54. Jack Needs A Hero.

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My breath was hitched in my throat, as I watched Will push his way through the crowd, I grabbed hold of Thomas's hand and gripped it tight, causing him to hiss slightly in pain, as I accidentally got carried away and dug my nails a little into his skin. I turned to him, as I gave him an apologetic look, before gazing down upon my hand, that was still grasped within his and loosened it slightly. I turned my attention back towards the commotion, that was occurring in front of us. All of a sudden, before anyone could do anything to stop it, the sound of the drums stopped sharply. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Elizabeth shot up from off the ground, where she was once laying and she was sitting up gazing upon the scene in shock.

Suddenly the hangman had opened the trap door underneath Jack's feet, causing Jack to drop down quickly into it, the rope currently strangling him around his neck. I gapsed in horror, as I buried my face into Thomas's shoulder, covering my face with my left hand, wishing to no longer see the poor man suffer. Please for the love of god someone must do something to save him, I thought to myself. "Thomas please you must try and do something, he does not deserve this, not after everything he has done for us". I whispered to him, still leaning upon his shoulder, as I looked at him with tears stinging my eyes. Thomas sighed sharply, before turning to me and smiling. He released me from his shoulder, before backing away slightly and realising his sword from his belt. "Stay here and don't move, I'll see what I can do". He whispered to me, before he silently slipped away into the rowdy crowd down below, who were still watching Jack struggle for his life.

I followed Thomas's frame, as I saw him catch up to Will and tap him upon the shoulder, causing Will to turn in shock, when he saw whom it twas, he patted Thomas upon the shoulder and then Thomas whispered something to him, before Will gave him a sharp nod and they moved further towards the platform, upon which Jack was still hanging from. Will then threw his sword directly at the trap door, that was open underneath the platform where Jack was still hanging from. I crouched down upon my hands and knees to get a better look, at why Will had done what he did and I realised that he had done it, to allow Jack to stand upon it, to prevent him from strangulation any further. I placed a hand up to my chest and breathed a sigh of relief, as I slowly rose up from my crouched position.

"Anne are you alright darling!". Father grabbed my arm and looked at me with worry in his eyes, with all the madness that was going on around me, I had completely forgotten that father was still stood beside me caring for Elizabeth. "Yes father completely fine". Father sighed slightly, closing his eyes tightly before opening them again. "Yes good, well, I think yourself and your sister should take cover, until all of this blows over, I will get an officer to escort you both to safety and I shall collect you both myself when it is safe to do so", Father concluded. Father gently took hold of my right arm and started to guide me away from the madness behind us, Elizabeth had already been ushered into another room, I was just about to be dragged in their myself, until I stopped dead in my tracks and pulled my arm gently out of father's grip. "No father please, we shall be fine, besides I want to make sure no harm comes to Thomas or the Commodore". I whined in protest.

"And what good can you do sweetheart, go charging down there sword at the ready and fighting any man that got in your way just to protect them?". Father questioned. "If that's what it would take then yes, yes I would, you saw how I fought upon the Dauntless, so you know I can take care of myself,...". Father cut me off with a scoff and turned away, pinching the bridge of his nose and scrunching his eyes shut tightly. "Father please, I know I can do this!". I shouted slightly, as I started to become agitated, by his stubbornness.  

Father turned round to me swiftly, whilst gently grabbing both my arms. "Darling don't be so silly, you could get yourself killed and I for one am not prepared to stand here...". As father began to ramble on, I quickly got out of his grasp, turned on my heels and ran towards the nearest officer, whom was still standing guard and I grabbed his sword out of his belt and jumped down off the battlements and into the crowd. "AND LET YOU MAKE A SILLY MISTAKE, ANNE, ANNE YOU GET BACK UP HERE THIS INSTANT!". Father shouted out over the booming crowd. I ignored him and continued to run in the direction of Thomas and Will. Sorry father, but I am going to have to disobey you once more, as I can not just stand by and watch the men whom are my friends be killed, I thought to myself.

I ran up upon the platform, where Will was already fighting the hangman and Thomas was down below, trying to stop the public from trying to step in and help. The hangman went to take a swing at Will and I jumped in front of him, blocking it, I must admit he was really strong, given that he was built like a Brick house and had muscles on his arms, that were probably bigger than my whole head, but I didn't give in to defeat, I kept on pushing and pushing until he was near the edge of the platform. Poor Jack was still hanging in between the three of us, still struggling to stay put upon the sword, under his feet. Within ear shot, I heard James and his men running towards us. "MOVE!". I heard James command to the people below. I was still taking more swings at the hangman, one at a time myself and Will had tries at making him surrender, but he was having none of it, he went to swing for me and Will gently pushed me out of the way to prevent me from getting the axe straight down into my skull, as the hangman was also really tall too.

The hangman took another blow to Will, causing him to drop his sword upon the platform, he then went to take another swing at Will with his axe, but Will ducked just in time, causing the hangman to miss his neck by inches and slamming it straight into the beam, the rope upon which Jack was hanging from, broke sending Jack tumbling under the platform below us. Finally he was free of struggling, I thought to myself. Well I for one had, had enough of all this petty fighting, so I gave Will a look to which he must of had the same idea as myself. Whilst the hangman was busy trying to get his axe out of the beam, myself and Will pushed him, causing him to fall right into the crowd, little did we both know he would end up falling right onto James and a couple of more people. "Oooo that's going to hurt in the morning, hopefully he has not yet seen whom it twas that pushed him". I whispered to myself.

After I had stood for a few seconds taking in what I had just done to the love of my life, practically flattening him, if he did die from that god forbid, goodness knows what would have been written upon his headstone, death by possible fiancé flattening him with hangman. I quickly pushed those thoughts out of my head, once I had seen that James was fine and he had managed to push the hangman off him. I then ran after Thomas, whom had ran after Will and Jack, who both had hold of a rope and they had used it to trip over some of James's men, whom were running towards them. Each group of men were sent flying over the rope, hitting the ground hard. Myself and Thomas both finally caught up to Will and Jack, one of James's men came running at us both, so I gladly took a swing at him and hit him right in the nose, causing him to cry out in pain and crumple to the ground. "I thought I told you to stay put?". Thomas shouted towards me out of breath from fighting. I did nothing but smile at him in response, causing him to do the same and shake his head. We all then continued to fight one on one for a little while longer, until the four of us were cornered up against a pillar by a hoard of James's men, whom somehow all came out of nowhere, pointing their bayonets at us.

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