Part 10. Meeting Captain Jack Sparrow

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I regained my consciousness slightly, whilst I was coughing up half of the ocean from my lungs. I lay back down, on what seemed like a dock that leads to a ship. As my vision, was blurry and everything wasn't staying still, my head felt as though I had been, twirling around in circles for days, this must be due from getting whip-lash whilst hitting the water at an intense speed. My skin was burning from the salt in the sea, mixed with the sunburn that had formed on my skin, from standing in it all morning, luckily it seemed as though it was just my face, head, wrist's and a little bit of my chest that had been burnt, as my kerchief had been covering the rest of it and my hair was covering the back of my neck.

I lay there for a few moments, before I heard a strange voice that I had never heard before, I knew it was a man's voice as it was a lot lower, than woman's and it certainly wasn't father or Norrington, as I would have recognised their voice's immediately. I looked over to see that he was standing over Elizabeth, who was lying beside me on the deck and she had happened to have, lost her dress and her stays and was just in her undergarments, has he done something to her?, I thought to myself.

He was standing over her, holding the necklace what she had hidden from everyone a part from myself all these years. "Where did you get that?". He asked her, his eyes fixated on it. He was a funny looking man, but not a bad looking one though, he wasn't like any of the other men that I had seen around Port Royal, in all the years that we have lived here. He had dark hair and eyes, he was well tanned and had facial hair and dreadlocks for hair.

He was wearing a red bandana around his head, with a sort of bone sticking out from under one side of it and a trinket sort of piece with a silver coin, on the end of it at the other side. He wasn't the cleanest looking man either, he looked like he hadn't washed in days, his clothes were scruffy and he stank of rum, as I could smell it on him from where I was lying. He was also soaked through, so I assume he was the one who rescued me and Elizabeth from our watery graves.

Just before I could ask him who he was, and what he was doing standing over me and Elizabeth, Norrington and his men came to our rescue along with our father, Norrington drew his sword at the man and pointed it at him in his face. "On your feet". He told him. The man got up from the ground and raised his hands in the air. "Elizabeth, are you alright?". Elizabeth jumped to her feet, father then wrapping his coat around her to keep her warm.

"Yes I'm fine". Elizabeth told father, whilst tucking the necklace back into her undergarments. Father kept his eyes on the strange man, as he noticed that she was only half dressed. Goodness knows what was running through his head, mine included, as to what had happened to her in those few moments. Luckily for me my dress mustn't have been as heavy as Elizabeth's, so he must have been able to rescue me from the water, without having to take my dress off.

Norrington whilst still holding his sword, at the man with one hand, helped me up with his other hand, I smiled at him and he gave small smile back, my heart started racing when he did that. Just as I thought my heart was going to explode, out of my chest from coming into contact with Norrington. He then told his men to keep the guns and swords on the man, he then let go of my hand and he removed his coat from himself and placed it around me, oh I thought I was going to faint, my stomach starting turning like a wave in the water and my legs went floppy.

"Thank you Commodore". I said to him, he didn't say anything but gave me another smile, both our green eyes locking with each other, before he took his sword back from his men, and continued to point it at the man who was still standing, with his hands up. "I'm fine too father, just a little sore, I think I may have gotten whip-lash from hitting the water too fast". I told him. He mustn't have noticed I fell with Elizabeth, and that I was still up at the fort with the rest of the guest's, as he was so shocked he couldn't string his sentences together.

"Oh my goodness Anne! What are you... How did you?, oh look at you, all wet through!". He then pulled me into a hug, to warm me up and then he put his hand gentle on my face. "We shall need to send for a doctor immediately, your face is badly burnt, I wouldn't want you to get sun stroke, as you know how I feel about you becoming ill and I couldn't bare that!". "Are you hurt any where else?" He said to me, whilst checking me over. "Father stop fussing, I will be alright". Norrington then told one of his men, to notify the doctor and tell him of the situation and that he should meet us all, back at the house to check me and Elizabeth over, especially me.

Father then looked over to one of Norrington's men, to see that he was holding Elizabeth's stays in his hand, when he saw father looking at him, he immediately dropped it on the floor and pointed at the strange man. "Shoot him!". Father told Norrington. "Father!, Commodore, do you really intend to kill mine and Anne's rescuer?". Elizabeth asked them. "Yes he did save our lives, if it wasn't for him we probably would be drowned by now". I added. Norrington looked at me and Elizabeth before looking back at the man, me Elizabeth and father did the same.

Norrington's men finally stopped pointing their guns and swords at him and the man put his two hands together, as though he was about to pray and bowed in a way of thanking them for not killing him. Norrington withdraw his sword and put it back into his belt. "I believe thanks are in order". He said to the man whilst holding out his hand for the man to shake. The man was reluctant at first to shake it back, but he finally gave in and shuck his hand.

Norrington then pulled his arm towards him hard, before he yanked up the man's sleeve revealing a scar and it looked like it was in the shape of a P. "Had a brush with the East India Trading Company, did we, pirate?". Norrington asked him. Oh my goodness a real life pirate stands before us in the flesh, I thought to myself again. I was still in my train of thought, thinking about all the adventures the man stood in front of me has been on, every where he has been, what he has experienced.

I was finally took out of my train of thought by my father saying, "Hang him!". "Keep the guns on him men, Gilette, fetch some irons". Norrington said. Norrington's men once again had their guns pointed towards the man, Norrington pulled the man's shirt even further up his arm, to reveal not another scar but a tattoo of a sparrow in front of the sun and waves underneath it.

"Well, well Jack Sparrow, isn't it?". Norrington asked the man in a sarcastic way, enough to make me believe that we did know who he was, but he just wanted to see if he could catch him out. Norrington let go of the man's arm finally, before the man finally spoke again and said. "Captain Jack Sparrow, if you please, sir". he asked Norrington. "Well I don't see your ship, Captain". Norrington replied.

"I'm in the market, as it were". Jack said. "He said he'd come to commandeer one". Murtogg who was one of Norrington's men said. Another one of the Commodore's men Mullroy spoke up and said to Murtogg, "Told you he was telling the truth. These are his, sir". Mullroy told Norrington, whilst bending down and picking up Jack's belongings. Norrington grabbed the items one by one, out of Mullory's hands, Jack was reluctant to letting the Commodore touch his belongings it seemed, as he went to reach for them whilst Norrington was grabbing them.

Norrington took Jack's pistol tossing it from one hand to the other and inspecting it. "No additional shots nor powder". He said whilst dropping the pistol back into Mullory's hands and picking up Jack's compass next, he opened it. "A compass that doesn't point north".

Norrington gave Jack a smug smile before closing the compass and placing it back with the pistol, Jack looked at Norrington embarrassed. He then pulled Jack's cutlass from it's holder turning it slightly to inspect it. Before he turned his attention back to Jack "And I half expected it to be made of wood". He told him. Jack gave him a small smile, whilst Norrington placed the cutlass back into it's holder. "You are without doubt, the worst pirate I've ever heard of!". He said to Jack. Jack then stuck up both of his index finger's and pointed them at Norrington before he gave a sly remake back to him "But you have heard of me".

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