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"Professor McGonagall!" Isabelle calls out, leaving Charlie behind at the sight of the strict teacher, rushing after her.

Professor McGonagall stops and waits for the young girl to catch up, holding a bundle of books under her arms as per usual.

"Yes, Miss Leblanc?" the teacher asks, peering down at the golden haired girl through her spectacles.

"I woz just wondering eef you would be able to 'elp me," Isabelle begins, slightly out of breath. "You see, zere eez zis trip to Tibet een a few weeks zat zee Care of Magical Creatures class eez going on, but I need a parent or guardian to sign my form or else I will not be able to go."

Charlie watches from afar, listening in on the exchange, trying to eavesdrop to see what Professor McGonagall says about Isabelle's parents. Or if the Transfiguration teacher even knows what happened.

"Ah, yes, of course," Professor McGonagall says, nodding solemnly. "I'm afraid I don't have much of a say in that matter. I suggest you talk to Professor Dumbledore and see if the Headmaster has a solution."

Charlie's brows furrow slightly. So she does know about Isabelle's parents, then.

He watches as Isabelle's face falls slightly, and his brows knit tighter together.

"Ok, zank you, professor, I will do zat," the French girl says, walking back to Charlie.

Before she can reach him, however, a purple-haired girl appears in front of her, grinning from ear-to-ear, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"Wotcher, Issy," Tonks greets with a grin. "Listen, I've set everything up in the Great Hall for the prank of the year!" she whispers in Isabelle's ear, an arm wrapped around the French girl's shoulders.

"I need ya to get those Dungbombs I got ya for Christmas and we're gonna plant 'em in certain places to try and get everyone to run into the Great Hall to escape the stench, but little do they know there'll be a surprise waiting for them!"

Tonk's eyes are green and bright, sparkling with excitement and anticipation.

"I'll meet you back here in ten minutes!" Tonks says, before hurrying away, no doubt off to prepare something else.

Isabelle blinks, Charlie coming up to meet her, frowning.

"What was that about?" he asks.

"Tonks 'as a prank planned," Isabelle replies. "I need to get zee Dungbombs zat she gave me for Christmas and meet 'er back 'ere. Do you want to come?"

Charlie's brows knit further together, but he shrugs his shoulders all the same.

"Sure," he replies, following her up through the maze of corridors towards her chambers.

Isabelle's silent the whole way there, her mind no doubt focussed on the Care of Magical Creatures trip rather than the prank Tonks wants to pull.

Charlie watches her out of the corner of his eye, his mind speeding through hundreds of different scenarios. Different situations and events that could have happened in her life that involve her parents. Or that have made her so insightful. Or so quietly observant. Or why she came to Hogwarts in the first place. Why she likes dragons so much. Why she'd have nowhere to stay if she were to go back to France for the Christmas holidays. Why she used to drink so much Firewhiskey.

And why on earth he's so interested in knowing all these things.

"Zese are my chambers," Isabelle's soft voice snaps Charlie from his thoughts.

He looks up as Isabelle opens a plain wooden door, revealing a small circular room lit by a merrily flickering fire, with a singular armchair and small rounded table situated in front of the flames. There's a single bookshelf that wraps around the entire circular room, holding only a few books, most of the shelves left bare. Here and there, dotted along the walls, sticking out from between sections of the bookshelf, are lanterns that add light to the room.

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