Part 6. I Had The Strangest Dream

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8 Years Later...

Elizabeth Aged 18
Anne Aged 16
Norrington Aged 28

It had been 8 years since we set sail to Jamaica, Elizabeth had turned 18 and had grown to be even more beautiful, standing at a height of 5ft 6inch her skin turning darker from the sun and the freckles on her face had disappeared. Me however, I had turned 16, I still wasn't as pretty as my sister, I thought anyway and I was still standing not much taller than before, at a height of 5ft 1inch. My skin still wasn't tanned like my sister's, as everytime I got a little sun on my skin, it would just burn and it would go red and sore and then it would return back to the milky white tone it always was.

My Freckles had not disappeared either, they only got darker. The only beautiful thing that had happened to me, was that my hair had become more red with being in the sun all the time and it had grown longer, as it reached down just under my bosom's and was more wavy and thicker than ever.

I awoke from my dream with a fright, I jolted right up in bed, so quick that I thought I might fly across the room. I looked over to Elizabeth who was already awake and sitting up in bed. "I had the strangest dream, so strange in fact it seemed too good to be true, as if I had been there in real life". I whispered to her worried that I would wake, the rest of the household as I was not sure, to what time it was."Me too, mine was about the day we met Will on the crossing from England". Elizabeth said.

I gasped in shock, my eyes went wide I thought they would pop out of their sockets, I turned on my side to face Elizabeth. "That was the same dream I had too, I knew I had been there before!" I shouted. "Shhh, do you want to awaken the whole house?!". Elizabeth shouted in a whispered tone at me."Sorry". I replied.

Elizabeth then rose from her bed and went over to her beside cabinet, opening it and then flicking the switch to the secret compartment, that was within the draw. "What are you looking for?". I asked her. "Do you remember this?" She asked me whilst pulling out the necklace that we discovered on Will, all those years ago. I got out of bed taking a candelabra in hand and walked over to her, "You kept it all this time!" I said to her, trying to hide the fact that I was a little angry and upset, that she kept it and never told me. "Yes, I couldn't get rid of it, as it intrigues me so".

She turned to the mirror and placed the necklace around her neck, we both stared in awe through our reflections, at how unusually beautiful it really was, the way it shone in the candlelight. "Can I try it on?" I asked her. "Of course." she said, I placed the candelabra onto the cabinet and lifted up my hair, ready for her to put it around my neck, she was just about to take it from around her own neck, when we both heard a knock at our bedroom door.

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