52. Telling Her The Truth.

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Dawn came, I had already been awake now just a little bit before sunrise, but I was still lying in bed thinking about different things. Elizabeth was still asleep in her bed, she must have come to bed a little later on, after father had calmed her down. I lifted myself up on my pillows and stretched my arms up to the ceiling. I glanced over to the chair, within the corner of the room and noticed that father was asleep in it, his head slumped over the right side, with his arm propped up on the arm rest, his knuckles supporting his head. He must have came in here to keep an eye on me, once James had gone home, incase I had a nightmare again.

He truly does care for his girls and I know he wouldn't want any harm or misfortune to come to either one of us, he would put himself in danger first, so I know now to never listen to my dreams, but a little voice in the back of my head was asking me but what could they mean and why are they occurring so much. I got up out of bed quietly, so I was not to wake the others within the room. I quietly pushed open the curtains and opened the balcony doors, taking a deep breath in and exhaling slowly, as the sea breeze hit me gently in the face, the sun was just coming up over the horizon and it shon brightly, the bright orange rays stining my eyes, as it finally rose up in the sky.

I continued to stare out towards the town and the docks, until I suddenly heard a tiny little knock at the door. I walked around past father sleeping in the chair, placing a kiss to the top of his head, as I went past making him stir slightly. I gently opened the door to peer on the otherside to see non other than Mary and Helen, standing there with their hands clasped in front of them. "Good Morning Miss, we came to see if you and your sister were both awake". Helen whispered. "Good Morning ladies, my sister is still sleeping, but as you can see I am throughly awake and you may also want to know that father is still sleeping too". "Oh no the wonder Sedrick could not rouse him this morning, banging on the door for ages he was, your father must have came to check on you, whilst you were sleeping Miss and fell asleep himself". Mary told me. "Well that's good old dad for you, he can fall asleep at the drop of the hat sometimes". I chuckled.

There was a slight pause. "Oh please do come in". I told them both. I opened the door further for them, so they could enter in the room. "Oh wonderful Miss you have managed to open the curtains". Helen whispered to me. "Hmm oh yes, it was a tad hard at first, I had to pull it over the pole and it got stuck a little bit, but yes I managed". I whispered back, as I walked over to my bed and began to make it. Helen walked over to me and pulled the duvet from my hands slightly, "Oh no Miss let me, you go sit over there and Mary shall fetch your bowl and jug, so you can wash your face". She smiled sweetly at me. "Very well as long as your sure". I said. "Yes Miss very sure, please go and sit down". She replied.

I sat down at the vanity mirror and began to look at my tired eyes, why oh why must we have to get up so early, I thought to myself. I turned my attention towards my bandage and I noticed there was a slight bit of blood upon it, I panicked slightly and began to pull at it, to try and remove it so I could take a closer look. Helen briskly walked over to me and gently pulled my hands away, I turned to look at her with panic in my eyes, as my breathing began to become heavy and my chest felt like it twas going to be crushed. "Shhh tis alright Miss, let me have a look, the wound may just be healing a little bit and that's it's way of doing so". She said softly, as she began to gently take the bandage from my head.

When it was finally free from my head, I stared at my appearance in shock, not only were my eyes black with bags under them, but my hair was all over the place like a crow's nest. Helen stood on her tiptoes to peer closer at my wound. "There now, tis nothing to worry about Miss, tis only oozing a little bit". She told me, as she took a clean handkerchief and dabbed gently at the open part of the wound to clean it. When she was done, she helped me to brush my hair, as gently as she could and put it up for me, before she replaced the old bandage with a new one. After that was done, Mary quietly walked back into the room with a bowl and jug in her hands that was filled with hot water, the steam was billowing out of it, as she walked with a steady pace into the room.

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