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"I'm guessing the Longhorn's not going good?" Charlie asks as he sits down beside his girlfriend, who's tentatively bandaging up a nasty gash on her upper arm.

"Here, let me," he says, taking the bandages from her and pulling them tight, making her wince slightly. "Sorry," Charlie says softly.

"Non, it is ok," Isabelle replies equally as quietly. "I mean, I 'ave not died yet, so I would say zee Long'orn is not going too badly."

It's been a month since they first started their second task, and Luca and Isabelle quickly established that there was no way they'd be able to gain their Longhorn's trust. The dragon they're tasked with is a female, which are apparently more vicious than their male counterparts, by the name of Mihaela.

The second Luca and Isabelle entered the enclosure, she decided to skip the whole 'stabbing them with her horns' business, and went straight to blasting them with her fiery breath, which they both only just managed to avoid with a bit of singed clothing. They talked about it all and decided that their best way forward was to sneak into the enclosure, deposit some food, and sneak back out without Mihaela noticing they were ever there.

It worked for about a month, until she realised they had to be coming in to drop off the food, and snuck up behind them instead, stabbing Isabelle in the arm with one horn, and Luca in the stomach with the other. Luckily they both only got nasty scratches, and not life-threatening injuries, but it was still a shock, and now they're back to the drawing board.

"'Ow is your Long'orn going?" Isabelle asks Charlie as he finishes bandaging her wound.

He sighs, leaning back against the tree trunk of the branch they're both sitting on. They're up in Common Welsh Green territory, particularly Codrin's clearing, sitting in the same tree that Daniel and Isabelle first did two months ago when they were tasked with riding Codrin. The dragon in question, however, is currently nowhere to be found. Most likely because Charlie's here.

"Not too bad," he replies. "I mean, neither Darius nor me have any injuries yet, which is a good sign. Our dragon is a male, though, who are known to be calmer, so that's probably the reason for it. Either way, there's no way we're gonna gain his trust."

"Oui, same 'ere," Isabelle says softly, before she pauses, looking around the clearing. "I still cannot believe it, Charlie," she whispers, making him turn to look at her, his eyes questioning. "We are 'ere. We are actually 'ere in Romania, working wiz dragons. 'Ow crazy is zat?"

Her eyes are alight when she turns to him, and Charlie's once again struck by how beautiful she is. The way her hair's been thrown up into a messy bun with golden locks falling out to frame her face. The way her brilliant blue eyes seem to sparkle in the sunlight, wide with joy. The way she beams as she looks at him, her face flushed from the heat of the day.

Charlie can't help but smile. He sits up straight, gently reaching up to cup her face in his hands, brushing her cheek with his thumb. Isabelle smiles at him, leaning into his touch. Before Charlie can move, she's pushed herself forwards, pecking him gently on the tip of his freckled nose.

She chuckles as she pulls away, and Charlie's smile only widens.

"You missed," he teases, and Isabelle only smirks in response, leaning forward to kiss him properly this time.

Charlie relaxes into the kiss, savouring the feeling of her soft lips against his own. Of course they've stolen kisses here and there during the two months they've been in Romania, but they've never truly had a lot of time for themselves. They've always been too busy trying to complete their tasks or hanging out with the other six students who're there to have much alone time. Don't get him wrong, Charlie loves hanging out with everyone else too, and the eight of them have all become fast friends, each person bringing something new to the group so that the whole dynamic works, but he misses his one-on-one time with Isabelle.

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