49. Home Sweet Home

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For what had seemed like forever, did indeed take a very long time, but we finally made it back to Port Royal, all of us in one piece a part from myself, whom I think out of all of us, has ended up with the most injuries, but I was always told as a child, I was incredibly clumsy, so twas no surprise, it would end up being me. Elizabeth, Will and Jack finally made it on too the ship safe and sound. Jack however, was put straight back into irons immediately and was held within Norrington's men's arms, so he could not escape, Father was just glad to be going home and get on dry land and Thomas still could not stop grinning from ear to ear, with the news which James had given him.

The whole journey home, I stayed incredibly quiet, I didn't much talk to anyone, as I was still upset about the events that had happened between my sister and James. Yes I know I kissed him, when he kissed me during the fighting, but deep down he has done nothing wrong, she has, my cold heartless bitch of a sister, Oh so help me when we return home, I will be sure to give her a few home truths, mark my words. All James has done is, he has given his heart to a woman who shows no interest in him, but is playing him like a fool, so she can save the man she truly loves, which I think is totally unfair, but yet again I suppose life isn't really fair, but does it have to have harsh repercussions.

We finally pulled up to Port, as the ship pulled up beside it and the gangway was released for us all to walk down. I started to make my way down the gangway and my legs gave way from underneath me and I fell down hard onto it. Luckily my father or Norrington didn't see me fall, as they were in front further down the gangway. Twas only Thomas and Jack whom saw me fall, as Thomas wanted to walk with me and Jack had to be the last to leave the ship, with Norrington's men still attached to both his arms, incase he tried to escape and there were no soldiers to stop him from getting away.

I picked myself up from the ground and rubbed down my dress, a dress which Commodore Norrington had gladly gifted to me, just before we came into port. Jack walked past with the guards on each arm, he looked at me and winked whilst smirking slightly, I looked a him a little disgusted but swooned at the same time, as he did indeed have a nice smile and eyes. "You'll get used to it love, first time on land after a long time at sea, is the hardest, but don't worry a Bonny lass like you can manage it I'm sure". Jack whispered to me, before he was harshly pulled away by Norrington's men. "Is that why you walk funny?". Thomas asked him, only to receive a disgusted look from Jack, as he turned his head slightly whilst being dragged away.

Still rubbing my sore backside I spotted Thomas trying to hold in his laughter, as he glanced over at me and held his hand over his mouth. "Oh you think that was funny do you?". I questioned him. "N-o-o-o Anne, I was laughing at Jack". He told me, even though I knew he was lying. "Is that so". I sarcastically replied, before I pushed him slightly, over the other side of the gangway making him nearly fall of the edge of it, but he quickly stopped himself, whilst he looked at me in shock. "Serves you right, for laughing at me". I joked with him. He then came beside me and nudged me in the side, as we continued to walk down the gangway and meet everyone whom was waiting at the bottom.

When we eventually got to the bottom, Father must have seen the pain on my face from my recent tumble, as he placed a hand up to my right cheek and caressed it slightly. "Are you alright darling?". He asked me, "Yes perfectly fine". I told him with a slight smile. "You might want to tell you face that love". Jack interjected, as he looked over towards us, from the otherside of the Port. Father, Norrington and Elizabeth gave him a look as though to tell him to be quiet. "Mr Sparrow when your comments are needed especially when they are directed towards Miss Swann, we shall ask for them, do I make myself clear?". Norrington sternly warned him. Jack looked a little dumbfounded at him at first. "Perfectly clear". He paused briefly before giving Norrington a smirk and then briefly looking over towards me, making me blush slightly at the look he gave me. "Commodore". He finished.

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