47. Mummy & Daddy's Little Girl Again And Skeletons

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*Knock* *Knock* *Knock* *Knock*. The sound of father braying his knuckles on the window pain, on the otherside of the door, echoed around the room. As myself and Elizabeth both stared at it, awaiting for father too enter. Instead he just stood outside, with Norrington's guards listening and waiting for someone to reply. "Elizabeth!". Father shouted out. "I just want you to know I er, I believe you made a very good decision today". Father continued to praise his precious eldest daughter. All I could think of was, how I would like to take that linen what she was tying together and do some damage to her, for what she has done to me and my heart, but I knew deep down that I was not a murderer, nor did I intend to become one willingly, unless I had too. So to stop me from doing such a thing, I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath, through my nose and out through my mouth. Father then began to carry on praising her, not realising any of the damage his words were doing too me. Oh if only you both knew what you have put me through, I thought to myself.

"Couldn't be more proud of you, but you know, even a good decision, if made for the wrong reasons, can be a wrong decision". Father continued. Oh my goodness for once my father was actually taking the words out of my mouth, without me needing to say a word. Does he know that deep down, she truly does not love James and that she actually loves Will instead, dare I ask father what he thinks... No I think I shall leave it for the moment. I thought to myself. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Elizabeth had finished tying the knots in the linen and she made her way over to the window and opened it, to through the linen out of it and let it hang out of the window, as she tied the other end to the chair. "Wha-a-at are you doing?". I asked her quietly, whilst I rose from the chair and secretly wiped away the tears, that were falling upon my cheeks."I'm going to save Will, I know that Jack is only out for himself and that Norrington will probably be dead, if he is to handle this situation on his own". There was a short silence between us. "Come with me". She whispered. I looked up from the floor, from which I was gazing at, as I still could not look at her properly. "What, are you mad!, I can't, if father finds us both missing, it will break his heart and I'm not prepared to do that too him again, not after everything I have put him through already!". I replied.

"Fine suit yourself!". She scoffed, as she began to make her way down the linen and into the long boat. I followed her motion and I dangled out of the window. Deep down I was still angry at her, for what she had done, but the other part of me still truly loved her, as she was my sister, the one person who looked after me along with father for all these years. She has been like a mother figure I never had, I couldn't see her get hurt or killed. "Elizabeth!, are you mad!, you could be killed!". I shouted down quietly, so that no one could hear me. "Don't you worry about me, I will be fine, get back inside were it is safe!". She told me, as she began to row off into the distance. "Elizabeth!". I quietly screamed after her, I began to lift myself up, so I was standing fully within the window, until Thomas came up behind me and grabbed me from behind, to stop me from jumping in the ocean to join her.

We both landed with a thud on the floor, which was quite loud. "Elizabeth, are you there?". Father shouted from outside. Myself and Thomas quickly looked at each other, before we both scrambled to our feet. I ran to hide behind the desk, so that I wouldn't be caught. Whilst Thomas ran to the door, to stop father from entering. "Elizabeth, are you even listening too me?". Father asked aloud again. He was just about to enter the room, when Thomas ran in front of him and closed the door quickly behind him. I sighed heavily with relief. I heard father talking to Thomas, on the otherside of the door. "Thomas my boy what on earth are you doing in there alone with my daughter?". Father asked him quite angrily, yet worried. "So-o-o-r-ry Sir I didn't do anything I swear, you see Anne is in there, as she insited she wanted too see Elizabeth and I didn't want her to hurt herself by going alone so...". Father cut Thomas off. "SHE'S WHAT, ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND BOY SHE SHOULD BE IN HER CABIN SAFE AND RESTING!". Father bellowed. Oh Thomas what did you tell him that for, I thought to myself.

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