41. Saviours From Heaven

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Myself and Elizabeth, grabbed both of Thomas's arms, as we attempted to pull him to his feet, we pulled and pulled and after what seemed like forever trying to stand him up, we couldn't seem to manage it on our own. "I know, let's drag him towards the tree, so he is under the shade". I told Elizabeth. "Alright". She replied. We began to drag him along the sand, pulling with all our might, to get him propped up against the tree. As soon as we got to it, we propped Thomas up against it, as gently as we could, until we both collapsed beside him and fell to the floor with slight exhaustion, both of us letting out an exhausted sigh, as we hit the sand with two large thumps.

We sat in silence for a moment, the pair of us trying to catch our breath, the only sounds that could be heard, were the heavy painting coming from us both, the sound of the waves cascading over the sand and the occasional screech of a seagull soaring by in the sky. Myself and Elizabeth must of had the same idea at the same time, as we both turned to look at each other before we both came out with fits of laughter. "Remind me to take up exercise when we return home". Elizabeth giggled. "Yes me too, I had no idea that dragging a man could take the breath right out of you". I giggled back. We sat in silence again, both our eyes fixated upon the open water in front of us.

The only shade we had to keep us out of the harsh sun at the front of the island, was from the only trees that remained standing, after the fire engulfed the rest in flames, luckily the fire never reached the whole of the island, so there was still plenty of forest, if we needed more shade. Suddenly we saw Jack returning from where ever it was that he had gone too, with a rather smug grin upon his face. He walked towards us in his usual drunken walk, that he can never seem to shake off. He stopped right in front of us, his arms folded across his chest, as he looked down upon us rather smug like. Myself and Elizabeth both stared back up at him, both of us resting our hands upon our foreheads to shield our eyes from the sun.

"What is it?". I questioned him. "Well dearies don't say I have never done anything for you". He replied. "What do you mean by that Jack?". I asked him again. "Well let's just say, that in about an 1 hour or so, you will be probably be swooning over the navy seals that will be approaching this very island at any second". Jack told us, as he placed his hands upon his hips, as he turned into the direction of the sea and lifted his face high in the air, not saying another word. Elizabeth and l both looked at each other confused for a moment. I lent over to her and whispered in her ear. "Has he had some more rum that we may not know about, or has he had too much sun?". I chuckled.

"That I am not quite sure of dear sister, but whatever it is, that he means by such a thing, I for one am not falling for it". She whispered back. "Me too". I replied. Jack then turned back to look at us both, "Well I shall leave you ladies and your lazy mut to get too it, whilst I shall be drowning myself with those bottles of rum that I have stored somewhere". Jack then began to walk away from us. "Oh and do have a nice life and pass on my well wishes to yourself and The Commodore won't you Elizabeth". Jack smiled. "Oh and dearest Anne, please look out for my dearest little friend there". He said as he pointed towards Thomas. "I've grown rather fond of him, a great pirate he has turned out to be, even if he is a scrawny little shrimp", he continued.

"Jack where are you going!". I shouted to him, but recieved no reposnse in return, as he continued to walk away, to the other side of the island. "What do you suppose all that was about?". Elizabeth asked. "I think he is trying to tell us that if we are to be rescued that he shall not be coming with us". I sighed. "Whatever for?". Elizabeth questioned. "Why would one man want to stay here all alone?", she continued. "Because he has done it before and perhaps he thinks that he shall make it off alive again, the same way as he did before". I told her. "Maybe or maybe not". She said, as she turned back to face the crystal blue water.

We had sat for what seemed like an eternity, waiting to see if what Jack had said, had turned out to be true. Thomas was still asleep upon the sand, snoring every so often, so we both knew he was fine. I myself was not feeling to grand, as by now the sun had made its way around to my side and there was no shade, to help block it out and it was now burning the left side of my body, whilst the other half was being protected by the little shade we had left. I began to feel dizzy, I could feel myself going to faint, my eyes were opening and closing very slowly, as though I had not slept in a long time. Luckily I was sat still upon the sand, with my knees tucked up under my chin, so if I was to faint, I would have a short drop to the floor.

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