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"Reckon this is good?" Charlie frowns, looking at himself in the mirror and running a hand through his long hair, trying to make it stay put.

Isabelle just smiles, grabbing both his hands in hers and standing in front of the mirror to block his view.

"You look very 'andsome," she says with a smile. "Now stop worrying about 'ow you look — this is not your wedding."

Charlie sighs and smiles slightly, kissing her forehead.

"Yeah, you're right. I dunno why I'm so nervous."

"Well, it is a big day. Is this the first wedding you 'ave been a part of?" Isabelle asks.

Charlie nods.

"There you go," she replies, straightening his tie and grinning up at him. "Relax. It will be fun."

She turns to glance at herself in the mirror, before heading back over to the other bridesmaids, leaving Charlie with the groomsmen. Isabelle's the maid of honour, which came as quite a surprise, but Maisie assured her that she wouldn't want it any other way. So of course Isabelle obliged, ecstatic that Maisie wanted her above all the new friends she's made through Duelling.

The theme of the wedding is very outdoorsy and sort of Autumny, with the groomsmen wearing dark browny red suits and ties, and the bridesmaids wearing red and cream-coloured flowers in their hair, pale reddy-brown dresses. Everyone actually looks really nice, and so do all the guests that have already taken their seats at the reception.

There's three other bridesmaids, all of whom are new friends that Maisie's made as a Dueller, and they're all extraordinarily lovely. Charlotte is the first one Maisie introduced her to, a beautiful girl with luscious brown curls that cascade down her back and look beautiful with all the flowers in it. She has a rather nasty scar on the side of her face that curls up and around her ear, but Isabelle just thinks that adds to her character, and she really is super nice.

The next one is Zoe, a girl with black hair that ends just past her shoulders, and with brilliant green eyes that shocked Isabelle a little at first. She's more of a sarcastic, fiery type, and it's no surprise that her and Maisie became fast friends. And finally, there's Stella, a gorgeous girl covered head to toe in freckles, with a head of pale blonde hair that looks like it's been bleached by many days spent in the sun.

All three of them are lovely and were so excited to meet Isabelle properly, having claimed to have seen her win the Duelling Tournament, and were all beyond impressed. Isabelle happily chatted to them while they were having their hair and makeup done about how she learnt to duel and was more than happy to give them some tips and tricks here and there, too, which they of course greatly appreciated.

Charlie, meanwhile, was getting to know the other groomsmen, two of which he fangirled over for a little while. Ollie, of course, is the best man, and Charlie and two of Noah's Quidditch-player friends are the other groomsmen. One of which is the Seeker for the Appleby Arrows, Gregory Cotton, who Charlie's a massive fan of, and couldn't even speak to for a good twenty minutes after they were introduced. The other is William Miller, one of the Arrows' Chasers, who Charlie was also starstruck to talk to.

Isabelle found the whole thing quite amusing, of course, and easily chatted away to both men, who are really kind and lovely, teasing Charlie as they did so. Isabelle's boyfriend eventually decided that enough was enough, and came and introduced himself to them, getting along with them really well and promptly talking to them both for several hours.

"Shit, shit, shit."

Isabelle smirks to herself: Noah's entered the room. He looks rather dashing, dressed in a light brown suit that matches the inside of the groomsmen's, and his hair's been styled nicely.

"What's the matter, bud?" Ollie asks, smirking as well.

"I'm meant to be out there already, aren't I?" he says, fussing around with his appearance in the mirror.

"Yes, you are!" Zoe cries. And then Isabelle's smirk only widens as the three bridesmaids push him towards the door, crying "Go, go, go!"

As soon as he's out the door and running towards the front of the reception, all the bridesmaids and groomsmen laugh — this wedding's off to a great start.

Isabelle first heard about the wedding a few months ago, almost immediately after she got back from her Horntail assignment, when Maisie sent her a letter, telling her all about it and asking her to be her maid of honour. Her and Noah had apparently been engaged for a couple of months before Isabelle had come back, but Maisie heard Isabelle was away in Austria and decided to wait to tell her.

The few months that Isabelle has been back has been spent both planning for Maisie and Noah's wedding, and keeping up their training for the Ministry, which has been going brilliantly for Isabelle, but terribly for Charlie. Isabelle's group seem to be working even better together now that they're back from their assignment, thinking similarly and able to complete their training faultlessly. Prickle has noticed their seamless group work, and has given them a curt nod of approval many a time.

Charlie's group, on the other hand, seem to be faring worse than ever before. It seems as soon as Isabelle got back, Ava tried to make her jealous or angry or something, seeming to have something against the French girl, as she went after Charlie more than ever before, flirting with him and trying to kiss him almost every training session. It made Isabelle furious, of course, but she found some comfort in Charlie's reaction to it all. It's clear he's infatuated with Isabelle and Isabelle alone, as every time Ava got close to him he'd snap at her and has even started to physically hold her away from him, glaring at her and telling her to fuck off.

The rest of Charlie's group have now taken Charlie's side, being immensely frustrated with Ava and practically yelling at her to just stop every day. If Isabelle's being honest, she doesn't understand why Ava keeps at it. How hard is it to stop? In fact, it's gotten to the stage that Isabelle's no longer annoyed at Ava for flirting with Charlie, but because of the fact she seems too prideful and bitchy to just stop.

Prickle has also noticed the fact that Charlie's group are working incredibly terribly with one another, and has had a few chats with the four of them, none of which have achieved anything. Logan and Joseph are now refusing to do anything unless Charlie and Ava get it together, and that doesn't look like it's going to happen anytime soon. It looks like Charlie was right when he said a few months ago that Isabelle will be the breadwinner of the two of them. But she doesn't really mind, she just wishes that whatever Ava's trying to do will just stop.

"Aww, you look lovely, Maisie!" Charlotte coos as Maisie enters the room, in a stunning white and cream gown with similar coloured flowers in her hair.

"Thanks," she smiles, then looks up at Isabelle and Ollie.

"I assume that is our cue to go, then?" Isabelle asks, smiling.

Maisie nods, and Ollie turns to Isabelle, offering his arm, the best man and maid of honour heading out first.

"My lady," Ollie grins, Isabelle returning it easily as she takes his arm.

Together, they push open the double doors and head out down the aisle towards the front of the reception. Everyone turns around to look at them, and Isabelle seems some familiar faces in the crowd — people she beat in the duel, and some old Gryffindors from Hogwarts, too.

When they get to the front, Ollie gives Isabelle a grin, before going to stand beside Noah, patting him on the back, while Isabelle goes to stand opposite Ollie. Next out are Charlie and Charlotte, the curly-haired girl standing next to Isabelle, while Charlie stands next to Ollie. The same thing happens with Zoe and Gregory, and then Stella and William. Finally, everyone turns to look down the aisle, as Maisie steps through the far doorway, making her way down towards the front slowly.

Even from where Isabelle's standing, she can hear Noah's sharp inhale, and see him visibly tense up. Isabelle's not surprised — Maisie looks beautiful. Granted, she always looks beautiful, but now she looks absolutely stunning. Maisie catches Isabelle's eye and smiles — the most beautiful smile Maisie's ever given before. She then glances at Noah, before smiling shyly and looking down at her feet, careful not to trip over.

Charlie, on the other hand, keeps looking towards Isabelle, hoping that one day he'll be as happy as Noah is right now, and that he can make Isabelle feel as beautiful and happy as Maisie is, as Maisie reaches out to hold her fiancé's hands.

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