Part 12. At the Black Smith's Shop

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Whilst everyone was watching Gilette and Norrington's men run after Jack, I snuck off away from the group when they weren't looking, to go to the Black Smith's shop, to tell my friend Thomas Turner all about what had just occurred. Thomas is my best friend, we are both the same age, we met in Port Royal when I came here 8 years ago, he was a Black Smith's apprentice working alongside Mr Brown, who took him in off the streets, as he was an orphan and needed to make his keep some how, to eat and live.

Although he has the same surname as Will, I don't think he is any relation to him, however we will never know, since Thomas has never known his parents as they both died or abandoned him, when he was born so he has told me. He was brought up with an elderly women, before she sadly died and he ended up on the streets.

He would polish the swords, for at least 8hrs a day and he would come and see me, on his luncheon break and we would take a walk down to the docks and stare out into the ocean, talking about anything and everything. He then worked his way up, to become a fully qualified black smith and had the opportunity to train Will Turner, when he came to the island also.

I made my way into the shop, to see that Thomas was attending to the donkey, that they used in the shop to help turn the heavy holder, where the swords and tools were stored and Mr Brown as always was passed out, lying on some barrels and snoring whilst holding a whiskey bottle in his hands. I had no idea where Will had got too.

Thomas had his back to me and he mustn't have heard the door open, so I crept across to where Thomas was standing and I covered his eyes with my hands. "Guess Who?". I said to him. "Hmmm let me guess, it wouldn't happen to be a small red head now would it?". He turned around and laughed when he realised it was actually me. We both hugged."Anne, what a surprise to see you here, does your father know your in a place like this alone with two men?" He nodded over in the direction of Mr Brown.

"Actually no one knows I'm here, I snuck away from them all, when they were all paying attention to catching that dreadful pirate, that has turned up here in our town. "Oh yes, I heard talk from the town, that he had threatened you and your sister, I hope that you are alright?". Thomas asked me, "Oh so you know already, about what has occurred? and yes I am perfectly fine, not a scratch on me". I told him. "Oh yes, how could I not, everyone in the town was filled with gossip about the current events, and of course I was inquiring". Thomas told me, he loves gossip as does Thomas.

"Well I should make haste, Father will probably have a whole search party out there looking for me". I said to him. Just before I reached the door to take my leave, someone had burst through it, I ran out the way before they knocked me over. We both hid out of the way, from the intruder who had just burst through the door.

I was hiding behind a barrel, crouching down and trying not to make a sound. I happened to peak from behind the barrel, to see the figure walking about the shop, i noticed who it was immediately, as i heard the tinkling of his trinkets on his bandana, as he was walking around. It was Jack Sparrow. I wanted to jump up and confront him for his actions that he opposed upon me and my sister.

I was just about to jump up from behind the barrel, standing in a crouched position ready to spring to my feet. When I caught Thomas's eye, he was hiding behind the sword holder machine, he put his finger to his lips in a shush motion and started to wave his hand down to the ground, in a motion which I understood that meant stay down and don't move. I did as I was told and continued to watch Jack Sparrow from behind the barrel.

He had taken of his hat and placed it onto the bench and then picked up a hammer. At that moment the bottle of half drunken whiskey, that Mr Brown was holding slipped from Mr Brown's hand and fell to the floor, causing Jack to turn around sharply. He started to walk over to where Mr brown was lying, creeping over to him before tapping him on his chest, to see if he would wake up and move. But it was impossible to wake him, believe me I have tried. Mr Brown stirred slightly by Jack's action but returned back to his deep sleep.

Jack mustn't have taken that was the all clear so he turned back around. "Woah!". He shouted at him, but to no attempt into waking him up again. I had to put my hand over my mouth, to stop myself from laughing as for all he is a ruthless, killing, threatening pirate, he is actually quite humourous. Jack checked him one more time, before he walked over to the bench and started to hammer at his irons that were still around his wrists, before he got frustrated and tried to break them in half by trying to pull them a part.

That mustn't have worked, as he then walked over to the coal fire and took out the red hot poker. He then proceeded to poke the donkey on it's behind with it. I was not thrilled at all by his actions, how dare he hurt a defenseless animal who had done him no harm. The donkey then screeched in pain and started to walk around in a circle, causing the machine to start going in motion.

Jack then flung his irons up into the mechanism, of the machine and started to walk along with it, before one of the clogs on the machine broke his irons in half. Just as he was free from his irons, the door to the shop had opened and he snuck out of sight, before the person saw him. That person was Will. Will was oblivious as to what was occurring, when he turned around to see that the donkey was working, so he walked over to sooth him and got him to stop moving.

Me and Thomas didn't come out of hiding as we didn't want the Pirate to see that he had more company than he bargained for. Will proceed to walk over to his work station and take off his coat. Turning his attention to Mr Brown and smirking at him. "Right where I left you". He said. He then turned around to see that, one of his tools had been moved from where he had left it last, he flung his coat to the other side of the room.

"Not where I left you". He said to the hammer on the bench. Will then looked over to the other side of the bench and noticed Jack's hat upon it. He went to reach out to grab it, when a sword had hit his hand causing him to turn sharply, at the person who had done that. Jack was standing there pointing his sword at him causing Will to back away slowly from him, I was going to definitely jump out at this point but I was stopped by Thomas telling me to stay put once again.

"You're the one they're hunting, the Pirate". Will said to Jack. "You seem somewhat familiar, have I threatened you before?". Jack asked Will. I was curious to know what Jack had meant by that statement. "I make a point of avoiding familiarity with pirates". Will said to Jack in a disgust tone.

"Ah, then it would be a shame to put a black mark on your record, so if you'll excuse me". Jack told Will. Before Jack had the chance to escape once again, Will grabbed one of the swords from the holder and pointed it at Jack. Thomas flinched and was going to stop Will, before he did something stupid, but he stopped himself and remained hidden behind the machine.

Jack turned around to face Will dead on. "Do you think that's wise boy? Crossing blades with a pirate". Jack asked Will, whilst walking towards him. Will pointed his sword even further at Jack, "You threatened both the Miss Swann's". He said whilst glaring at Jack. Jack took his sword against Will's and started to rub his up and down on Will's a few times. "Only a little". Jack said.

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