55. You Belong With Me.

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Myself and Thomas stayed glued to the pillar, Thomas gripped my hand tightly, whilst Jack and Will spun around in the circle, Will's sword hitting each one of the men's bayonets, whom swarmed us. Suddenly out of nowhere, James appeared with more men, pointing his sword at Will. "I thought we might have to endure some manner of ill-conceived escape attempt, but not from you". James said, as he glared at the shocked pair that stood before him.

"And especially not with the help from you two". James turned his attention towards myself and Thomas, glaring at him, but upon turning his attention to me, his face softened with sadness slightly, as though he did not want to become angry with me, but he had yet to remain professional infront of his men and my father. "I'm sorry". I mouthed at him, before he gave me a short sharp nod, that only I could see, before turning his attention back towards Jack and Will. Then father made his appearance known to us, as he came bounding around the corner and walked right up behind James. He spotted me and gave me a stern cold disappointed look, as he shook his head, causing me to put my head down in shame, I thought he would be proud of me, just like he was upon the Dauntless, I thought to myself. "On our return to Port Royal, I granted you clemency, and this is how you thank me, by throwing in your lot with him, he's a pirate!". Father said, as he glared at Will.

Suddenly a flicker of golden brown hair had caught the corner of my eye, I turned my head sharply to see that it twas none other than Elizabeth, whom was stood not to far behind father, she must have escaped her prison some how. She turned to me and smiled, taking hold of my right hand and squeezing it tightly, before we both turned back to look at the duo."And a good man". Will replied. Father ignored him and began to scold Thomas. "And Thomas, I put in a good word for you with the Commodore here, to allow you to become part of his service, and he has done nothing but help you to better yourself, to get where you are today and this is how you thank him, by assisting in the escape of a dangerous man". Father told Thomas. Thomas said nothing, other than bow his head in shame. "I am but ashamed of you and if I didn't know rightly, I would dare to say that the Commodore is too". Father continued. "Indeed". James concluded, as he too gave Thomas a stern look.

"Please don't be too hard on Thomas, twas him whom was only trying to protect everyone here today". I lied to them both. I squeezed Thomas's hand to reassure him that I would stick up for him whatever it would take, I could not see him be thrown out of the navy for trying to save a good friend, I thought to myself. "Anne right now I do not care for what you wish to say, as I am simply disappointed in you, I strictly told you not to become involved in all this, but you deliberately disobeyed me". Father said. "But I am pleased that no harm has come to you". He continued, as he grabbed hold of my shoulders and kissed me upon the head, I chuckled at his actions, for all he is my father and he should be stern and cross, he does have a really soft side too him. "Just like your mother aren't you, following your heart not your head". He whispered to me, causing me to grin from ear to ear. Father then turned back to face Jack and Will.

"Well what do you have to say for yourself?". Father snapped. Will dropped his sword in defeat, "If all I have achieved here is that the hangman will earn two pairs of boots instead of one, so be it, at least my conscience will be clear". Will replied. James then stood forward, more angry than ever. "You forget your place, Turner". He seethed through his teeth. "It's right here, between you and Jack". Will replied. Just then Elizabeth then walked forward and joined Will by his side, causing both Jack and Will to look at her in shock. "As is mine". She said. I knew exactly what she was doing, so I went to join her too, grabbing hold of her left hand with mine and clutching it tightly. "And mine". I said, s I glared at father and James. I then looked over to Thomas, whom still stood with his head hung low, he then looked up slowly and I gave him a look to tell him to come and join us. "Oh and mine too". He said, as he stumbled towards us slightly, next to myself. "Elizabeth, Anne!". Father shouted. "Lower your weapons, for goodness sake put them down!". Father continued, as he shouted towards James's men. They all listened to fathers command and lowered their weapons.

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