48. Wig Wrestling, Fighting, Kissing, Getting A New Job

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The smashing of the glass continued, I loosened father's grip upon me and I inched closer to the door, "Be careful Anne", Father whispered to me. "Yeah what he said". Thomas interjected. I leant over the desk to take a closer look at who it was, only to discover that the hands, were boney like and there was rotting flesh hanging from them. Suddenly one of the skeleton like people spotted me, as one of them peered down through the cracked window pain and looked directly at me. They then continued to try and smash their way through the window's to try and get within the room. I bent down to hide underneath the desk, that was infront of the door, Thomas ran down the side of the desk between the desk and the wall and hid there.

Then there was father, who was just standing breathing heavily and staring at the hands, coming through the glass. "Father!". I whispered to him, but he took no notice and continued to stare out, at the boney looking creatures. "Father". I whispered again. This time, I got his attention and he glanced right down at me. "Get down!". I told him, as I motion my hands in a downward motion, towards the ground. Father then crouched down low and crawled on his hands and knees, over next to Thomas. He slumped up against the wall and sat panting with fear, "What do you suppose they want?". Thomas asked. "I have no idea, but I suspect they have something to do with Barbossa, as I recognised the one who spotted me, even in his boney form". I told him.

"Who on earth is that?". Father asked. "Later, I will explain later Father, right now we need to keep low and stay quiet". I told him. "No you will tell me who this Bar fellow is right now, your sister is out there, on her own with no protection and I suspect she is with him am I not correct?". Father asked me. "She's not on her own Father, Norrington is out there, with Jack to try and stop all this madness and just like me she is old enough to look after herself, especially since...". I had to stop myself, from saying anything further. "Since what?". Thomas asked. "Tis nothing, forget I said anything", I told him. "Perhaps your right Anne, I just hope to god that Norrington will be keeping her safe". I crawled out from underneath the desk and towards father, as I reached out for his hands and held them tightly, looking him dead in the eyes. "She will be father, you have no need to worry, in a few hours time or maybe by morning even, she will return safely on board, with Norrington and Will". I reassured him.

Father then leaned forward and cupped my face with both his hands, as he smiled at me. "I hope your right Anne, right now tis only you I should be focusing on, keeping you safe, as a father should be". He told me, as he pulled me forward, whilst still cupping my cheeks and kissing me on the forehead. I smiled at him and he smiled back, I then leaned into him and hugged him, lying my head upon his chest, I could hear his heart beating so fast with fear, I thought it may explode. I turned my head to look at Thomas and I smiled at him, as I placed my hand onto his arm, making sure he was alright. He smiled at me, then he turned his attention towards the door, as we all did sitting in silence, listening to the cries and howls of Norrington's men dying, throughout the night. Father hugged me even tighter, as the screams seemed to escalate even further. All of a sudden the alarm bell, to alert the ship being under attack, rang throughout the dead of night, the sound was so haunting, as for a moment the whole hustle and bustle of everyone shouting, had stopped and the haunting chimes of the bell continued to ring, until it finally went quiet.

Suddenly, the boney arms returned through the window pains, as they tried to move the desk away from the door and try to get in. This time, Thomas scrambled out the way in fright, as he pushed myself and Father forward, so we were closer to the door and he was sat behind us. Father turned his head to talk to me, when suddenly one of the skeletons, grabbed hold of father's wig, making him jump round in fright. I jumped out of the way, so I wouldn't get hurt. Thomas grabbed my shoulders, to help pull me backwards out of harms way, he then hugged me from behind. Father then began to wrestle with the boney hand, to try and claim back his wig, tis funny in all of my 16 years of existence, I have never seen my father without his wig on, I thought to myself. Myself and Thomas watched on, as father was still struggling to get his wig, we both started to chuckle, at the sight in front of us, Thomas buried his face into my shoulder to prevent himself from laughing even harder. Father then picked up a mallet, that was lying upon the table and smashed it into the skeletons arm and breaking it, making him release the wig.

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