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She hears Charlie's roar, but only vaguely, only distantly compared to her own bloodcurdling scream of agony.

She feels the Vipertooth's venomous teeth sink deeper and deeper into her shoulder, but she doesn't move, doesn't try to fight it off. She can't. She has to keep protecting the children that are huddled beneath her. She has to keep putting all her energy and effort into the Shield Charm that surrounds the three children, that keeps the dragons from being able to harm them. She promised she would protect them, and that's what she's going to do, no matter the cost.

She's surprised the children actually agreed to coming along in the first place, if she's being honest. It was her calm and collected nature and Seb's brilliant convincing skills that allowed them to persuade two of the three children to join their cause, promising them that they wouldn't be harmed and that they'd play key roles in preventing any more children like themselves from being taken by the beast in the night.

Ava and Logan managed to gather up one child as well — the oldest at the orphanage they went to — and they all met back at their spot on the outskirts of Barcelona, where they informed the children of their plan and immediately got to work.

And the whole plan was going swimmingly — with the children standing with Ava and Isabelle acting as the perfect bait for all seven of the Vipertooths that came flying towards them at the precise time Seb and Joe said they would, letting all the boys implement their trap, chaining down one Vipertooth each, the eight Dragonologists feeling really elated and as though victory was right around the corner — until now. Until the last remaining Viptertooth decided that it wasn't going to just let itself be captured and chained down as well, and that it would much prefer to fight back against what is going on.

So now Isabelle's screaming in agony with fast-acting Vipertooth venom coursing throughout her veins, while each of the six boys are yelling and shouting and trying their hardest to get to her — which they can't do unless they want to let their own Vipertooth escape which they know they can't afford to do. The three children have also started to cry and wail in terror as they huddle together under the Shield Charm Isabelle's trying so hard to keep up but is already starting to flicker dangerously as Isabelle gets weaker and weaker.

Ava kind of just stares at the whole scene going on around her for a moment, in complete and utter horror. She's standing on the other side of Isabelle, watching as the five-metre-long copper-coloured dragon sinks its fangs into her only friend's shoulder. Isabelle's screams thunder around Ava's skull, and after a moment, she just can't bear it.

She seems to snap out of her momentary frozen moment, and lets out a roar of rage as she springs into action, chains shooting out of her wand tip and wrapping around the Vipertooth's wings, making it let out a howl of fury and release Isabelle from its jaws. The French girl's legs buckle and she collapses to the ground, her Shield Charm flickering out of existence as her wand clatters from her hand.

But Ava barely notices, wrestling the Vipertooth with everything she has, shooting more and more chains out of her wand and using her cloak to protect herself from the bursts of flame it shoots at her sporadically. She still hears the guys yelling, shouting at something, but she's only vaguely aware of it, concentrating more on binding her Vipertooth's jaws so that it can't shoot fire anymore, and forcing it into one of the large metal cages they brought for the dragons.

As soon as she gets it all locked up, she finally takes a deep breath in, turning around to see what's going on. All the guys are still yelling and screaming, trying their hardest to wrestle their dragons into their cages as fast as they can, so that they can get to Isabelle.


Holy shit.

Ava's stomach seems to drop, and she sprints over to the French girl who's lying on the ground, her eyes closed, not moving.

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