Part 3. Arriving At The Docks

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I got to the bottom of the stairs and ran up to my father and sister. "There you are Anne! me and your sister started to think you didn't want to join us on this journey, what took you so long?". My father said in a very stern voice. "Sorry father, I was busy getting ready but the cold from the morning air kept making me get a chill, so I took my time to keep warm for longer and I couldn't decide on what dress to wear". Father sighed, pursing his lips together before saying. "It's quite alright Anne, your with us now". "Yes my legs were starting to get tired from standing so much I thought they might drop off" Elizabeth giggled. I laughed and nudged her in the side with my elbow. "Right come along girls, let's make our way down to the docks and get ready for this new adventure shall we".

We walked out of the door, like how ducks follow their mother. My father in front, Elizabeth in the middle and I at the back, followed by all the servants and maids. We got into the carriage that was being pulled by four magnificent white horses, I took a seat next to one of the windows as I was really excited too see my surroundings, as we travelled to the docks. My father and sister sat opposite me, Elizabeth in front of me and father on her left side.

The inside of the carriage had gorgeous floral patterns throughout it, in a lovely cream colour and a radiant duck egg blue for the background, the seats where a shiny cream colour, it was truly beautifully. The outside of the carriage was black with gold trim and big golden wheels it was so shiny you could see your reflection in it.

One of the coachmen came to the window of the carriage and asked father if we were ready to go, to which he replied yes then before I knew it I was being slumped back into my seat, as if I had a piece of rope wrapped around my waist and someone was on the other end, pulling me back towards the back of the seat, Elizabeth fell forward she had to stop herself from falling on the ground by grabbing hold of my knee, we all chuckled at what had just occurred. "Bye House, I shall Miss you!" I shouted, hanging out of the carriage window frantically waving my hand so fast, I thought it would have fallen off.

"Anne come back inside this carriage at once!". "But father I just wanted to say goodbye!" I winged, turning my head back to look inside the carriage window from the outside, half of my body was sticking out of the window, and only my legs and feet inside the carriage. "Very Well, Elizabeth grab hold of her dress, we don't want her falling out and getting trampled by the horses!"."Father you worry too much sometimes" Elizabeth said whilst grabbing hold of my dress. "Yes well I have reason's to worry, as you two are the only people who I have left in my life and I couldn't bare it, if I lost one of you through your silly notions, Like hanging out of carriage windows!". I laughed my father can be so dramatic at times, it does become some what comical.

I continued to look outside of the carriage window throughout our journey to the docks, letting the wind blow on my face and flow through my hair, watching the world fly by me so fast, that would I have blinked I would have missed it all. We finally made it to our destination, I got back inside the carriage my hair was all over the place, like I had been dragged through a hedge backwards. Elizabeth and my father both laughing at me, "What?" I questioned with a worried yet inquisitive look upon my face. "Your hair". Elizabeth said between bouts of laughter. She took her hands and started to smooth it down and brush it out with her fingers, "Thank You" I said smiling at her. "Come along girls, Lieutenant Norrington is waiting on the ship" Father said.

Father stepped out of the carriage first, shutting the door behind him, the footman opened the door allowing me and Elizabeth to exit the carriage, Elizabeth went first followed by myself, I was so intrigued by my surroundings, my eyes wide and mouth open like a cod fish, from seeing the size of the ship, the people who were selling fish on their market stalls, the gypsy women dancing along with their fiddle, that I forgot my footing and I fell from the carriage step, missing it "Ahh!" I screamed and landing with a thump on the gravel covered ground.

"Anne! are you alright?" Father shouted with panic in his voice, running back towards me in my direction, stopping just fast enough before he fell over me. "Yes I'm alright, I wasn't watching where i was going, I was so taken back by the breath taking sights of everything, that I forgot the step was there and I missed it". Father sighed helping me up, holding my right arm checking over my whole body to make sure there was no cuts. "Honestly, your attention span is going to get you into trouble one of these days Anne!". "Sorry Father" I laughed, whilst once again brushing down my dress like before.

Elizabeth came walking back towards me and father. "What ever has happened?", she said. "Your sister here took a tumble, father said gesturing is hand towards me."Her head was somewhere else it seems, that she missed the step on the carriage and fell". Father looked down at me with a sideways glance before turning his attention back to my sister.

"Oh Honestly Anne, you have become real accident prone lately, we shall need to have you wrapped up in string to stop you from hurting yourself even further!". "String?" I laughed, Elizabeth hip bumped me laughing also, although her hip reached my ribs I suppose you could have called it a rib-hip bump. "Come on, let's get on this ship before father tells us off again!" She grabbed my hand and started running with me along the promenade towards the direction of the ship, up onto the ramp and finally onto the ship, our father following not so far behind us, shouting our names in a stern voice as it wasn't very lady like for us, to be running everywhere especially out in public, a lady must walk with poise and grace so father says.

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