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Isabelle wakes up on Christmas morning to the soft meowing of Célia, the fluffy cat nudging her head into the crook of the French girl's neck.

She groans and rolls over, her eyes opening wide when she comes face-to-face with a small pile of presents on her wooden bedside table. She sits up in surprise, not expecting any gifts this year, but grins broadly as she recognises the handwriting of a few of her new friends.

Crossing her legs and getting comfortable, she pulls the closest present towards her. She looks down at the card, which reads, Merry Christmas, Isabelle! From Ollie xx

Smiling to herself, Isabelle slowly and carefully unwraps the gift, revealing a large box of Chocolate Frogs under the wrapping paper. Her smile widens.

She remembers telling Ollie weeks ago that her favourite sweets were Chocolate Frogs. He remembered.

She unwraps Noah's present next. He gave her a Gryffindor scarf, with the note saying, So you have some proper clothing to wear to the next Quidditch match ;)

Isabelle chuckles quietly, unwrapping Maisie's present, which includes the light pink, floaty dress she wore to the Halloween party. It looks much better on you! Merry Christmas! the note reads.

The French girl smiles, surprised at all the love she's getting from the people she's only known for a few months. It feels good. Nice.

She pulls the next present towards her, reading the card first: Merry Xmas, Issy! We're gonna have some fun with these soon, don't you worry!

Intrigued, Isabelle unwraps the present, revealing an unopened bag of Dungbombs. The French girl smiles. Of course. Tonks seems unable to resist a bit of mischief.

Turning back to her bedside table, there's only one present left. She pulls it towards her. It's wrapped in thick brown paper, and scrawled across it in jagged handwriting is To Isabelle, from Charlie.

Her eyes widen, completely surprised that Charlie of all people would give her something. She got him a present, of course, but she didn't expect anything in return.

Opening it up carefully, she pulls out a roughly cut wooden flute. He obviously whittled it himself, and designs of vines crawl up it.

Isabelle smiles and blows into the flute, presently surprised at the owl sound that whistles gently out of it.

She stands up and carefully puts her presents away, heading into the bathroom, stripping down and stepping into the shower with a big smile on her face. She lets the warm water wash over her for a while, before she hops out and dries herself.

Isabelle pulls on a plain, cream-coloured turtleneck sweater, and a velvety, crimson overall skirt with silver buttons running down it over the sweater. She then twists her golden hair up into a braided bun, leaving strands out to frame her face.

As a final touch, and to get more into the spirit of the day, Isabelle puts on some earrings that resemble Christmas lights, that even light up and twinkle in the dark.

She then heads back out into the room, slipping her velvety crimson boots on, before heading out of her chambers, letting Célia run off into the castle, Isabelle working her way down to the Great Hall for breakfast.

She finds Charlie easily, sitting by himself at the Gryffindor table, and works her way over to sit next to him, all her other friends having gone home for the holidays.

"Merry Christmas," Isabelle's voice snaps him out of his thoughts.

Charlie looks up at the pretty, golden-haired girl as she sits down next to him, an easygoing smile gracing her lips. Charlie frowns slightly, looking at her.

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