43. Singing, Shouting and Pleading

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There was a sudden silence within the room, until it was broken by father starting to sing, now I know what you may be thinking my father a Governor singing, well I have you know that my father has indeed got a good voice, as he used to sing me lullabies before bed every night when I was little, Elizabeth didn't really care for them much, as she could fall asleep straight away, where as I, took a long time to do so.

"My Bonnie lies over the ocean, My Bonnie lies over the sea, My Bonnie lies over the ocean, Oh bring back my Bonnie to me, Bring back, Bring back, Oh bring back my Bonnie to me to me, Bring back, Bring back, Oh bring back my Bonnie to me, Last night as I lay on my pillow, Last night as I lay on my bed, Last night as I lay on my pillow, I dreamt that my Bonnie was dead, Bring back, Bring back, Oh bring back my Bonnie to me to me, Bring back, Bring back Oh bring back my Bonnie to me, Oh blow ye the winds over the ocean And blow ye the winds over the sea, Oh blow ye the winds over the ocean And bring back my Bonnie to me, Bring back, Bring back, Oh bring back my Bonnie to me, Bring back, Bring back, Oh bring back my Bonnie to me, The winds have blown over the ocean, The winds have blown over the sea, The winds have blown over the ocean And brought back my Bonnie to me, Bring back, Bring back, Oh bring back my Bonnie to me to me, Bring back, Bring back, Oh bring back my Bonnie to me".

Father finished singing, as he placed a kiss upon my head and continued to stroke my forehead, "That was the song your mother sang to you, before she passed, her father used to sing that too her when she was a little girl, twas though as she was singing it to you, God was listening and paying attention to the words of her song and he did indeed bring back our Bonnie too us and she is here to stay". He said placing yet another one hundredth kiss to my forehead. I could feel myself coming round from my unconsciousness, I could hear everything that was going on around me, but I could not physically wake up just yet. I stirred slightly and I must have made father jump.

"Anne, darling it's alright, it's father, I'm here". He said as he sprang from his seat and flung open the door and shouted for the doctor to return immediately. The doctor ran in the room following my father, "She stirred, I was singing too her and she awoke slightly". He said. "Did she open her eyes in response?". He asked father. "No, no she has not". He replied. I could feel the doctor place his warm hands up to my kneck to feel for my pulse, just like James had done back on the island, Oh how I wish this was him instead of this old man, I thought to myself. "Her breathing has become some what more stable and she seems to be warming up, I shall place this damp cloth upon her head, to help keep her temperature down, but I'm afraid that is all I can do for the time being until she awakens, as I can not tell the stent of her injuries when she is lying down". The doctor said.

"Injuries, she only has one cut upon the front of her head, can't you take a look at it now before she bleeds to death!". Father began to shout, not realising what the doctor was going to say next. "I very well could do that Governor Swann, however judging by the blood stain pillow, it seems as though your daughter has sustained yet another injury at the back of her head and this one seems to be more serious than the other, therefore given the state of your daughters burnt skin, it would be sore and uncomfortable to more her whilst it is recovering, tis best if we wait until it has calmed before treating her wounds". He said calmly.

YOU WILL NOT WAIT UNTIL SHE AWKENS BECAUSE SHE MAY NEVER DO SO, SO AS HER FATHER I AM BEGGING YOU TO PLEASE SAVE MY LITTLE GIRL!". He shouted, crying and breathing erratically. By then James, Elizabeth and Thomas must have heard father shouting outside of the cabin and they all burst through the door like a stampede. "Governor Swann, may I suggest or perhaps insist that you wait outside and let the doctor tend to her?". James said sternly but softly.

"No! She is my daughter and I intend on staying with her, I am not leaving her!". Father shouted. "Yes but father you are doing her no good by shouting at anyone whom maybe looking out for her best interest, the doctor is medically trained and he knows what he is doing, you need to trust him father". Elizabeth tried pleading with him. "But Elizabeth, he tells me that she has lost a lot of blood and she may not make it and you remember that I've already went through that once and I am not prepared to go through it again!". He told her.

"This is from the wound she recieved in Port Royal am I right?". Elizabeth asked. "Yes and no Miss Swann, your sister has some how managed to abtain yet another wound,  but to the back of the head and this one I fear is more worse than the front head injury". The doctor told her. "How has she abtained such an injury she has never fallen from when I have seen her?". Elizabeth questioned. "Unless...". Thomas interjected. "Unless what Mr Turner?". James asked sternly. "When we were in the caves back in Tortuga, we were dancing and fooling around and we both got scared by Will and Jack sneaking up on us, that I had forgotten that she was still titled within my arms and I had accidentally dropped her". Thomas replied.

Father scoffed and turned away from him and placed his head within his hands. "She didnt seem to be in any pain when I had dropped her, so I thought that she was alright, I am truly sorry Governor Swann, had she only told me that I had hurt her I may have been able to help her". Elizabeth placed a comforting hand upon Thomas's shoulder. "Tis alright, Thomas you were not to know". She paused as she looked around the room at the doctor and James whom were both staring at her, before her gaze turned towards my father's back, her eyes burning holes into it, as she narrowed her eyes at how cruel father was being, but she softened when she must have  realised that he was indeed a parent worried sick about his child. "None of us were". She said softly, as she gave a gently smile to Thomas.

"Right well this is all very informative, but may I suggest that you all leave the room...". Father was about to object but he was cut of by the doctor again. "Even you Governor!". He said sternly. "I know she is your daughter, but right now she is my patient and I must insist that if you truly care for her, you will leave her to rest and hopefully she maybe able to overcome her fever, if you wish too keep her protected then why don't you have Commodore Norrington, place one of his men outside of the door, so that no one shall enter without your permission?". He asked.

Father stood in silence for a moment, his hands placed behind his back in his usual standing position, as he looked to the floor, before he looked up towards Elizabeth, who looked at him with pleading eyes. "Very well, I shall take my leave, but may I suggest that Commodore Norrington sit with her and keep her company, instead of standing outside, at least she will have a friendly face to look at when she awakens". Father said. James looked at him his eyes wide a little, his mind processing what the Governor had asked of him, until he finally found the words to say. "Very well Governor as you wish, I shall stay by her bed side, until she awakens". James said with a smile as he placed his hands behind his back.

"Good, yes well, come alone then you two". Father said to Elizabeth and Thomas. "You both can tell me exactly what has been going on, whilst you have been out of my presence all this time". He said as he walked towards them and shooed them out of the door, followed by the doctor, "Commodore, please come and get me straight away if she awakens". Father told him. "I will Governor, I will be sure to come and collect all of you". He said softly with a smile, before father closed the cabin door, finally leaving us both alone in a room together on our own.

The room went completely silent, as James still stood with his back up against the wall, I could hear his breathing become more unsteady, until he finally walked over towards the chair, father had been sitting in and sat down in his place. He let out a huge sigh and took of his tricorn hat and placed it upon the bottom of the bunk, as I felt it brush against my leg. More silence cascaded around the room for a few more moments until, I felt James grab hold of my hand, as he began to speak.

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