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Isabelle discovered she was pregnant almost just before the news that Dumbledore was killed was released, and had to tell Charlie afterwards. Not the best timing for that conversation, but she knew she couldn't put it off any longer. And with Bill and Fleur's wedding coming up, she knew she might not get another chance.

Charlie, obviously, was overjoyed. After a few more chats about children and families with Elena, Isabelle brought up the conversation with Charlie. The moment his eyes lit up at the mention of kids, Isabelle knew that's what she wanted, too. And now, here she is, getting ready to head off to her brother-in-law's wedding, having picked out a dress that hides her ever so slight bulge. It's peach-coloured and flowy, and doesn't suck in around her waist. She's decided it's probably best to make the announcement after the wedding so as not to distract from it.

While Isabelle still doesn't believe the world's conditions are great for raising children, she's kind of come to terms with it, and has set up protective enchantments around the property. Sometimes even Charlie has trouble getting in, and the enchantments were made to accomodate him. It gives her peace of mind at any rate.

In other news: Elena's also pregnant, about a month further along than Isabelle. It seems like Elena's dreams about the two of them raising their kids together is going to happen after all. Isabelle has to admit — she's pretty excited for it. It's a good distraction at any rate from the shitty state of the world, having a baby on the way.

"Ready to go, love?"

Charlie plants a kiss on the top of Isabelle's head and smiles down at her. He's all dressed and ready in his suit and tie; he's going as Bill's best man, which is rather fitting, Isabelle thinks.

And even though Isabelle's certain that apparating won't harm the baby, Charlie insists that they take the Floo network instead. In fact, because they've never been connected to the Floo network before, Charlie had to take a Portkey to the Ministry of Magic over in Britain and connect their fireplace to the European network, as well as buy some Floo Powder, all so Isabelle could Floo to the Weasleys' instead of apparating. She thought it all rather ridiculous but sweet at the same time.

Isabelle nods her head and Charlie steps over to the fireplace, grabbing a handful of Floo Powder. He throws it at his feet and goes up in green flames.

"The Burrow!"

The fire disappears and Charlie's gone. Isabelle takes his place and does the same thing. Contrary to how it might appear, the green fire doesn't hurt at all. In fact, it's rather soothing.

"The Burrow!" she cries, and she feels herself being whisked away. Charlie was right, she supposes — it's a lot less painful and shocking than Apparation.

She arrives in the Weasleys' living room, and is instantly engulfed by Fred and George. They're both taller than her now, and Isabelle laughs as they swing her around and ruffle her hair.

"Oi! You better fix that right now!" Isabelle pretends to scold them, tucking her hair back in place. Then, her eyes widen. "George! You are missing an ear!"

"Oh, this old wound? Don't worry about it, darl." He winks.


"Alright, alright! Don't take that tone with me, lady, I'll tell you all about it. You see, we were transporting young Harry from his aunt and uncle's—"

"His horrible, distasteful, vile, and cruel aunt and uncle," Fred juts in.

"Precisely," George amends. "And I was Polyjuiced into such young Harry, and our good old Potions Professor—"

"Who's not so good anymore—"

"No, he's working for old Voldy—"


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