40. Burning Rum

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Morning came, as I slowly opened my eyes to the hot sun beaming down upon me, as it slowly burnt my skin, making it so uncomfortable and sore, I couldn't even touch it, the light cool breeze from the ocean waves, provided a cool atmosphere around the island, which helped to sooth my skin from time to time. Elizabeth was really lucky to have beautiful skin that turned a golden brown with the slightest bit of sun, and then you have myself whom turns into a red sweaty tomato within seconds, I thought to myself.

My vision blurry and my head was spinning and thumping, my open wounds could also have something to do with that though, as I have not gotten them checked over yet and they are still continously bleeding heavily, through the bandage. I am never touching rum again, I thought to myself. I lay still for a few moments, trying to compose myself and my thoughts, as the boughts of sickness washed through me. I looked over to Thomas whom was layed next to me, to see him still fast asleep and snoring, hugging a rum bottle between his arms.

I tried to move my head to the opposite side, to see if I could see if Elizabeth was still sleeping beside me, but everytime I moved my head, the dizziness increased and my stomach churned, so I thought it be best if I kept still until it was over. I lay on my back, my hands placed locked together upon my abdomen, looking up at the crystal blue sky above me, watching the white fluffy clouds float by in the breeze, whilst listening to the waves roll back and forth upon the sand. I took a deep breath in and let it out with a large sigh, taking in the beautiful sight that mother nature, kindly provides for us. I was suddenly brought out of my thoughts, when I got a sudden smell of smoke and a thick black cloud blocked my vision of the beautiful sky.

I slowly turned my body over, like a lazy seal resting upon the sand, so I was now resting upon my abdomen, using my right arm as a chin rest, as I looked to see where the smoke was coming from. Whilst doing this, I realised that Elizabeth was no longer layed beside me, but she was the one whom had in fact started the fire and she was throwing bottles of rum into it, causing it to explode, making her duck down for cover. I looked over slightly as I still lay upon the sand, and I saw Jack whom was still fast asleep in a starfish position and muttering within his sleep. The fire had now become out of control and it had set the palm trees a light, this meant that if we were to become stuck on this island any longer, there certainly would be no shade for us to keep out of the harsh Caribbean sun. Oh how I wish I had a parasol or hat at hand, I thought to myself.

Goodness knows why Elizabeth was doing this for, however I have read a lot on being marooned on island's, so I think I am in the right mind of guessing, as to she maybe creating a signal for passing ships, to let them know we are here, or she could just have a real hatred towards rum. I thought to myself. I was brought out of my thoughts again, when Thomas stirred beside me and was groaning in pain, holding his hands over his eyes, trying to take away the pain. I looked over at him, as I still lay upon my stomach and he was on his back. He placed his left arm over his face, to block out the sun, "Morning". I said to him cheerfully in a whispered tone. Thomas then removed his arm slowly from his face, as he glanced over at me with one eye open. "Morning". He mumbled as his arm was over his mouth.

I giggled at him, as he looked as though he had been in a fight and lost, he was so pale and his clothes were a little tattered. He giggled back in response. "I thought I told you to never let me drink again". He whined, as he rubbed his eyes with his hands and yawned quite loudly, before crossing his arms over his chest and turning his head to look at me. I couldn't help but laugh at his whinge of protest. He laughed with me, as he gazed up to the clear blue sky. I joined him and together we lay in silence for a few moments, before Thomas started groaning again clutching his stomach scrunching his eyes shut tight, rocking slightly from side to side. Suddenly he stopped groaning and rocking, as he opened his eyes wide. "Do you smell burning?". He asked me, shooting his head over in my direction.

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