Part 1. The New Adventure

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Elizabeth Aged 10
Anne Aged 8
Lieutenant Norrington Aged 18

The morning came, when we had to set off from England to take the long and interesting journey to Port Royal that resides in Jamaica. It was going to be the start of a brand new adventure for us all. Our father will become the Governor of the Island and me and my sister Elizabeth will be able to learn new things, whilst also going exploring. Maybe even make new friends or for Elizabeth's sake a love interest, as father says she is becoming a woman now and it's time for her to start thinking of marriage proposals, but who knows.

I love exploring and going on adventures. My sister however not so much, as she tries to act more like a lady than a boy, but she doesn't mind when I drag her along with me, as my father doesn't allow me to go anywhere on my own without my older sister or a member of staff, as he is a little protective over me and my sister but mainly me, since I nearly died at birth. I was born really early, I was really small and fragile like a little doll, as my father would say.

Sadly though my mother didn't make it in the birth. My father was completely devastated when she passed away, Elizabeth too as she was only 2 years old at the time. The staff would say that they would sit together by the fire and all that could be heard was the sound of their muffled sobs throughout the mansion and the roaring crackle of the fire.

I get a little jealous of my sister sometimes, as she has more fond memories of mother than I do, and all the stories that she tells me of everything that her and mother got up too makes me wish I got to do those things too.

My father always makes me feel better though, as he tells me everyday that I look the spitting image of my mother with the gorgeous red hair, green-blue eyes and pale freckled skin. Elizabeth on the other hand inherited my father's dark looks with tanned skin, freckles on her face dashed across her nose and cheeks, beautiful mousey brown hair and hazel eyes.

She also stands at a good height too for her age at 10 years old, as she stands at 5ft 2 inches and I stand at a measly 4ft 8 inches at just 8 years old. My mother's height was 5ft 4 inches and my father at 6ft exact. I suppose my height could have something to do with me being born small, but like the maid once told me, good things come in small packages, so I guess it's not all bad.

I awoke to our father knocking softly on our door, me and Elizabeth share a room since we both don't like thunderstorms or the dark. Our father told us it would be best if we both slept in the same room, to keep each other company and to comfort each other if we ever got scared. "Elizabeth, Anne, are you up?" Our father called quietly from the other side of the door.

I got up out of bed, the candelabra on my bedside table, only giving me enough light, just to see my hand in front of my face, the dusk sunrise peeking through the balcony windows and sheer curtains, the orange haze of the sun created a fire like effect, on the duck egg blue walls and cream coloured furniture within our room.

It was so beautiful and bright, I had to take a second look around the room to make sure that it wasn't actually on fire. I tiptoed across the creaky floorboards to the door trying my best not to trip over anything, as Elizabeth was still asleep and I didn't want to wake her as she and I can get a little cranky in the mornings, I got to the door quietly and I opened it looking up to see my father towering over me since he was so tall. "Good Morning Father" I whispered so quiet I don't even think a mouse would hear it.

"Good Morning Anne, are you and your sister up?" My father questioned, "Well I am, unless I'm sleepwalking" I giggled softley. My father returned the giggle with a low chuckle "You always are the cheeky one out of the two of you aren't you Anne?" "Well who else will put a smile on your's and Elizabeth's face everyday" I beamed.
My father smiled and chuckled again, booping my nose and bending down to my level to talk to me face to face "Let's get your sister up then shall we? We only have 2 hours before the ship leaves for Port Royal and you know how Lieutenant Norrington hates tardiness".
"Okay" I said.

Father came further into the room whilst I skipped over to were my sister was sleeping, I was just going to jump on her bed to wake her, when my father gave me the look of don't you dare. I huffed and then I said to my father "I know let's shake her awake like she is on a ship" "Okay but not to harshly" my father said in a stern but fun sort of tone.

I got one side of her bed sheet and my father got the other and we gently shook Elizabeth awake quietly singing "Shuggy Boat, Shuggy Boat, Like a little nanny goat, A one, a two, and a three".

We placed her back down on the bed, she must be awake by now as she had a little smirk on her face, whilst slowing opening her eyes, she looked at me then at father and said "You two are crazier than someone who has cabin fever".

We all laughed and I took hold of Elizabeth's hand and helped her out of bed. Father then spoke up and said "Come along girls we only have 2 hours to get everything packed up and onto the ship, I want to see you both washed and dressed and ready to board the ship by the time I meet you both at the carriages". "Yes father!" Me and Elizabeth both said. Father then proceeded to walk over and open the door and then tell our maids to come in and help us get washed and dressed.

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