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"The Antipodean Opaleye is a breed of dragon native to New Zealand, although it is known to migrate to Australia in search of territory," Florin's familiar voice paces back and forth in front of his usual eight students, who stand in a row looking at him, identical grins on each of their faces.

They're all finally back in Romania, studying dragons once more. Of course, they did enjoy the month they had off, all of them going off and doing their own thing, visiting their family and friends and having a good time, but it's safe to say that all of them missed this place so much, and can't wait to get back into learning about more dragons. They've also missed each other terribly over the past month, and were more than excited to see everyone again, many smiles and tight hugs being exchanged.

"This dragon resides in valleys, which is unusual as most other breeds tend to reside on mountains. It is generally considered to be one of the most beautiful dragons, with pearly scales that line its body, and glittering multi-coloured eyes that have no pupils," Florin relays to them the information that he knows like the back of his hand, pacing back and forth in front of them.

Isabelle shares a grin with Charlie: it's so good to see Florin again. It's so good to see everyone again, for that matter. The eight of them are standing all together with their trunks by their side. Florin told them not to bother unpacking, and to just bring all their stuff with them while he told them all about the next dragon they'll learn about. For what reason, Isabelle has no idea.

"The Opaleye's eggs are pale grey and have been known to be mistaken by Muggles for fossils. Its flame is a vivid red," Florin continues, and even though his demeanour's the same as ever, Isabelle can tell he's more than pleased to be back here with them all once more.

"The Opaleye is not particularly aggressive, rarely killing unless it is hungry. Its prey of choice are sheep, but it has been known to attack larger animals. Fun fact: in the 1970s, several kangaroo killings were thought to have been caused by a male Opaleye that had been ousted from its territory by a dominant female," Florin says, beaming as he stops pacing and turns around to face them all, clasping his hands together.

"So," he says, and Isabelle can't help but grin at the familiar tone of his voice. "You're probably all wondering what your task is with this dragon. Well, let me just tell you something exciting. You see, at this Dragon Sanctuary, we don't have Antipodean Opaleyes. Therefore, we're going to New Zealand."

Isabelle's eyes widen.

"Right now."

Her mouth drops open.

"Now?" she questions, shocked.

Florin turns to her and grins. "You got it. We're going to New Zealand right now, and while we're there, we're going to try to find a wild Antipodean Opaleye, having been given permission by the International Wizarding Task Force to track and study these dragons, provided we do not harm them. Which, of course, we won't. And luckily for all of you, you're all already packed. So grab your trunks and gather round, this Portkey's almost ready."

Isabelle can't help but laugh at the craziness of it all, grabbing up her luggage and heading over to the dirty hat at Florin's feet that she's only just noticed. Holding her trunk with one hand and touching the hat with her other, pressed up in between Charlie and Elena, she can't help but beam as Florin counts down.

"Three..." he says, one eye on his watch, "two... one..."

It happens immediately: Isabelle feels as though a hook just behind her naval has been suddenly jerked irresistibly forwards. Her feet have left the ground; she can feel Charlie and Elena on either side of her, their shoulders banging into hers; they are all speeding forwards in a howl of wind and swirling colour; her forefinger is stuck to the hat as though it's pulling her magnetically onwards and then—

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