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"Liquorice wands," Tonks says to a statue of a giant golden griffin that seems to be guarding the entrance to Professor Dumbledore's office.

"How do you know the password?" Charlie asks, his brows furrowed.

Tonks grins and winks at him.

"I've been up to see good ol' Dumby much more than you'd think," she replies with a smirk as the griffin starts to move, revealing a spiralling staircase.

Tonks hops up onto the top step, and Charlie and Isabelle join her, only a step behind, the staircase allowing them to rise to the top as it spirals on upwards.

They come to a halt at a large wooden door with an iron handle, and Tonks steps forwards comfortably, knocking twice before she opens it wide, standing, grinning, in the doorframe.

Professor Dumbledore is sitting at a simple wooden desk in the middle of a magnificent room. Tonks strides in immediately, plonking herself down in a chair opposite the Headmaster, but Isabelle walks in much more slowly, her eyes wandering around the room, taking in every detail.

It's almost a similar design to her chambers, but much more elaborate. The room's circular, with portraits and bookshelves covering the entirety of the walls. There's hanging torches around the room, flames dancing in them to give off light around the room.

Isabelle stands in the entrance to the room almost in awe as she looks up, the room seeming to go on forever, the ceiling having the same charms cast on it as the Great Hall, the French girl finding herself looking up into the heavens.

There's a staircase behind Professor Dumbledore's desk that leads up to a landing with a twisting, golden railing, all that can be seen behind it being several more bookshelves filled to the brim.

The portraits of past Headmasters look down at Isabelle as she enters, being gently nudged in by Charlie, who, having seen the office before, can't seem to take his eyes off the beautiful wonder in the golden-haired girl's eyes.

Isabelle finally finds herself looking into the twinkling grey eyes of the Headmaster himself, who has a pleasant smile upon his face, dressed head to toe in intricately designed maroon robes.

Upon his desk, sitting calmly on a simple perch, is a gorgeous, large fire-coloured bird, whose tail feathers are long and curled up at the ends, the bird's beak hooked down not unpleasantly.

"You 'ave a phoenix?" Isabelle blurts out, staring at the marvellous creature, her blue eyes doubling in size.

Professor Dumbledore's smile widens.

"I do indeed. His name is Fawkes," the Headmaster replies.

Charlie and Isabelle take their seat next to Tonks, Isabelle's eyes trained on the beautiful bird, and Professor Dumbledore looks at them all over his half moon spectacles, his lips twitching, as if trying not to smile. Tonks just grins, leaning back in her chair, completely comfortable, knowing she's not going to get into trouble.

Or at least, not much.

Before Professor Dumbledore can say anything, however, the door to his office bursts open, and someone Isabelle recognises as the caretaker, Argus Filch, rushes into the room.

"Professor McGongall just told me what happened!" he exclaims, his eyes sparkling with glee.

"These troublemakers stank up the entire castle and ruined the Great Hall! I think that this calls for—"

"I am afraid, Argus," Professor Dumbledore interjects calmly, "that I will be the one deciding on their punishment, not you."

Disappointment flashes across Filch's face, but he nods his foul head and steps back, standing in the shadow of a hanging torch, his arms folded over his raggedy clothes.

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