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"Do I have to wear a suit?" Charlie grumbles, holding up the light grey suit, still on its hanger, and frowning at it in distaste.

"Oui! If I 'ave to wear this dress and look nice, then you 'ave to wear a suit!" Isabelle says, fixing up her hair in the mirror, before admiring the light grey dress she's got on, littered with a bunch of small pink flowers here and there.

"But you always look nice," Charlie continues to grumble as he slowly gets changed. "Looking nice isn't something I do."

"Bullshit," Isabelle snaps. "You always look very 'andsome to me."

Still grumbling to himself, Charlie finishes getting ready, and heads over to Isabelle.

"You sure about this?" he murmurs, his voice soft, but Isabelle just nods firmly and takes his hand.

"Definitely. I 'ave to," she replies, before she apparates on the spot, taking Charlie with her.

His eyes immediately widen as he looks around at the place where they find themselves, marvelling at what seems to be a palace before them.

"This is where they live?" he asks, shocked, and Isabelle chuckles a small laugh.

"Oui. Pretty, is it not?"

"Very," Charlie breathes, staring around.

The two of them have appeared in front of what seems to be a glorious and intricately designed palace that sits alone at the top of a hill. There's a beautiful garden that they have to walk through to get to the mansion, with hedges in all different shapes and sizes and patterns, and several rose bushes and water fountains littered beside the stone path. Behind them, if they turn to look down the hill, they can see the beautiful expanse of French countryside that seems to continue on forever.

The double doors to the extravagant mansion open just before Charlie and Isabelle reach them, and a middle-aged couple appear there, beaming at the two of them as they approach.

"Bienvenue, ma chèrie!" the woman says, stepping forwards and immediately pulling Isabelle into her arms. "Oh, comme tu m'as manqué!" Welcome, my dear! Oh, how I've missed you!

"S'il te plait entre," the man says, beaming as he, too, gives Isabelle a hug. Please come in.

Isabelle leads Charlie over the threshold after the couple, who close the door behind them. Charlie's eyes nearly bulge out of his head at the luxury of the house they've just walked into. The walls and ceilings are a beautiful ivory, and the skirting boards are patterned intricately and lined with gold. Even the furniture is gilded in beautiful patterns of florals and all the tables at first just seem to be made out of glass, but upon closer inspection look a lot like crystal. Large, magnificent crystal chandeliers hang from every room's ceiling, and Charlie has honestly never felt more out of place in his life. He's happy he wore that suit now.

"And you must be Charlie," the man says in a thick accent, still beaming as he steps forwards to shake the red-haired man's hand.

"Nice to meet you, sir," Charlie says, trying to make his voice sound as least gruff as possible.

"Oh, please! Call me Jacques," he grins, and gestures for them to sit down in what must be one of their many living rooms, both Charlie and Jacques sitting in an armchair each, while Isabelle and the woman share the couch.

"Now, ma chèrie," the woman says, turning her body to face Isabelle, "tell us everyzing. What 'ave you been up to for all zese years?"

"Well..." Isabelle says, and then with a look at Charlie, she begins. She tells them all about her year at Hogwarts and all the friends she made and how that's when she got together with Charlie, too. She then tells them about her two years in Romania with Charlie, purposely leaving things blank and leaving information out so that Charlie has the chance to jump in and talk, too. And then they tell the couple all about this year at the Ministry, about the thrilling yet dangerous assignments they went on.

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