Part 8. Meeting Will Turner Again

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"Come along now Miss, let's get you finished off now shall we?" Helen said to me. I went back behind the screen and I got undressed from my bed robe and nightgown, I changed into my shift and placed on my skill over the knee stockings, that had a woven design on them, that were called clocks.

I sat down on the chair and tied the ribbon garter's just below my knees, had I not been going to dance at Norrington's promotion, I would have tied them above my knee, and I rolled my stockings over them to keep the ribbons in place. When I was finished doing that I let Helen know, that I was ready for the rest of my clothing to be put on. "I'm ready for the rest of the clothes now Helen". I said to her. Then Helen came behind the screens with me and helped me get dressed, in the rest of the items of clothing, I needed to wear.

First was the dickey petticoat, I raised my arms up high, to allow Helen to place it over them and also my head, neck and finally to my waist, where she helped me to fasten up the back of it.

Secondly it was time for the stays, which looks somewhat near to a corset, she helped me to, place it up onto my shoulders before taking the string and fastening it all the way up to the top, making the string have a crisscross pattern at the back of it. "Please don't make it too tight Helen, I don't want to be gasping for air, just like how Elizabeth was from before". I told her, "Of course Miss" she said.

Thirdly was the pocket bags that were placed upon my waist and tied at the back. Next the hip pad was also placed on my waist but this time tied at the front. A silk kerchief was placed over my shoulders and was tucked into the gown, this is to help protect me from the hot Caribbean sun, as I am so fair skinned and pale, father would hate to see it I were to become, burnt and take ill. The stomacher was next it was placed upon my chest and pinned into place. Then it was time for the gown petticoat and finally the gown itself, that was pinned into place down the side of the stomacher.

"Oh you look absolutely beautiful Anne!" Helen beamed at me. "Give us a twirl then!" She notioned with her finger in a circular motion. I give her a spin letting the dress spin freely. "I absolutely love it, Father does have very good taste, when it comes to buying dresses for me and Elizabeth". I said back to her. "Come along then dear, lets do your hair shall we?". Helen motioned me over to the vanity mirror and I sat down.

It took what seemed forever and a day, for me to finally be ready to meet father downstairs, but we finally got there in the end. Helen had placed my hair up in a half up half down style and placed the exquisite bejeweled clips into my hair. I took one last look into the mirror, before thanking Helen and giving her a hug and making my way out of the room to go downstairs.

I met Elizabeth half way onto the landing, as she was in the other room, getting some makeup applied, to her face. I didn't really care for makeup as such, anyway I didn't really need any fake black rounded beauty marks, on my face as my face was already covered in freckles. Which everyone in the household tells me, are a sign of beauty. I also have a freckle upon my lip, on the top right hand corner which is a lot darker, than all my other freckles. So i guess you can say, that i can cheat in the beauty mark department, as i already have one except mine is real.

"Hello you". I said to Elizabeth. "Hello to you too, you look beautiful Anne". She said to me, "As do you, maybe even more beautiful". She laughed and pushed me a little, just as we where about to turn the corner to go down the stairs, we both heard the rustling of skirts behind us. We both turned around curiously and we saw that it was Helen, huffing and puffing runnig trying her best, to catch up to us "Me ladies!" She shouted to us both. She stopped just quick enough, in her tracks to not knock me and Elizabeth, down the stairs. "You forgot to put on your perfume me ladies and you both forgot your hand fans". She said to us whilst spraying us, with our signature lavender scent, we both like and handing us our hand fans that matched our dresses perfectly.

"Thank you Helen" we both said to her. She curtsied to us both, before walking back to where she came from. We both were just about to ascend the stairs, when we caught our father's attention. "Oh Elizabeth, you look absolutely stunning". "And Anne you look beautiful as ever". I smiled at father grinning like a cheshire cat, from the compliment he has just giving me. Elizabeth completely ignored him and just focused all her attention onto Will.

"Will!" She said surprised at seeing him, standing within the same room as her. She hurried on down the staircase, leaving me lagging behind on the stairs."It's so good to see you!". She said to him. Whilst Will was standing there, completely frozen on the spot, his eyes bulging out of his head, from the sight of my sister. Elizabeth walked over to father and Will, "I had a dream about you last night". Elizabeth told him. Meanwhile I placed my hand over my face, smooth Elizabeth, smooth I thought to myself.

"About Me?" Will questioned her. I joined them all, before father spoke "Is that entirely proper for you", Elizabeth cut father off from speaking, something which she had never done before. "About the day we met. Do you remember?" I looked over to Will, hoping he would say something to break the short silence. "How could I forget Miss Swann?". "Will, how many times must I ask you, to call me Elizabeth?". Elizabeth said to him. "At least once more Miss Swann. As always". Will responded.

They were both speaking to each other, without breaking eye contact that, I couldn't tell as to whether, they were secretly in love with each other, or if they were both having a staring competition. "There see, at least the boy has a sense of propriety". Father finally jumped into their conversation. "Now we really must be going." Father said to us both. Elizabeth turned to Will "Good day, Mr Turner". Was all she had to say to him, I looked at her in shock, I could tell she was annoyed at him, for he did not call her, Elizabeth like she asked. Will was stunned by her comment and watched her, as she walked over to the door. "Come along". Father said.

She walked on ahead of me, I managed to get a word in with Will. He mustn't have noticed I was there, him having his eyes set on Elizabeth the whole time and all, as he was surprised when he saw me. "Hello Will". "Hello again Miss Swann, my I haven't seen you since you were this tall". He put his hand flat in the air, mimicking the height I once was. I laughed. "Yes it's so good to see you again Will, your a blacksmith now I see?". "I shall be sure to pass over the name to Lieutenant Norrington of the creator of such a magnificent sword, Also Will if you were looking for a right time to make a move on my sister, that wasn't it, especially in front of our Father". We both laughed.

"Anne aren't you coming?" Elizabeth said to me, whilst standing at the front door. "Yes coming". I said to her. "Well goodbye then Will, I shall hope to see you again someday?". "Yes me too, good day Anne". I walked over to Elizabeth and linked her as, we both walked over to the carriage and got inside. Will followed us out of the house. "Good Day, Elizabeth". He whispered but we both could hear it. Elizabeth was staring out at him through the carriage window, whilst the carriage was in motion. She eventually turned her head, back into the carriage I started laughing trying to muffle it, with my hand. Elizabeth whacked me on the arm. Father hadn't a clue what she did it for, but he just shrugged it off. We finally made it out, of the gates of the mansion and we were on our way to the ceremony.

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