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"As there's currently thirty-two of you who have accepted this Ministry position, you will undergo a series of skillset examinations, under which each of you will be placed into one of four categories," Gethsemane Prickle, Head of the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, says to all the witches and wizards gathered in front of her, including Isabelle and Charlie.

"These four categories relate predominantly to your specific skillset, and will better determine the groups in which you will be in for your first assignment," Prickle continues. "There will hopefully be eight of you in each of the four categories and I will then split you up into eight groups of four, with one person of each skillset in your group. Does this all make sense?"

Everyone, including Isabelle and Charlie, nods.

"Alright, then. Let's get to work."

After four hours of intensive activity and immense brain concentration, all thirty-two of Prickle's new Ministry workers have undergone each of the four tasks she set them, and have been sorted into four categories. Charlie, of course, is standing in a group of the best Trackers — he easily identified all the possible dragon tracks and indicators on where they could possibly be or be heading that was one of the tasks — Isabelle, on the other hand, is in the group of the best Fighters, kind of fitting seeing as she just won a Duelling Championship — she easily managed to fight off several different simulations of varying dragon attacks.

The other two categories are the best Planners — who were the best at thinking of all the things that could go wrong and adapting to that — and the best Brains — who managed to recall so much information of all different sorts of dragons it's as though they have a photographic memory, which, Isabelle considers, some of them might.

"Alright, everyone, listen up!" Prickle's voice echoes around the room, looking down at each of them once again. And after a quick scan of the room, Isabelle looks her way once more. There's only twelve girls out of the thirty-two people gathered around her, only one of which is in the Fighter group with Isabelle. She's red-headed and has a sharp, pointed face, painted with quite an unapproachable expression. Isabelle's silently thankful that she won't be in the same group as her.

"It's time to break you off into eight groups," Prickle continues, marching between them now. "You — Fighter, you're with... you — Tracker, and you and you."

She pulls out four people, one from each group, two boys and two girls, who go stand together on one side of the room. Prickle continues to do this, putting Charlie — much to Isabelle's dismay — in a different group to her, with only one girl in their group of four. And, it's the mean-looking, red-headed Fighter Isabelle noticed just before.

"And you—" Prickle points to Isabelle "—can go with you, you and you." She points to three guys, one from each of the other three groups.

Isabelle smiles politely at each of them in turn, and they make their way to their own space in the room, standing together while the last few people wait to be sorted, and they get further instructions. When everyone's been sorted into a group of four, Prickle takes her place back at the front of the room, clasping her hands in front of her and looking around at them all.

"In 1750," Prickle begins, "Clause 73 was inserted in the International Code of Wizarding Secrecy, which states: Each wizarding governing body will be responsible for the concealment, care, and control of all magical beasts, beings, and spirits dwelling within its territory's borders. Should any such creature cause harm to, or draw the notice of, the Muggle community, that nation's wizarding governing body will be subject to discipline by the International Confederation of Wizards.

"Because of this, the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures works very hard to hide the magical creatures living in Britain. We do this by establishing safe habitats, guarded by Muggle-Repelling Charms and other magical means. Some areas are patrolled and guarded by wizards, such as dragon reservations. This department also strictly controls the breeding and sale of magical creatures and require that wizards use Disillusionment Charms to conceal creatures that they own.

"When a magical creature is seen by Muggles, various methods are used to cover up the incident, including: memory charms cast by Obliviators, spells cast by the Invisibility Task-force, and alibis and non-magical explanations concocted by the Office of Misinformation," Prickle pauses for breath, looking around at them all once more, studying them under her stern gaze.

"As you should all know, the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures includes three divisions: the Beast Division, the Being Division and the Spirit Division. As you are all Dragonologists, you are all part of the forces working under the Beast Division, and you will predominantly be working on the regulation and control of dragons, but might also be asked on occasion to deal with other duties and problems concerning those magical creatures classified as a 'Beast' by the Ministry. This will rarely occur, and will only occur if we are low on staff for one reason or another. If this should occur, however, I expect each and every one of you to perform to your best ability and knowledge with that Beast as you would under any assignment involving a dragon. Is this clear?"

Everyone nods, with some 'yes's and 'yeah's mumbled here and there. Prickle studies them all again with her spectacled gaze, before she nods her head curtly.

"Very well, then," she says. "As there is no current duty or problem involving dragons for any of you to be assigned with, for the next period of time until such a thing arises, you will each undergo a series of training drills, whilst still in your groups, all of which will include team-building exercises. The assignments that will eventually arise will then be assigned to a certain group, depending on how well you perform in different areas. Is that understood?"

Once again, everyone nods and mumbles their affirmation. Prickle studies them all for a moment once more, before saying, "Well, that's my time with you over. If you have any questions, you may approach me on the way out. Otherwise, I suggest you use this last half-hour of your time at the Ministry to get to know your new group members."

And with that, she turns to march out of the massive room they're in. Isabelle immediately faces the rest of their group, her eyes sweeping over them quickly.

One man's tall and broad-shouldered, his hair a dirty blond, part of the Tracker group. His bearded face is set and his eyes are almost hawk-like, darting between Isabelle and the other two guys, undoubtably picking up much more information on her than she can on him. Despite his somewhat reserved and unapproachable appearance, Isabelle spots kindness in his eyes.

"I'm Grayson," the dirty blond Tracker says, nodding around at them all.

"G'day all, I'm Jack," another man says, grinning easily around at them all. He sounds Australian, and is the most muscular out of their group of four, with a broad chest and bulging biceps. He's from the Planner group, and his caramel-coloured hair falls in waves around his stubbled face.

"Name's Sebastian," the third man says, nodding around at them all. He's from the Brains group, and is the tallest, but smallest muscularly out of the other two guys, but that's not to say he doesn't look strong. His dark-skinned arms are lean and veined, peppered with visible scars that look like they're from some sort of talons — dragon claw marks, Isabelle realises. His dark hair's short and his eyes are wise and warm.

"Nice to meet you all, I am Isabelle," Isabelle finally introduces herself with a slight smile.

"French?" Jack immediately asks, to which she nods, making his easy grin widen. "Sick. I've always wanted to go to France. It nice there?"

"Oui. The best thing is the food, though," Isabelle smiles, his easygoing nature making her relax instantly.

"Hey, aren't you the girl who won that Duelling Championship the other day?" Jack continues, his eyes widening.

"Uh, oui, that was me and my friend, Maisie," Isabelle replies. "She is the Dueller, though, not me."

"Yeah, but you were pretty darn awesome, weren't ya?" Jack grins at her.

"That's why she's the Fighter," Sebastian says, an eyebrow raised in half amusement.

Isabelle chuckles and flashes him a grin, to which he half smirks back at her. In fact, Isabelle grins around at all three of them. Yes, she reckons this is going to be a rather good group indeed.

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