Part 2. Getting Ready To Go To The Docks

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I hated getting dressed in the morning's when it was so cold outside, sometimes I would ask the maids if I could stay in bed a little longer to keep warm, but today was not the day I could do so, as before I knew it I had an abundance of maids, running around our room like headless chickens trying to pack all of our belongings.

One maid without warning, opened the curtains to let more light in the room and the glorified sunshine hit me directly in my eyes, I thought I would never be able to see again. She also opened up the balcony doors, to let some sweet fresh air come dancing within the room. As it was early in the morning still, it was quite cold that the chill from the light wind, went right down the back of my night dress and it me gave goosebumps all over my body, I had to wrap my arms around me to keep myself from turning into a block of ice.

Luckily the spring was almost over and it would become summer quiet soon and I was very excited for it, as summer is my favourite season, I love lying on the grass under a old english oak tree, reading a good old adventure book, listening to the birds singing their sweet melodies, whilst taking in the fresh air. Unfortunately I have to stay pretty much out of the sun all together with me being a redhead and fair skinned, that's one other thing I get jealous of my sister for, as she can walk around the entire mansion grounds without any cover up or parasol in hand at all.

I got taken out of my day dreaming by my maid Helen gently shaking me, "Miss, Miss?" She said in her soft geordie accent. "Yes?" I said startled blinking my eyes and staring at her "Shall we get you ready for your big journey Miss, your sister is ready and already downstairs waiting for you with your father, you can show me which dress you would like to wear and how you want your hair".

I got excited and started skipping over to my wardrobe, me and Elizabeth had one each as our father loved to spoil both his girls with loads of dresses, hats and shoes that they wouldn't all fit into one wardrobe. "What colour dress has Elizabeth chosen and how has she got her hair?" I asked Helen.

"She has on her pale blue dress, with the white lace sleeves Miss and her hair is up in a half up half down style with most of her lovely ringlet curls pinned up on top".

"Oh I bet she looks beautiful!" I said as my hand scanned over my dresses that I had in my wardrobe."I'll go for this one! I said with much excitement, I picked a coral pink coloured dress that was the same as Elizabeth's. "Excellent choice Miss, I will put it over there on the chair for you, you can go behind the screen and start getting undressed, let me know when your ready to put your dress on".

I skipped over behind the screen and started to get undressed, I tried to do it as fast as I could so I wouldnt become cold again. "I'm ready for my dress now Helen", I said. Helen came around the screen and placed the dress below my feet as I stepped into it, grasping onto Helen's shoulders as I was frightened incase I was to fall over. She helped me pull my arms through the sleeves and fasten the back of the dress."Shall we do your hair now Anne, would you like it done like your sister's?" Helen asked.

"No thank you Helen, my hair isn't as lovely as Elizabeth's, her's is more curly and longer, mine is more wavy and shorter than her's is, I would never be able to look as nice as her with the same hairstyle. I said whilst looking into the vanity mirror playing with a strand of my hair with a pout expression upon my face.

"Your hair is just as beautiful as her's Miss, don't let anyone tell you different,". Helen said to me. She was also another person in the household to make me feel better about my hair. I smiled at her "Thank you Helen. "Now, how would you like it then?" She asked as she stood behind me, whilst we were talking to each other, through our reflections in the mirror. "I think I will just have it down please, as I had my hair up once for the ball that father had organised for Elizabeth's 10th birthday and it gave me a headache as the other maid did it too tight".

"As you wish Anne, but please allow me to brush it for you?". "Thank you Helen that would be wonderful, as sometimes my arms get to tired from brushing that I just give up and let it do what it wants". We both giggled and I handed her the hairbrush that was sitting on the vanity. Helen brushed my hair so gently that I did not feel a thing, in fact it didn't even feel like no one was behind me brushing it, as there was no pulling on the knots.

Helen finished brushing my hair and set the brush into my trunk to be packed away with the rest of my things.

I stood up and hugged her whilst also thanking her. "Are you ready to meet your father and sister downstairs now?". "Yes!" I said with so much excitement that I ran out of the room and had forgot to put my shoes on, "Wait Miss! Helen called after me. "You have forgot to put your shoes on!". I ran back huffing and puffing from just running along the long landing too fast. "Thank you Helen". I puffed out, I was hurrying so much, to get my shoes on that I fell over onto the floor with a thud. "Ooo are you alright Anne?" Helen asked me in a worried tone, "Yes! I'm alright" I got up and brushed down my dress and tucked my hair behind my ears.

"Do you think, maybe you could take it a little more slowly this time?" Helen chuckled. "Yes, sorry I just got so excited that I couldn't wait to go downstairs fast enough". Helen chuckled again, "Come along then, let's go down together this time hmm?" She said whilst picking up my trunk from the bed, I let her go out of the door first as I knew the trunk would be heavy for her to carry, I opened the door for her and she walked through, I took one more look around mine and Elizabeth's room, whilst blowing it a kiss and waving goodbye "Goodbye room, I will miss you" I whispered, before closing the door to go and join Helen and my father and sister downstairs.

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