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First day.

The day where the students are to explore the area, get familiar with their surroundings, learn which places not to go, which places are dangerous, which places Yetis are most likely to be, and which places have good coverage, which ones don't.

They study maps in the morning, learning the layout of the land, Dawa explaining where the most common Yeti sightings have been, showing them the route in which they'll take that day, places where they'll have to be careful, just trying to familiarise them with the area before they pull on their coats and strap on their boots and head out with Passang. He's the one with the keen eyes that teaches the students all about the layout of the land, what they need to look out for, what they need to be careful of, what they need to anticipate.

That night, the four students collapse around the campfire, mentally and physically drained, barely able to keep their eyes open, fatigue almost overcoming them.

Isabelle's head rests on one of Charlie's broad shoulders, her eyelids drooping after she finishes her dinner of wild yak. Not the tastiest thing she's ever had, but she was too hungry to care.

They all sit around the campfire with the wizards from the International Task Force, whom tell them stories about what they've been through up in these mountains since they first started here. Dawa, the oldest out of all of them and seemingly the calmest and most patient, begins his story first.

"I waz young when I first z'arted here. Full of adventure and hope and exzitement, much like all of you," he gestures around with his thin hand to the four students.

"I waz foolish, however. I did not 'ink about 'e conzequenzez of my actions. I did not even conzider how what I did could effect otherz, or myzelf," Dawa's voice is soft and quiet, gentle as he relives his memories.

Isabelle's eyes travel to the flickering flames of the fire, watching them jump and spark, never staying still for too long.

"One day, after lotz and lotz of training, myzelf and two o'ers went out on a mission to find a Yeti and document itz behaviourz. I waz zo exzited 'at I did not even 'ink about being careful or taking my time to look where I waz going before I went. Becauze of my foolishnezz, I led my two friendz down into a deep ravine, wi'out our wandz, where we were z'uck for 'ree dayz."

Isabelle's eyes widen, looking back up at the old wizard, who smiles gently around at all of them.

"We had not even packed properly, you zee. In my rush and exzitement, I had completely forgotten to pack rope and matches and zpare clo'es and enough food and water to laz' juz' in caze we did get z'uck."

Isabelle's eyelids start to droop, and she nudges her head further into the crook of Charlie's neck, allowing herself to close her eyes. The Gryffindor boy looks down at the sleepy girl beside him, trying not to allow his heart to race too fast.

"We managed to get our location back to camp, and we were rezcued eventually. But we were all incredibly depleted from lack of food and water for 'e laz' day, zo one of my companionz did not zurvive."

There's silence around the campfire, Isabelle's eyes snapping open once again in shock and horror. Dawa nods solemnly.

"Yez, it waz very zad. And I blamed myzelf for it for a very long time, even now I z'ill take zome of 'e rezponzibility. If I had not been zo eager to juz' get out 'ere and go on zome zilly adventure, and actually taken time to prepare and plan properly, learn the layout of the land and pack the right 'ingz, then chanzez are, my friend would not have died. It juz' goez to show you all the importanze of 'eze 'ingz," Dawa finishes softly, looking around at each of the four pairs of young eyes that stare up at him.

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