44. Confessing Our Love To One Another

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James was just about to speak, when the doctor came rushing back in and told James that he will now be able to tend to my wounds, if he offered to help. They both lifted me onto my side so that the doctor could tend to my wound, he finally managed to stop the bleeding on both wounds, as he changed the bandage upon my head and with James help they both placed me back onto my back. "Be sure to inform me if there is any change in her temperature won't you Commodore?". The doctor asked him. "Yes of course doctor. "And if she wakes and feels well enough to stand to her feet she will need assistance to do so". The doctor continued. James nodded in response, as he saw the doctor out of the cabin and closed the door. He then walked over towards the chair once more and sat upon it with yet another huge sigh, as he grabbed hold of my hand again like before, as he finally began to speak.

"Anne, Anne please wake up". James whispered to me, as I lay still upon the bunk. He took my hand within his and held it tightly, as he placed it up to his chest. Suddnely he began to pray. "God I know I do not approach you much, in my time of need, and I do not speak to you often, but I am begging you, not too take her, as there would be people whom would be lost without her, including me, she is everything that I appreciate in a woman, from her intelligence, her wit, her beauty, so from the bottom of my heart, I am begging you, please do not take her and claim her as yours, not yet". His voice started to crack slightly, as he sobbed quietly through his words. I stirred slightly, trying so hard to open my eyes but to no avail, as the wave of unconsciousness was too powerful, for me to overcome just yet.

"Anne, please wake". James started to shake me lightly upon my shoulder. "Please". He said, as he sobbed once more. "I have been a very foolish man, Anne, I have let my eyes deceive me, with what was right in front of me and that something has been you, I have tried everything I could to remove you from my mind, but I could not come to do so, for you are everything I think about, from the moment I awake in the morning, to the moment I close my eyes at night". He sighed and sobbed some more.

"I know I have not shown it, but I do truly love you, but given the age difference, I thought of it as such an inappropriate manner, to love you the way I do, so I thought it would be best to ask for your sister's hand in marriage and although it would be a cruel thing to do, even though I love your sister dearly, but not the way I do you and how it would pain me to think that you are not the woman by my side, at least I would get to see you everyday, even though it would break my heart to see you in the arms of another man". He squeezed my hand tightly again. "For I have loved you the moment, I was put in charge of your voyage to Port Royal, the way you charm me, with your beautiful smile and your knowledge on such things". He chuckled. "The way you yearn for freedom and to explore the world and learn from it".

He paused briefly. "But I would not blame you if you did not feel the same about me, yes I would be truly crushed, but I would be happy to know that you are happy, even though it means not being with me and yet another, all I care about is your happiness, but just know if that may be the case of you loving another, then please always know that I will always be looking out for you and keeping you safe, If I ever am lucky to have children, I hope that you would approve that, I shall be naming my daughter after you, as I will be living your legacy through her and teaching her how to live her life freely and not feel the need to be scared of me marrying her off with a man". He chuckled again.

He rose up from his chair and reached his hand up to my forehead and brushed my hair away and continued to stroke my head, being careful not to touch my wound. He leant close to my face, I could feel his hot breath upon my left cheek. "But I would much rather hope that my daughter shall be yours also and that she came from you and no one else, so please, wake up". He whispered, before I suddenly felt his lips upon my forehead. They were soft to the touch, not rough, my heart started to race, as I wanted nothing more than to wake up and wrap my arms around him and engulf him into the tightest hug and tell him how I truly felt, but I could not just yet, as my body wouldn't allow it, but I could hear everything going on around me. He finally took his lips from my forehead, before returning back into his seat and continued to stroke my hair. I could tell that he was crying again, from his silent sobs that echoed around the cabin.

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