53. The Hanging

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After what had seemed like forever, we all got dressed and we left the house, at the precise time father had set for us. Elizabeth was wearing one of her signature dresses, that was dark cream in colour, with a red pattern of flowers and white laced sleeves, with a hat to match. I on the other hand, was wearing a similar dress to Elizabeth's, only mine was duck egg blue in colour, with a cream pattern of flowers and a duck egg blue hat to match. We got into the carriage and made our way to the fort, crowds and crowds of people were standing outside, awaiting to see the fate of poor Jack. The whole place was swarming with Norrington's guards, standing high and low throughout the fort, some walking backwards and forwards, whilst others stood still at their post.

The noise of the crowd cheering and shouting echoed throughout the fort, it rang in my ears for quite some time, we managed to escape the noisy brood and make our way over towards Norrington and Thomas. Whom I was complete shocked at when I saw him, he looked so smart and handsome, a proper gentleman far from the little blacksmith boy he once was, he was dressed exactly like Norrington, only Norrington was dressed a little better, given he was higher up in the ranks.

I ran over and hugged him, as he gladly did back. I looked over his right shoulder to see Norrington staring at me, with his hands behind his back, giving me a small sweet smile, as I returned the gesture, before he turned his attention back towards Father and Elizabeth. "What do you think?". Thomas asked me, bringing me out of my longing gaze towards James. "Hmm, oh yes you look splendid, I love the colours on you and the hat is a nice touch". I replied tugging the tricorn hat lightly, bringing it down over his eyes, making us both giggle.

"Careful there Miss Swann, I can have you arrested for interfering with a liable lieutenant". Thomas smugly told me, as he smirked. I chuckled at his remark and slapped him on the arm. "So have you learnt much since being with the Commodore?". I asked him, trying my best to empathise the word Commodore, to help me catch the attention of James. Luckily it worked, as I watched James move his head slightly and glance over towards us, however he made no effort to move from the stance he was in, keeping his hands behind his back and continuing to talk to Elizabeth and father.

"Oh yes I have learnt loads, I have learnt how to block attacks and charge at the enemy, whilst also learning how to chart a course when sailing and how to use a bayonet". Thomas beamed brightly, then I have ever seen him before. He was really proud of his new job, I just hope that Norrington keeps to his word and helps him to improve his skills.

"That sounds amazing!". I boldly said. "Yes it tis and look at this!". He squealed like an exicted little child. He took out his sword from his holder and pointed it forward, for me to take a better look at it. I stared at it in awe, it was truly an amazing object, it was incredibly shiny, so shiny in fact you could see your reflection in it and the artwork on the handle was impeccable, I thought to myself. "This is incredible, who made it?". I asked him. "I did". He proudly stated, his smile spread from ear to ear, as he placed it back into his holder. "Wow that's fantastic, still have the touch of a talented blacksmith I see". I replied.

We both chuckled, as we turned out attention towards the hustle and bustle of the crowd below us, as we were up within the battlements, whilst the crowds were down below on the fort. There was a short silence between us all, until father came into mine and Thomas's view. He then began to talk to Thomas and tell him how proud he was of him and how he is very much looking forward to seeing how he progresses in his new profession. As father was talking, it gave me and James a chance to exchange glances at one another, most of the time we would end up smirking at one another, due to some of the comments father would make, that were making Thomas embarrassed and he was turning bright red.

From what I could hear, he was talking about how he would have all the ladies within the Port fall head over heels for him, but I couldn't quite make everything out, as from when I was staring at James, everything from sound to sight, went into muffled or blurred and all I could see was James and how he smiled at me.

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