Part 11. Jack Sparrow's Escape

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The Commodore must have had enough of what Jack has to say, as he wasted no time in taking Jack by the arm and pulling him along the deck beside him. "Commodore, I really must protest!". Elizabeth shouted at him, whilst following them both. The Commodore ignored Elizabeth's outburst and carried on with his duties, "Carefully, Lieutenant". He told Gillette. Father and I followed behind, father still had me wrapped up in his coat, with his arms around me to keep me warm.

Elizabeth then moved in front of the Commodore, to look him in the eyes when she was speaking to him, but she also had he back towards Jack, who was getting the irons clamped around his wrists. "Pirate or not this man, saved mine and my sister's lives". "Yes I couldn't agree more!". I let go of father and walked over to stand next to Elizabeth, "You can't arrest a man, for doing a good deed, even if he is a pirate". I concluded.

The Commodore finally spoke, "One good deed does not redeem a man, of a lifetime of wickedness". He said whilst looking at both Elizabeth and myself. Jack pipes up and says, "Though it seems enough to condemn him". He said to the Commodore. Norrington looked at Jack, with a stern cold hard stare "Indeed," was all he could reply back to Jack.

Gillette had finally managed to get the irons around Jack's wrists by this point. This is when Jack saw out his opportunity, "Finally!". Was all he said before he wrapped the cold irons, around Elizabeth's throat and grabbed me by the arm and pulling me to his side. Norrington and his men, moved forward quickly in shock their guns pointed straight at us, with their hands on the triggers. "No! No! Don't shoot!". Our father warned them.

"I knew you both would warm up to me", Jack said between us both. "Commodore Norrington, my effects, please. And my hat". Norrington just stood there, looking rather angry at him, his eyes fixated between Jack, Elizabeth then me. Jack's impatience must have grown thin at this point. "Commodore!". He snapped at him. I looked at Norrington and gave him a pleading look, he must have taken the hint as he turned around and took Jack's things, from his men and handed them to him.

"Elizabeth, Anne, it is Elizabeth and Anne isn't it?". Jack whispered to us both. "It's Miss Swann!". We both bellowed back, at Jack at the same time. "Miss Swann's, if you'd be so kind". I looked at Jack for a moment, as I had no idea as to what his intentions were, when he said that too us. "Come, come, dear. We don't have all day". Jack said back to Norrington. Norrington then handed me Jack's effects, and then Jack made us one at a time, place them on his body. He then spun us both around, putting his arms around us both whilst pointing his gun, in between both of our heads. "Now if you'll both be very kind". He said to us.

I placed his belt around his waist, then Elizabeth took his hat from me and placed it on top of his head, quite roughly. Then I had the job of tieing his other belt, around his shoulders. I had to get quiet close to him, to do so. All I could smell on him, was the salt from the sea and stale rum, it wasn't a horrible smell but he sure could, have used a bath. "Easy on the goods darling". He said to me. "You're despicable". Elizabeth told him. "Sticks and stones, love. I saved your lives, you both saved mine. We're square". He said whilst looking between us both.

He then spun us both back around to face Norrington, his men and our father. Jack started to walk backwards with us both, Norrington and his men including our father, were following his every move, moving towards him and us. "Gentlemen, my ladies, you will always remember, this as the day, that you almost caught Captain, Jack, Sparrow!". Jack realised the irons from around both our necks, he then pushed us both towards Norrington and father, father caught Elizabeth and Norrington caught myself, his grip on my arms was sure to leave marks, but I did not care as I knew his grip on me was a protective one and not a aggressive one.

Jack then made his escape, Norrington's men were quick behind him, Jack then grabbed hold of a rope and kicked the leaver, he flew upwards whilst still holding onto the rope. The rope was attached to a canon and when Jack went up the canon came down fast, breaking the decking. Some of Norrington's men fell through it, they will have some really serious injuries in the morning. Jack then reached the top of the beam and slid further down the rope, causing the beam to then spin around, taking him with it in mid air.

"Now will you shoot him!". Father barked at Norrington, I was just about to protest but I was too late. "Open fire!", Commodore shouted at his men, the men followed his orders and opened fire at Jack, but since he was spinning around on the beam, he made quite a hard target to hit so Norrington's men kept missing him, causing the musket balls to fly everywhere.

Jack then swung the rope around and he landed on a second beam, this time he was actually standing upon it. "On his heels!". Norrington shouted at his men to follow Jack, incase he managed to make a get away. He let go of me and swiftly look back to make sure that I was fine, I gave him a small smile and nod, before he ran off with his men to catch Jack.

Jack swung down on the long rope and he let go and landed with a thud on the deck, before he started running away from Norrington and his men. He just got across the bridge, when the Commodore's men opened fire again and started shooting at him. He some how manage to, run past and dodge all the musket balls before running off into the town, with Norrington's men chasing after him.

"Gillette, Mr Sparrow has a dawn appointment with the gallows. I would hate for him to miss it". Norrington said to Gillette. Lieutenant Gillette then nodded to Murtogg and Mullory, for them to follow him to catch up with the rest of the men to find Jack and arrest him.

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