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Before she can even comprehend what's happening, Isabelle and Charlie are engulfed by three people at once, squeezing them so tight Isabelle thinks her ribs might break. But she beams all the same, hugging the three people back with all her might. Merlin, she's missed them all so much.

Her and Charlie are now on holidays from studying at the Romanian Dragon Sanctuary. They have a month off before they start up studying again, so they decided to go visit some of their old friends in London. The two of them just arrived at the Muggle cafe they agreed to meet at, and Maisie, Ollie and Noah are already there, standing up from their table and engulfing the two of them as soon as they round the corner.

The three of them start chatting away immediately, Isabelle and Charlie both beaming and answering their questions left, right and centre as their old friends lead them back to their table.

"Tell us about Romania," Maisie insists, leaning forward in her chair eagerly, chin propped up in her hands.

"What's it like over there?" Noah adds, slinging an arm around Maisie's shoulders. They're still together, then. Cute.

"Tell us about the dragons!" Ollie says excitedly, beaming at them both.

Isabelle and Charlie grin at the effortlessness of being back with their friends, exchanging a glance before they launch into it all. They tell their three friends all about the other six students they're studying with, and how they're all lovely.

They talk about all the different dragons they've worked with so far, all the different tasks they've been given. How they had to befriend and ride the Common Welsh Green, how they had to look after a baby Romanian Longhorn, make a cloak strong enough to prevent a Swedish Short Snout's flames from burning them; how they had to look after the egg of a Chinese Fireball until it hatched, make a structure strong enough to withstand a Ukrainian Ironbelly, make an antidote for the bite of a Norwegian Ridgeback; how they had a series of challenging obstacles when finally faced with the Hungarian Horntail, and how they both almost died several times and sustained several injuries.

Isabelle talks about the little village not too far from the Sanctuary, and how she made friends there, talking about how much she knows the three of them would love it there, and how much they'd love Cristian and his friends; how they'd especially love the amazing dragon store that's there.

Maisie, Noah and Ollie listen with rapt attention, asking all the right questions and wincing and exclaiming out in shock at all the right moments. They're the perfect audience, and Isabelle and Charlie can't keep the smiles off their faces when talking to them. Isabelle missed this. She's missed talking to her old friends and having easy conversations like this.

"Well, zat is enough about us," Isabelle finally says as their drinks arrive. She takes a sip of her iced tea and turns back towards her three friends. "Tell me, what 'ave you zree been up to zis year?"

"Well," Noah begins slowly, a broad grin stretching across his face as he looks at Maisie, "I actually now play in the British and Irish Quidditch League as Keeper for the Appleby Arrows."

Isabelle's eyes widen, her mouth dropping open. Charlie blinks, before grinning broadly.

"Of course you are!" he laughs, clapping Noah on the back. "Wouldn't have suspected anything less."

"'Ow did you get on zee team?" Isabelle asks, leaning forwards intently.

"With a lot of training," Noah chuckles. "I went to months and months of try-outs and then I was finally accepted as a reserve on the team, until the old Keeper resigned two months later, and now I'm Keeper full-time. It's amazing, honestly. Best job in the world. Oh!" he exclaims, turning to Charlie. "You know the Seeker, Gregory Cotton?" Charlie nods, eyes wide.

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