Part 4. Sailing On The North Atlantic Sea

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We had been sailing for a few days now upon the Noth Atlanitc Ocean. The weather was really foggy on this certain day, you could hardly see your hand in front of your face, it was as if all the colour in the world had gone and we were now living in this dark and grey universe, that was miserable and gloomy.

I went walking over to Elizabeth who was standing at the bow of the ship, she seemed to be in a daze, gazing out upon the open water, that I didn't know whether to shake her out of her trance or not. She was singing this familiar song, that i couldn't quite put my finger on, but I had heard the local fisherman singing it down on the docks from time to time.

I finally recognised the chorus that she was singing and I started to join along with her, she still didn't even notice I was there, as she was still staring out into nothing. We both starting singing sweetly and quietly so that no one else on the ship, could hear us as singing songs like this, was forbidden to be sung aboard a none pirate ship. "YoHo, YoHo a Pirate's life for me, We extort and pilfer, we filch and sack, Drink Up. Suddenly I felt a hand grasp my shoulder, Elizabeth must have felt the same as we both gasped in shock at the touch.

"Quiet Missy's cursed Pirate's sail these water's!, You dont want to bring them down on us, now do you!" Mr Gibbs whispered to us, in his sharp cockney accent, whilst looking out onto the water, his eyes squinted as though he was searching, for something out on the horizon, that he couldn't quite see. "Mr Gibbs that will do!" Lieutenant Norrington bellowed standing behind us, quickly followed by our father.

"They were singin' about Pirate's!". Mr Gibbs confessed whilst pointing to us both
"It's bad luck to be singin' about pirates, with us mired in this unnatural fog, mark my words". He said walking towards Norrington and our father. "Consider them marked". Norrington said, before pausing briefly. "On your way". He said again.

"Aye, Lieutenant". Mr Gibbs said as he hurried away, back to his duties passing Norrington and our father "It's bad luck to have women on board, even miniature ones". He mumbled.

"I think it'd be rather exciting to meet a pirate". Elizabeth said. "Me too, imagine all the adventures, you would get to go on!". I concluded. Norrington smiled at us both, "Think again Miss Swann's, vile and dissolute creatures, the lot of them". He said whilst walking to stand beside me and Elizabeth looking out over the ocean. "I intended to see to it that any man, who sails under a pirate flag or wears a pirate brand, gets what he deserves, a short drop and a sudden stop", he concluded whilst glancing down to me and Elizabeth.

Me and Elizabeth looked at each other confused, before we turned our attention to Mr Gibbs, who had grabbed his bandanna around his neck and started to pull it upwards, whilst titling his head and sticking out his tongue. Elizabeth gasped before looking at Norrington, "What's the matter?". I whispered to Elizabeth, she cupped her hand around my ear and whispered into it, what Mr Gibbs had meant by his action. I gasped in horror the same as Elizabeth did, placing my hand over my mouth in shock.

Father came and stood beside Norrington, "Lieutenant Norrington I appreciate your fervour, but I'm concerned about the effect this subject will have, upon my daughter's. "My apologies Governor Swann". Norrington said before walking off. Father came to stand in place of Norrington next to me and Elizabeth. "Actually, I find it all fascinating". Elizabeth told father, "Yes me too" I added. "Yes, that's what concerns me". Father said before walking back to join Norrington, we both watched him walk back before we turned our attention, to look back out to sea.

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