24. Stealing a Ship, Disobeying Rules and Saying Goodbye

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We walked over to a long boat that was upside down on the sand, we all crouched underneath it and waited for Norrington's men to pass, before we headed straight for the water. Time passed and we were all walking along the bottom of the sea bed, the water high above us, luckily the long boat was preventing any water, from getting in, otherwise we would all drown.

All of us stayed silent, till Will broke it. "This is either madness or brilliance". Will said to Jack. "It's remarkable how often those two traits coincide". Jack told Will. "I quiet agree". I said "yes me too, if I knew you could have done this and survived it I would have done it ages ago". Thomas said. Before long, I heard a loud crunching noise, I looked down to see that Will had got his foot stuck in a lobster trap, I looked at him and sniggered putting my hand over my mouth, Will looked at me a little bemused and continued to try and shake off the trap.

We all climbed aboard the Dauntless first, so that we could trap Norrington's men onto this ship and swing over onto the Interceptor and make our getaway, into the open ocean. Jack went down the steps first, followed by Will then myself and then Thomas. "Everyone stay calm! We are taking over the ship". Jack shouted towards Norrington's men. Will jumped over the side of the staircase and pulled out his sword "Aye! Avast!". Will shouted. This made Norrington's men burst out laughing. I face palmed myself slapping my hand up towards my forehead, oh Will pirates don't say that, they only say that in story books to make them sound more terrifying, I thought to myself.

Jack turned to look at Will in shock, at what he had just done, Will continued to point his sword towards Norrington's men, before he returned a shocked look back towards Jack, as though to say what was wrong with that. "This ship cannot be crewed by two men". Gillette told them both, whilst trying to hold back his laughter. "You'll never make it out of the bay". He continued. "Son, I'm Captain Jack Sparrow, savvy?". Jack said to Gillette, whilst pointing his pistol at Gillette's face.

I ran up towards Jack and put my hand upon his pistol and pushed it down towards the ground. "Jack, don't do it!". I told him, whilst looking at him then back to Gillette. "We don't want any blood spilled before we even make it out of Port Royal now do we?". I asked him. He didn't say anything, other than put his gun down and looked to the ground, before he spoke again. "Besides there's not two of us mate, there's four, this dear lady here and that gangly one over there belongs to us as well". Jack said whilst pointing over towards Thomas, who was standing over at the starboard side, with his arm hanging over the side and looking out towards the Interceptor, to keep watch for anyone who may be looking at us.

Gillette didn't pay attention to Jack's comment, instead he turned his attention to me. "Miss Swann, I thought it was you, do you know that you have the entire royal navy out looking for you, on behalf of your fathers orders, and yet here you are galivanting with pirate's and trying to steal a ship". I just looked at him and didn't say anything, he smirked before speaking again. "I wonder what your dear friend Commodore Norrington would have to say about this, when I tell him, after all he is high up in the navy establishment and you wouldn't want him to put your neck through the noose, along with your comrades here now would you?". He asked me, once again I never spoke, except I just kept glaring at him, my eyes never blinking and never leaving his frame.

We some how managed to lure Gillette and the rest of the men of the ship and into a long boat. We were just about to make preparations to go onto the Interceptor, when Gillette started shouting for the Commodore, oh now we are in for it, I thought to myself. "SIR THEY'RE TAKING THE DAUNTLESS!". Gillette was shouting towards Norrington. I looked over towards Gillette, then towards the docks where I saw Norrington standing with Groves, with his telescope and pointing it towards the direction of Gillette. "COMMODORE! THEY'RE TAKING THE SHIP!". Gillette shouted once more. Norrington then started to point his telescope to the direction, of Jack and Will trying to pull the sails free from the ropes. "SPARROW AND TURNER! THEY'RE TAKING THE DAUNTLESS!". Gillette shouted again.

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