Part 5. Meeting Will Turner

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We continued to stare out into the open water, "I wonder if we shall see any Mermaids!". I said excitedly. "Yes! I wonder if they are as beautiful as they are written in the story books I have read". Elizabeth said whilst looking at me. We both giggled with excitement and turned our attention back to the water, scanning it to see if we could see any of the beautiful creatures, in the depths below.

Suddenly Elizabeth got her eyes fixed onto something and she started to walk the length of the port side of the ship, in a trance like state again, "Elizabeth whatever is the matter?". I asked her worryingly, whilst following behind her, I scanned the water to see if I could see, what she was fixed upon and then I saw what looked like a beautiful white open parasol, dancing and twirling on the ocean waves, like a beautiful ballerina. I guessed that's what she must have had her eyes on also as she was following it's every move through the water. Elizabeth stopped in her tracks and leaned closer towards the ocean to get a better look. "Be careful Elizabeth, you don't want to fall in!". I said to her whilst holding her elbow to prevent her from falling in.

Elizabeth then turned her attention back towards the direction of where the parasol had come from, I did the same then all of a sudden through the mist, lying on a piece of driftwood we both saw a boy lying on it, he looked like he could be unconscious as he was lying very still, letting the waves leaping over him.

Elizabeth then spun around quickly, pointing in the direction of where the boy was, before shouting to father, Norrington and Mr Gibbs, who all but Norrington had their backs to us."Look a boy, there's a boy in the water!". "He looks like he could be hurt or unconscious!" I added. They all sharply turned to look at us, Norrington making no hesitation to jump up on the side of the ship clinging to the port side the others following including our father to follow in suit.

"MAN OVERBOARD!" Norrington shouted, he climbed down from the side and started to shout orders at his crew, "Man the ropes!, Fetch a hook, Haul him aboard!". As Norrington was barking his orders, his men where running about the ship like headless chickens fetching the items that their Lieutenant wanted. Me and Elizabeth watched with awe as they managed to pull the boy aboard to safety. Everyone crowded round him, Norrington bent down to check the boy "He's still breathing", He said. Meanwhile Mr Gibbs took it upon himself to look back out to sea hanging over the port side holding onto the rigging.

"Mary, Mother of God!" Mr Gibbs stated. Elizabeth and I turned to look at him, then out to sea too what he was presumably looking at. By then everyone rushed to the side of the ship talking amongst themselves in horror, as the sight of what we saw was truly terrifying, the whole town, dock and ships had been set on fire, there was nothing left but the roaring flames and billowing smoke filling the air, almost making it hard for us all to breath, I put my handkerchief over my nose and mouth to prevent me from breathing in the smoke, as my lungs were still very weak from being born small and I knew father would hate it if I got ill.

"What happened here?", father said in shock. Mr Gibbs climbed down from the side before Norrington said whilst still looking at the terrible scene in front of them, "Most likely the powder magazine. Merchant vessels run heavily armed". Just when he said that one of the sails from the burnt ship snapped and started to fall down into the water, "Lot of good it did them, everyone's thinking it, I'm saying it". Mr Gibbs said turning to Norrington. "Pirates!" He stated again whilst turning back to look out at the scene again.

Father laughed as if he thought Mr Gibbs was talking a load of nonsense, "There's no proof of that!". "It was probably an accident". Father said to Mr Gibbs whilst nodding his head towards the scene. Meanwhile me and Elizabeth decided to take a look at the boy, lying on the deck both of us standing over him. Norrington piped up again "Rouse the captain immediately, Heave to and take in sail, launch the boats". He said whilst walking away from the side of the boat giving the orders to his crew.

All the crew were frantically running around doing as they were told, barking orders at each other, pulling on the rigging and ropes, one member of the crew picked up the boy and took him to a different spot on the ship. "Elizabeth, Anne, I want you to accompany the boy. Father bent down to our side and told us. He then turned to us to look us both in the face "He'll be in both your charge, take care of him".

We both nodded to our father and headed to where the boy was lying on the deck, I could feel our father's burning eyes into the back of our heads watching us walk over to him. Meanwhile Norrington and some of his crew went out onto the long boat to inspect the scene and maybe even search for survivors.

Back on the ship, me and Elizabeth went over to look at the boy, he was lying on his back very still as though, he was in a deep sleep. Elizabeth bent down to move his hair out of his face, to which the boy woke up startled with a loud gasp and grabbed her arm, it made me jump out of my skin, I grabbed hold of her other arm incase he did her harm. Elizabeth jumped back in shock, before letting out a breath to say, "It's okay my name's Elizabeth Swann, this is my sister Anne", she turned in my direction. The boy was still gasping trying to catch his breath, "W-W-Will Turner" He stuttered breathlessly. "We're watching over you will" Elizabeth smiled to him. Before long he collapsed back on to the deck letting out one final breath before closing his eyes with exhaustion.

Elizabeth continued to stare at him, before turning her attention to the item that was around his neck, picking it out of his shirt and holding it up in the palm of her hand to meet her gaze, her eyes went wide I was afraid they may pop out of her head. "You're a pirate!". She exclaimed, "He's a what?!" I whispered to her before looking back down to him in shock.

We were both so transfixed onto the boy and what we had discovered about him, we didn't realise Norrington was stood behind us, "Has he said anything?" He asked us. We both turned around in shock, Elizabeth hid the necklace behind her back so he wouldn't see it. "His name's William Turner, That's all we found out". Norrington turned to his crew "Take him below".

Me and Elizabeth by this time where at the stern, looking out to the water again, both of us still in shock with what we had discovered, we both kept looking at each other with a sideways glance, Elizabeth had the obscure looking necklace still in her hand, we both turned around to make sure no one was looking at us, before Elizabeth uncovered the necklace in her hand and held it up for us both to see, I found it rather strange looking it, it looked nothing like any piece of jewelry I had seen the ladies in London wearing. It was gold in colour and had a skull in the middle of it with a funny pattern around it.

Whilst we were both still looking at the necklace, we both spotted something moving on the water in the distance, the fog finally cleared enough for us both to see what it was, and before we knew it there was a pirate ship sailing away in front of us, black in colour with torn sails that had a tonne of holes in it, Elizabeth squinted her eyes to get a better look before they shot open wide in horror, she pointed to the pirate flag that was on the ship which had a white skull and crossbones on it. We both screwed our eyes shut tight to try to take away the image of what we had just scene, I closed my eyes and hoped that it was just an illusion or better yet a dream.

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