baby Ridgeback did indeed arrive the next day, the Dragon Tamers bringing the dragon over to the Sanctuary, and now, two months later, it's clear that she's actually a girl, judging by her ferocious attitude.

Florin decided that Norberta's the best dragon to be bitten by, because she's still feisty around humans, more snappy and bitey than wanting to shoot her flames. As Darius steps forward, holding his bare arm out towards the restrained dragon, it works just as Isabelle envisioned. Norberta lashes out, biting his forearm, Darius cringing in pain.

Isabelle watches on as Darius's arm immediately turns a tinged green, swelling up right in front of her eyes. Christopher hands him their antidote and he takes a gulp. Everyone watches with bated breath as the swelling stops, then starts to go down. Within a minute, his arm is back to normal.

Isabelle grins and claps the two of them on the back as they come back in line, both of them grinning in relief.

"Avram, you're up," Florin announces.

Avram and Daniel step forwards, the dark-haired boy holding out his arm. Norberta plays her part perfectly, nipping him on the hand. He reacts just the same as Darius, his hand swelling and turning green. Daniel hands him their antidote and Avram takes a gulp. Everyone waits.

Nothing happens.

Avram's hand continues to swell, boils appearing all over his skin, the colour of his fingers turning a bruised purple-green. Isabelle's eyes widen as the dark-haired boy starts moaning in pain.

Their antidote didn't work.

A Healer rushes forwards, pouring a potion down Avram's throat. He swallows, breathing deeply. His hand returns to normal a minute later. But neither of them are smiling. They've failed the task. They're going to have to do it again with Elena and Luca.

Those two succeeded in their Ironbelly task the second time round, and are now about to start their task with the Ridgeback. Looks like Avram and Daniel will be joining them.

"Isabelle, you're up," Florin calls out.

Charlie tenses up beside her. She supposes he thought he'd be the one to be bitten. Looks like that's not the case.

She steps forwards, handing the antidote to Charlie and rolling up her sleeve. She catches his eye as they walk up to Norberta. His jaw's clenched.

It's been weird with Charlie these past two months, that's for sure. The two of them seem to have come to the unspoken conclusion that they're going to get along with each other and work together, talking to the other and acting just like friends would. Except for the funny feeling in Isabelle's chest when she looks at him for too long. Except for the awkward moments that shouldn't be awkward at all. Like accidentally bumping into each other, getting too close.

The problem, Isabelle supposes, is that neither of them know where they stand with the other anymore. Sometimes Isabelle finds herself completely forgetting that anything happened between her and Charlie at all. Several times, in fact, she's caught herself relaxing and enjoying his company, even thinking about kissing him again. But then she remembers they're no longer together, and things become somewhat tense once again. It's better than constantly fighting with him, however.

Isabelle winces as Norberta's fang sink deep into her forearm. She watches as her arm starts to swell, her skin turning green. Her arm starts to get a tingling sensation that she knows will begin to hurt really quickly if the Anti-venom doesn't work. Merlin, she hopes it does.

Charlie hands it to her, his eyes flashing with an emotion she can't decipher. Isabelle takes a gulp, the liquid burning her throat on the way down. Her eyes snap immediately to her arm, and she breathes a sigh of relief as the swelling starts going down, the greenish-tinge fading. The tingling sensation stops.

She grins up at Charlie. They did it. He returns her smile, relief stark in his eyes.

And as they step back in line with the other four, Charlie squeezes her shoulder gently. Her eyes widen slightly in surprise, him having been purposely avoided touching her for the past couple of months. She smiles.

"The Hungarian Horntail is a species of dragon native to Hungary," Florin paces in front of the four of them the next day, "and is considered to be one of the most dangerous dragon breeds, of not the most dangerous. It possesses black scales and is lizard-like in appearance."

It's only Isabelle, Charlie, Darius and Christopher that Florin's talking to, the other half of the students working on their Norwegian Ridgeback task. Isabelle stands in line with the three boys, listening intently to Florin as he informs them all about the Horntail, the last dragon they'll be covering this year. And the most dangerous.

"It also has yellow eyes, with vertical pupils like a cat's, bronze horns and similarly coloured spikes that protruded from its long tail which it gladly deploys in combat," Florin continues, pacing back and forth in front of them. "The dragon's roar is a yowling, screeching scream and its flame can reach up to fifty feet."

Isabelle swallows. Great, this dragon just keeps getting better and better.

"While having a very far reaching flame, the Horntail's breath can reach extremely high temperatures, as it can make stone turn red hot in seconds. Its eggs are cement-coloured and particularly hard-shelled. The Horntail's foods of choice include cattle, sheep, goats, and whenever possible, humans."

Humans. Brilliant.

"Horntails are also known for being one of the most vicious and aggressive breeds of dragon, and that's saying something, considering all dragons are known to be ferocious. This breed is especially aggressive when protecting their young. Along with their viciousness, tail spikes and fiery breath, Horntails are extremely fast in flight, able to out-fly the latest Nimbus 2000, a broom capable of going from zero to one hundred and thirty miles per hour in ten seconds."

Isabelle takes another deep breath. Like she said, this dragon keeps getting better and better.

"So," Florin says, clasping his hands together and turning around to face the four of them, "you're no doubt wondering what your task is this time. It's going to be quite different with this dragon to what you're used to, so let me explain it: you will be divided into pairs as per usual, and this task will carry on for two months. However, you will be presented with several different tasks or competitions if you will, throughout that time frame."

Isabelle frowns up at Florin. What...?

"The first month will just be training for each of you. In your pairs, you will train each other in every way you think you'll need to for the next month. You won't get told the tasks you'll need to train for until you're about to do them, however, so you won't necessarily know what you need to train for. And then, you will be presented with a new obstacle involving the Horntail each week of that next month, which you can compete with the other pair to make more interesting."

Isabelle's frown deepens. This is very different to what they're used to. She can only hope it'll be easier than she thinks it's going to be. Knowing Florin, however, she severely doubts it.

"As you will only be introduced with a new task once a week, they will obviously be short tasks and more like an obstacle or a quick test rather than the long and gruelling tasks you're used to. However, each task will require skill and some form of strength, which is why you're given this month to train and research as much as you want. Obviously this means you don't have to train at all, if you don't want to, though I highly suggest you do, and come into the upcoming tasks fully prepared. Or as prepared as you can be," Florin says.

Isabelle takes a deep breath. Training. What on earth would she need to train? How is she going to train? What does she need to train for? She supposes that's the difficulty of the task.

"And now, time to pair you up," Florin grins around at the four of them, rubbing his hands together. "Isabelle and Darius, you can go together, which of course leaves Charlie and Christopher. Good luck to you all."

Isabelle turns to her dark-haired partner. They both grimace at the other, neither having any idea what to do, or what's in store for them.

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