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After a few weeks of training together and learning all sorts of stuff about her group members, Isabelle can safely say that these three men she's been partnered with are some of the nicest and friendliest people she's ever met. In fact, they remind her an awful lot of her friendship with Maisie, Noah and Ollie, and just how easy it all was.

Isabelle feels the closest with Sebastian, who she can easily spend hour after hour talking with, their conversations full of interesting information that they both remember, and their shared love for books and knowledge and dragons, in particular. In fact, Isabelle would say that Seb's probably the smartest guy she's ever met. He almost certainly has a photographic memory, able to retain pretty much everything he hears or reads. It's safe to say he's a library of knowledge.

But it's not just his extensive knowledge that drew Isabelle to Seb, but his kind and calm nature. He's so patient with everyone, always listening to what they have to say, even if he thinks it's a stupid idea, and seems to take absolutely everything into account before he makes a decision. While he's mostly quiet in the conversations they have in their little group of four, with mainly Isabelle and Jack doing all the talking, he never fails to jump in with a sarcastic or witty comment, more often than not putting Jack in his place. It makes Isabelle grin every time.

Isabelle of course loves Jack as well, the easygoing Aussie, who always manages to start up a conversation and keep it going, often changing the subject a million times in one sitting. Keeps it interesting, that's for sure, and Isabelle seems to be his favourite to talk to, him asking her heaps about France and her countering it with questions about Australia.

Turns out he has no idea how to surf but likes to pretend he does, walking along the beaches with a wetsuit on and a surfboard under his arm to see how many girls he can attract. Seb snorted at this and shook his head, very clearly judging him, and Isabelle grinned and joined in, the two of them starting to tease Jack about it, until he threw his hands in the air in mock surrender and said rather dramatically that it looks like he'll have to quit all his hobbies now.

Isabelle also likes Grayson, the most silent out of the four, barely speaking at all when they all gather together, just observing their interactions quietly and standing there with his arms folded and his face set. To most other people, he looks extremely unapproachable, but to Isabelle, who notices the changes in emotions in his eyes — his eyes twinkling when he finds their conversation amusing or growing dark when he notices something bad or dangerous happening around the room — she thinks he's really sweet, and often grins at him.

This, as it turns out, is pretty much the only thing that can cause a change in Grayson's expression, a tiny bit of colour entering into his cheeks every time Isabelle does so. It makes her chuckle quietly to herself each time, and smile in the knowledge that just because Grayson appears somewhat hostile, that doesn't mean he is in the slightest.

"Alright, everyone, quiet down and listen up!" Prickle's sharp voice shuts them all up, making all thirty-two of the Ministry workers turn around and face her as she enters into the room before them, three very official-looking wizards trailing behind her. Her guards of some sort?

Isabelle catches Charlie's eye from across the room, and he shrugs slightly at her, letting her know he has no idea what's going on or who these people are, either.

Charlie's talked to her all about his group, too, of course, and how he's starting to warm up to them all. He was grouped with the light blond-haired Planner, Logan, and the dark brown-haired, narrow-eyed Brain, Joseph. Charlie says he gets along with the two of them quite well, but he says he's closest with that red-headed, mean-looking Fighter, Ava.

Isabelle would be fine with this, she thinks, if only Ava wasn't blatantly flirting with Charlie. It's not a subtle thing anymore, like it was at the start, when she was just nice and polite to him. Ava's seemed to gather that Isabelle and Charlie are together, and now whenever Ava touches Charlie's arm or chest and laughs at his jokes and sidles up to him, she shoots a smug look over in Isabelle's direction, just to see the French girl's strained expression.

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