23. Freeing Jack and Starting our Adventure

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We got to the jail where Jack was, we entered slowly and quietly as we didn't want any of Norrington's men to hear us, Will opened the iron door to go down to the cells. We crept quietly down the stairs behind Will, who was already bounding down them without a care in the world. We finally got to Jack's cell, Will wasted no time in confronting him. "You, Sparrow". Will said to him. "Aye". Was all Jack said lifting his head up, to talk back to Will, whilst he was lying in the dirt ridden ground, surrounded by mud and hay.

"You are familiar with that ship the Black Pearl?". Will asked him. "I've head of it". Jack replied. "Where does it make berth?". Will asked again. "Where does it make berth?". Jack copied Will like a parrot. "Have you not heard the stories?". He continued. There was a silence between us all, Jack put his head back down upon the ground and started to move his hands around in the air, explaining the story to us. "Captain Barbossa and his crew of miscreants, sail from the dreaded Isla de Muerta, it's an island that cannot be found, except by those who already know where it is".

"That sounds exciting!". Thomas whispered in my ear, I turned to look at him and gave him a slight smirk, before turning my attention back towards Jack and Will's conversation. "The ship's real enough". Will told Jack. "Therefore it's anchorage must be a real place. Where is it?". He asked. "Why ask me?". Jack said to Will whilst looking at his fingernails. "Beause your a pirate". Will said. "And you want to turn pirate yourself is that it?". Jack asked Will. Will lunged forward at the cell bars, I jumped with shock as I wasn't expecting him to do that. "Never". Will breathed out.

"They took Miss Swann". Will told him. "Oh so it is that you found a girl". Jack said. "Hang on, isn't she standing right behind you?". He continued. Will turned to look at me, whilst he was talking with Jack, he must have forgotten that me and Thomas, were standing right behind him. I walked forward closer to the cell, so that I could see Jack properly, Thomas followed close behind me like a lost puppy. "He means my sister Mr Sparrow, she was taken by some of this Captain Bar something's crew whomever it is that you are speaking of". Jack looked me up and down, before he nodded in agreement, holding his hands up in a surrendered position and turned his attention back towards Will.

"I see, well if you're intending to brave all, hasten to her rescue and so win fair lady's heart, you'll have to do it alone, mate, I see no profit in it for me". Jack told Will. "I can get you out". Will told him. "How's that the keys run off". Jack asked him. "I helped build these cells". Will said. "Yes and I showed him how!". Thomas piped up, holding his hand up in the air, as though he was at school. We all turned to look at Thomas, who put his hand down with embarrassment and looked to the floor, I gave him a squeeze of comfort, on the shoulders to show him that it was alright.

"These are half-pin barrel hinges". Will said whilst pointing at the cell. "With the right leverage and the proper application of strength, the door will lift free". Will continued as he placed a small wooden bench, inbetween the cell. Me and Thomas looked at each other, before we stepped back incase any of us got hurt, in the process. Jack just stared at Will in surprise. "What's your name?". Jack asked Will. "Will Turner". Will told him. "That would be short for William, I imagine". Jack asked him. "Good, strong name". He continued. "No doubt named for your father, eh?". He asked again.

"Yes". Was all Will said, I looked at Thomas confused and he just shrugged his shoulders, we both turned our attention back to the two men. "Uh-huh". Jack said before pausing briefly and then continued. "Well, Mr Turner, I've changed me mind". Jack said whilst getting up from the floor and standing up to look Will in the eyes. "If you spring me from this cell, I swear on pain of death, I shall take you to the Black Pearl and your bonny lass, Do we have an accord?". He asked Will, whilst sticking his hand out of the cell door for Will to shake.

Will looked over towards me and Thomas, probably to seek our approval, I nodded my head and Thomas copied. Will then turned back towards Jack and shook his hand. "Agreed". He said to Jack. I exhaled a sigh of relief, as I thought he would have objected, then who would have saved my sister. "Agreed!, get me out!". Jack told him. Will then pulled on the bench and lifted the cell door free from it's hinges and let it fall to the floor, with a huge bang. "Hurry, someone will have heard that". Will told Jack. "Not without my effects". Jack told him whilst bobbing out of the cell door, and grabbing his effects that hung on the wall.

"Hello again lassie, miss me?". Jack turned and spoke to me whilst grinning, putting his hand up against the wall, preventing me from leaving. "You must be mad, if you think someone like me, would miss you Mr Sparrow, now come on, we have my sister to save". I told him, whilst slapping his arm away from me. He just returned the favour with a big cheeky smirk upon his face, before he followed me out of the cells to meet Will and Thomas outside.

We all ran outside, hiding and creeping around to try and not get caught by Norrington's men. We all hid underneath the bridge, waiting for Norrington's men to pass us, so we wouldn't be seen, especially with a pirate as we would be done for. "We're going to steal a ship?". Will asked Jack. "That ship?". He asked again. "Commandeer, we're going to commandeer that ship, nautical term". Jack said whilst pointing over towards the Interceptor. My heart was in my mouth, as I knew deep down who's ship that belonged too, as they had just gotten it as a ceremonial gift from their comrades. Yes it was indeed Norrington's ship, that we were about to steal, I felt so guilty but now wasn't the time to be arguing with a pirate.

"One question about your business, boy, or there's no use going, this girl". Jack asked Will. "I think you will find that this girl happens to be my sister and it's Miss Swann to you Sparrow". I told him. Will and Jack both looked at me, as though I was beginning to become, a bit of a nuisance, before Jack continued. "How far are you willing to go to save her?". "I'd die for her!". Will told him. Oh how sweet, I wish someone thought that way about me, I thought to myself. "Oh good, no worries then". Jack told him.

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