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"Tell us everything," Maisie demands by way of greeting, sitting down opposite Isabelle and Charlie at the Gryffindor table with her two boys.

Isabelle chuckles.

"'Ello to you, too," she teases, taking a bite of her toast and jam.

Charlie lowers his head, eyeing the three new Gryffindors from his seat, going silent at the sudden forced interaction.

Isabelle notices, and doesn't pressure him into talking, instead beginning the story herself, telling them about the airport, the plane ride, how interesting and weird Muggle inventions are. Ollie seems to find this particularly interesting, firing question after question at the French girl, most of which she doesn't know the answer to.

"Oh, shut up, would you?" Maisie rolls her eyes. "Let the poor girl tell her story."

Isabelle grins her thanks at the Gryffindor girl, Ollie smiling in apology as she continues with what happened, telling the Gryffindor trio about the Tibetan wizards they met, about the training they went under while they were there, what they learnt, the stories they were told. It's Maisie's turn to be interested, especially when Isabelle gets to the fighting and duelling part.

"You have to teach me how to do all that," she breathes, seemingly in awe of the golden-haired girl.

Isabelle chuckles, her cheeks turning rosy at the compliment in disguise. She clears her throat anyway and continues, talking about the second last day and how boring it was, how absolutely nothing happened, and how they all thought the last day would be exactly the same.

"And was it?" Noah asks.

Isabelle grins and shakes her head, looking up at Charlie with her beautiful, sparkling eyes. He's relaxed considerably since the three Gryffindors arrived, just content listening to Isabelle talk, her voice almost soothing him despite there being other people whom he doesn't know how to interact with.

"Non, eet woz razer exciting," the French girl replies, beaming from ear-to-ear as she begins her recount.

She tells her friends all about hiding in the pass, about the teachers leaving them, about how her and Charlie had to get out of there only to come face-to-face with a massive Yeti.

Maisie gasps at that, both Ollie and Noah's eyes wide. They all lean forward, listening intently to her story.

"What did you do?" Ollie asks eagerly.

"Isabelle pulled me along and we slid down in between the Yeti's legs," Charlie says, looking down at the French girl, speaking for the first time.

Isabelle beams up at him with pride, noting the significance of him talking, but the others just stare at her in shock.

"You did that?"

"That's amazing!"

"Good thinking!"

She receives praise from her friends.

"Well, zat eez not all," Isabelle continues. "A second Yeti burst zrough zee passage where we were just before, one zat woz bigger zan zee ozer. Eet split zee mountain een two and we were right een zee way of an oncoming avalanche—"

"What!" her three friends exclaim as one.

"—but Charlie put up a Shield Charm and saved us," Isabelle says, smiling once more up at the Gryffindor boy.

Maisie, Noah and Ollie turn to him, praising him just like they did her. Charlie's face almost turns as red as his hair.

"And what eez more, when zee avalanche stopped, we were stuck, but Charlie managed to shoot us up out of zere, saving us once again," Isabelle says, only causing further encouragement and applause from her three friends to be directed at Charlie.

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