34. Sister's Reunited

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We started to walk further throughout the caves, trying to find a way to rescue Elizabeth without getting caught. "How is it you forgive him so easily?". Thomas asked me. "Maturity my dearest friend, Maturity helps with a lot of things, things such as forgiving and forgetting, especially in times like these". I told him whilst walking on ahead of him. "Tis something which you men should learn to aquire, if you are to make it in this world". I turned to him and smirked. He chuckled in response and slapped me lightly on the arm.

Barbossa was continuing to cry out towards his crew. "Who among us has paid the blood sacrifice, owed to the heathen gods?". He asked his crew. "Ours!". The men cried out. "And whose blood must yet be paid?". Barbossa asked again. "Hers!". The men cried out whilst pointing towards Elizabeth. I gapsed in shock when I heard this and I was ready to jump out behind the rocks and fight them all one by one, how dare they feel the need to kill my sister, I was dragged by my arm by Thomas, who continued to drag me along with him behind Will.

"You know the first thing I'm going to do after the curse is lifted". Barbossa asked a question to his crew once more. His crew started to laugh. "Eat a whole bushel of apples!". He continued. Barbossa's men began to chant. "Blood!, Blood!, Blood!, Blood!, Blood!, Blood!, Blood!, Blood!, Blood!, Blood!". "Begun by blood by blood undone". Barbossa said.

I was watching in horror, through a gap in the rocks, as I saw Elizabeth being pinned down by her neck, towards the chest whilst Barbossa had a sharp little knife within his right hand. We then proceed to follow Will, we spotted Jack, who was hunched down behind some rocks, he didn't notice us, until he turned sharply and received a huge whack to the head from Will, who had managed to get hold of one of the rowing ores, to hit him with it. He landed with a thump on the floor. "Sorry Jack I'm not going to be your leverage". Will said. I stared at Will opened mouthed with shock, before I looked at Jack then back at Will. "What was that inade of?". I asked Will, but he ignored me and continued to walk closer to Barbossa and his men. "You kind of deserved that you know". I heard Thomas say to Jack as he walked past him.

All three of us stopped at an opening where the rocks parted and the only thing in front of us, was the moat of water that surrounded the cave, from the ocean outside of it. We all watched in horror, our eyes never turning away or even blinking, Barbossa dropped the coin into Elizabeth's hand harshly, the crew were still chanting and shouting at them, before he took the small knife and slit her palm, Elizabeth gapsed in shock and pain, before she turned back towards Barbossa. "That's it?". She asked. Barbossa looked at her. "Waste not". Was all he said. The chanting from the crew got louder and faster, as Barbossa grabbed hold of Elizabeth's hand and gave it a hard squeeze, before he yanked her hand a little, forcing her to open it and let go of the coin. The crew finally went silent again, as this was happening, as though they waited with bated breath, to see if what they needed to be done was going to be done.

Elizabeth finally let go of the coin and it fell into the chest. Barbossa let go of her and proceeded to take a few steps forward closing his eyes for a few moments. I looked back to find Will, he was no where to be found, I frantically looked around the place to see if I could see him, but failed, until finally I saw him poke his head out from another crack within the rocks, before he disappeared again. What was he up too, I thought to myself.

I turned my attention back towards Barbossa and his crew, who by now had all gone completely silent and they all had their eyes closed. They then began to slowly open up their eyes, Barbossa included. "Did it work?". One of his crew asked. "Did what work?". Thomas whispered to me. "I'm not entirely sure, but I don't think I want to find out". I replied. "Come on let us go and find out where Will has got too". I told him, the pair of us then went in search of Will. We both continued to hear the crew speaking to one another, whilst going in search of Will. "I don't feel know different". The shaggy haired one said. "How do we tell?". The short fat one asked.

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