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Your favourite witches have been modelling on tour around Europe for the past six months, and it's safe to say each and every one of them have had a lasting impression on the entire wizarding community, writes Laura Parker. Not only have these extraordinarily beautiful witches captured critics' eyes with their stunning outfits and gorgeous backdrop locations, but each week they have shed light on the wizarding communities in each country they go to, and have established long-lasting relationships with many of the locals.

"They were a delight to talk to," said Ilenia Guidi, a well-renowned witch located in San Marino, "and I truly believe the message they have to share is one that everyone needs to hear and get behind."

What is this message, you might be asking yourself? Well, your very own Witch Weekly reporter recently had the pleasure of having a conversation with Isabelle Weasley and Elena Moore to tell us more about this powerful message they have to share with the world.

"I know many of you believe the lies the Daily Prophet is telling you about Albus Dumbledore and Harry Potter," Isabelle said. "And I ask those of you who do believe him a simple question: why? Why hide the truth from all the innocent families of the world? I know it is scary, I know it is a thought many of you witches and wizards out there thought you may never have again. But by hiding the truth, by labelling Dumbledore and Potter as delusional, what are you trying to prove? If you truly want to save the wizarding families like Fudge suggests, you will tell them the truth and give them ample time to prepare."

"He Who Must Not Be Named has returned," Elena continued. "He's back, whether you want him to be or not, whether you want to believe that he is or not. There is a war coming. This is inevitable. I know it's terrifying, I know you want to do anything but believe me, but I also know your instincts are screaming at you that I'm right. Because I am. And you need to start taking care of your families. You need to start putting protective measures into place immediately. You-Know-Who might be lying low for now, but he will show his face soon, and when he does, you have to be prepared."

As Ilenia Guidi commented, a very powerful message indeed. Throughout their modelling tour around Europe, it has become apparent that each and every one of these girls are as brainy as they are beautiful. Not only are these ladies a united front, each of them clearly presenting the same message and in the same mindset, but as they have been moving from country to country each week, they have been helping out in each wizarding community.

"I will be forever grateful to those lovely ladies," a local wizard of Malta sobbed only last week. "The plans they have helped us put in place when there is an attack will save the lives of my children. I can't thank them highly enough — I have no words to describe my gratitude."

This high praise is reciprocated from almost every individual in every country the girls' hearts have touched. Their selflessness and their brilliance in coming up with protective and safety solutions according to each country and its layout and its population has astounded many.

"I just want everyone to be safe," Isabelle Weasley commented. "Every child out there is innocent, Muggle and magic alike, and by putting these safety measures in place in these small wizarding  communities, it will be possible to save entire countries' worth of people."

There is also a more recent development in these girls' message, and it shocked many residents at first, but slowly the locals have started to come around to the idea. Indeed, only two weeks ago in Germany, there were marches through a wizarding town, with all the local witches and wizards rallying for these girls.

"We will have to fight," Elena Moore said when asked what these people were so fired up about. "Someday, one day, fighting will be inevitable. There are more good people than bad people in the world, I know that for certain. Each and every person I have met over these past six months have had good hearts, I can assure you. Us girls have started to tell the witches and wizards we meet that there will be a fight and they will have to be prepared for it, whether they want to fight or not."

"We have started to push the message that everyone should be prepared to fight, whether they are called on in the end, or not," Isabelle continued Elena's statement. "In Germany, it seems, and also in Austria, if I might add, our words had the most impact. Witches and wizards alike marched in the streets, urging their fellows to fight for their lives when the time comes. Indeed, in those countries, almost every citizen was more than willing to come to our aid as soon as we called."

This solidarity between wizardkind is truly extraordinary to see. Witches and wizards all around Europe have never seemed so united before, and I want to take a moment to congratulate each and every one of the girls on tour for the profound impact they've had, and are continuing to make, on our society. The wizarding world applauds you.

Isabelle and Elena practically scream as soon as they finish reading the article. The two girls grab each other and start jumping up and down around the room, laughing and screaming absolute nonsense.

Madeline, Josie and Ruby rush in to see what's going on, and before long, Annika and Sarah have arrived, too.

"What's going on?"

"Are you two ok?"

"We did it!" Elena and Isabelle practically scream together, thrusting the magazine article into their hands. "We made the front page!"

It's almost comical to see the five girls' eyes widen in sync, and they snatch the article up and start reading it. Every single one of them has the same reaction when they finish, squealing and jumping up and down in one massive group, before laughing and collapsing onto the floor in delight.

"Oh my," Isabelle says, placing one hand over her heart and breathing heavily. "I did not actually think they would make an article about us!"

"Or speak so highly of us, either!" Elena exclaims, hugging the magazine to her chest.

"Oh, please," Josie says, smiling fondly at both girls, "you have done more than enough to be spoken of extremely highly. You've done well — this shouldn't be a surprise."

Isabelle grins. Josie's not wrong. These few months, they've managed to get the whole modelling cohort on board with their message, and have started to interact with the locals more and more, making such an impact that each country is more than looking forward to their arrival.

After they were highly anticipated, they started spreading their message, which was received much better than Isabelle could ever have expected. And when several countries, like Serbia, Belarus, Cyprus and Ukraine, started rioting to their Ministries and advocating for the message they're spreading, Isabelle was shocked and astounded at how amazing that feeling is.

Because they've done it, they've done the right thing, the thing they were supposed to do. They've far exceeded Dumbledore's wishes, and that above all makes Isabelle extremely proud of herself. As she should be, as Josie says.

"Thank you, Josie," Elena says, grinning more broadly than Isabelle's ever seen her do so. "But we really couldn't have done it all without all of your help. And I mean it," she says earnestly, "you guys have welcomed Isabelle and I with open arms and without you we'd be nowhere near that article at this stage. So thank you, truly."

Isabelle nods eagerly in agreement, and all the women around them start blushing with appreciation. It's one of the best feelings, the best moments of Isabelle's life. They've done something right, something good.

All she can do is beam around at all her amazing friends and think about all they're going to achieve over these next six months.

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