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Charlie stares at the scene before him. His heart's tight in his chest and he feels as though he can barely breathe.

Florin is dead.

The man he's known for several years. The man who was like a father to him, who taught him everything he needed to know about dragons.

He's gone.

But so is Isabelle. So is Elena. The Dragon Hunters have taken them away. Away to Merlin-knows-where. And now he and Daniel are just standing there in the dim light of dawn, a feeling of absolute horror and complete and utter helplessness settling in over them.

Muggle policemen are everywhere. They're surveying the scene, trying to identify the hanged people. None of them have any clue who they are. No one does.

Charlie and Daniel slowly walk away, pushing past shocked and horrified citizens who can't believe something as horrific as this has happened in their home town. Charlie doesn't care about them. He cares about Florin. He cares about Isabelle.

"They're alive," Daniel finally speaks, his voice hoarse.

Charlie doesn't even look at him. He sounds like he's trying to convince himself. His words only cause the despair to hang over him heavier, like a storm cloud you can't ignore. An ache starts up in Charlie's chest. If he's lost her... if he's lost Isabelle to these Dragon Hunters...

He doesn't even want to think about it.

"They're alive," Daniel says again. "Elena and Isabelle."

"How do you know that?" Charlie's voice is hollow, brittle, as if one sharp look might snap his words. None of his usual gruffness is anywhere to be seen.

"Because they're not hanging up there with the rest of them," Daniel says. "If they were dead, the Dragon Hunters would've just left them behind. No, they're alive."

"That could be worse," Charlie says despairingly. "They would only be kept alive if there was a reason for it. They could be being used for anything right now."

Daniel squirms uncomfortably at the thought. Then, "I disagree. Being alive is better than being dead, even if they're being used for terrible things right now. Because being alive means we can get them out of there."

"Out of where?" Charlie asks with a hollow laugh. "They could be anywhere, Dan. We've got no chance."

Daniel shoves Charlie in the chest, fury entering his eyes. "You're pathetic," he snarls, and Charlie blinks, not expecting the sudden violent outburst.

"You have a chance to save your future wife, and you're going to give up and wallow in your own fucking pity? Really? Don't you even care about her?"

This time, it's Charlie's turn to grab Daniel roughly by the collar, pulling him close to himself and snarling at the blond man.

"Don't you dare even fucking suggest that I don't care about her!" he seethes, giving Daniel a shake. "That I wouldn't lay down my life for her in an instant! I'm not wallowing in my own fucking pity, I'm stating the truth! We don't have any idea where to begin! It's a hopeless fucking situation!"

He lets Daniel go, and they both just stand there for a moment, breathing heavily.

"It might not be," Daniel says slowly, starting to think up an idea, completely unfazed by Charlie's anger. "We're covered in scars and shit, too. We have massive jackets covered in pockets and we have heaps of weapons. That's what the Muggle bartender said the men looked like, right? Who says we can't be Dragon Hunters for a night or two?"

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