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A thousand live bats flutter from the walls and ceiling while a thousand more swoop over the tables in low black clouds, making the candles in the pumpkins stutter.

The Halloween feast appears suddenly on the golden plates, and Isabelle and the Gryffindor trio dig in to the delicious food.

"Ready for the party tonight?" Ollie asks the French girl, munching on a toffee apple.

"I guess so," Isabelle replies, smiling slightly.

"You guess? Oh come on," Maisie grins, slinging her arm casually over the girl's shoulders, "it's gonna be so much fun — take my word for it!"

Isabelle chuckles slightly, finishing up her food.

"Ok zen, I trust you," she says, the Gryffindor girl beaming in response.

"Good! I'm gonna get you all costumed up — you can come up with me to the common room and we can get ready together! And then we can head down to the party and..." Maisie starts rambling, clearly ecstatically excited.

Isabelle shares a look with the two boys, who merely roll their eyes, but grin all the same.

"She does this all the time," Noah says, smirking.

"I do not!" Maisie exclaims, to which the two Gryffindor boys chuckle.

"Oh, don't even try to deny it, we've had to put up with it for years!" Ollie says, winking at the French girl, who smirks.

Maisie rolls her eyes and stands up, hands on hips.

"Fine, we'll just go get ready then," she huffs, but even she can't hide her smile. "C'mon Isabelle."

The French girl stands up and accompanies Maisie up to the Gryffindor common room, a place she still hasn't yet set foot in in the two months she's been here.

The two girls slow to a stop in front of a large portrait which is home to a rather large lady, wearing a pink dress, her brown hair done up in rollers.

"Password?" She asks with a sigh.

"Baubles," Maisie replies cheerily, and the portrait of the Fat Lady swings open, the Gryffindor girl leading Isabelle through the round hole in the wall and into the room beyond.

Isabelle looks around, finding herself in a cosy round room full of squashy armchairs. She smiles as she's welcomed by the warmth of the roaring fire, the gold chandeliers helping to cast warm glows all round. The windows are home to an amazing view of the castle grounds, and the room's decorated with crimson and gold, the stuffed armchairs looking particularly comfortable.

"This way," Maisie says, grabbing Isabelle's hand and pulling her up a staircase, opening the door to what can only be the girls' dormitory.

The theme of gold and scarlet continues in this room, the four poster beds laid with crimson drapes, accented with gold.

"Now," Maisie says with a grin, turning to face the French girl, clasping her hands together, "it's time to get ready for the party! I was thinking of going as a vampire, cause that's kinda cool, but I reckon you need a nice, pretty costume."

"What do you 'ave in mind?" Isabelle asks.

"Well, I was thinking an angel, but that's quite common, and I reckon you need something a bit uncommon, quite like yourself... how about a butterfly?"

"A butterfly?"

"Yes! Don't worry, not a bright, colourful one, but one that's soft and pretty. You can wear a pale pink dress — I have one that'll work perfectly — and then we can charm you up some wings and add some butterflies to your hair! Oooh, this is gonna be so good!" Maisie says excitedly, clapping her hands and jumping up and down like a five-year-old.

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