33. Hearing Some Home Truths

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We finally caught up with Jack and Will, who were crouching down out of sight behind some rocks. I tapped Jack on the shoulder and moved to his other shoulder, so when he turned to look in the direction I had tapped him, I wouldn't be there but on the otherside. He turned to the other shoulder and looked at me with an angry yet shocked expression on his face, whilst holding up his index finger, his mouth wide open, as though he was going to speak. I just laughed at his expression and placed my hand over my mouth so I wouldn't blow our cover. "That wasn't very nice!". Jack whispered to me. I looked over to Thomas who just smirked. Jack turned his attention to Will. "Not all treasure is silver and gold mate". He told him.

All three of us turned our attention back to the scene in front of us. I looked over to see all of Barbossa's crew surrounding the cave, if you even thought about escaping and sneaking past them, it would be impossible to do so, I thought to myself. "Gentleman the time has come!". Barbossa bellowed. We all turned our attention up towards where he was standing, upon a very high pile of golden coins, jewels, jewelry and other such treasures. He was standing beside a large concrete chest, goodness knows what was inside of it, I thought to myself.

I looked over to see Elizabeth, who was standing behind the chest, she was wearing a wine coloured dress, what happened to her night gown I wonder, she was standing scared and shaking on the spot, I wanted to run over to her and give her the biggest hug and tell her everything was going to be alright, except I knew if I did that, I would blow our own cover. "Our Salvation is nigh!". Barbossa continued, his crew cheered in unison with each other. "Our torment is near an end!". He bellowed again. "Elizabeth". Will breathed out. I reached over and squeezed his hand, he turned to look at me and give me a small smile, I pursed my lips together and gave a small smile back.

"For ten years we've been tested and tried and each man here has proved his mettle a hundred times over and a hundred times again!". Barbossa again bellowed throughout the cave, his crew continuing to cheer, as though there were cheering on some kind of sporting event. I looked down upon the crew, to see the two filthy barbarians that kidnapped my sister in the first place, I grit my teeth together and glared at them. "Suffered I have!". The shaggy haired one cried out.

"Punished we were the lot of us, disproportionate to our crime!". Barbossa continued. "Here it is!". He cried out, whilst kicking the lid of the chest with his right foot, this made Elizabeth gasp with shock and back away from it a little. "The cursed treasure of Cortes himself". Barbossa said, whilst running his right hand in amongst the coins. Wait a moment, those coins look distinctively like the one that Elizabeth has around her neck as necklace, the one we found on Will all those years ago, what was he doing with a cursed peice of treasure. I thought to myself.

I was brought out of my thoughts when Barbossa spoke again. "Every last piece that went astray, we have returned". He said whilst picking up some of the coins and dropping them back into the chest. "Save for this!". He continued, whilst pointing at the one that was around Elizabeths neck. I looked at Elizabeth who by now, was completely frozen on the spot, her breathing was heavy, as she stared out upon the crowd of men, whom were all staring and cheering at her.

"Jack!". Will cried out, myself, Thomas and Jack grabbed a hold of Will, before he did anything he would regret, that could put Elizabeth into further danger. "Not yet!". Jack whispered to him, pulling him further down out of sight. Me and Thomas followed them and bent further down out of sight. "We wait for the opportune moment". Jack continued. Jack then got up, still hunched over and started to walk away from our hiding place. Myself, Will and Thomas followed him.

"When's that?". Will asked him. "When it's of greatest profit to you?". He continued. "May I ask you something?". Jack said his eyes were nearly bulging out of his sockets as he stared ahead of us and looking at nothing, other than rock in front of him. He turned sharply and walked right up to Will and looked him dead in the face. "Have I ever given you reason not to trust me?". Jack continued. Will never replied, expect he just glared at him not blinking. "Do us a favour, I know it's difficult for you, but please stay here and try not to do anything stupid". Jack told him. "That goes for you both as well". He said whilst pointing and myself and Thomas.

He then proceeded to walk off away from us, leaving us behind. I walked up to Will and grabbed his left shoulder and squeezed it out of comfort. "It will be alright you know, she is a strong woman my sister, you have no need to worry". I told him. Will then proceeded to snatch his shoulder away from my grip harshly, before he turned quickly and looked at me. "No need to worry, there is every need to worry, the woman I love is up there and she could be killed at any moment, how dare you tell me not to worry!, just because you may not love her, as much as I do and you only care about yourself, as you are just a foolish little girl, with foolish dreams and foolish notions!". He said to me quiet harshly.

I chose to ignore his words as I know he did not really mean what he implied, as he is only saying this out of fear, fear as to what may happen to my dearest sister, the sister I looked up to as a mother, even though she is only 2 years older than me, she was the one who taught me to read, write and even act like a lady. I thought to myself. I was brought out of my thoughts, when Thomas began to speak. "How dare you talk to Anne in such a way, you have no idea of the thoughts that are probably processing through her mind, she loves her dear sister more than anyone within this world, more than you, more than Norrington, heck maybe even more than her father, her sister has been somewhat of a mother to her, as she never got the chance to actually meet the woman who brought her into this world! So you have no right, no right at all to say those words, you should apologise to her immediately!".

I walked over to Thomas and hugged him to my side and stroked his arm. "Thomas tis alright, he doesn't have too, I know he did not mean to say such things, he is just worried for my sister's safety thats all and with Jack not helping...". I was cut off by Will. "No!" Will turned to look at me and walk towards me and grab my hands and looked me in the eyes. "No Anne, Thomas is quite right, I have had absolutely no right to speak to you in such a manner like I did, I know you love your sister dearly and I know you wouldn't want anything to happen to her as much as me and for that you are right, in knowing that I am truly worried for her safety and I couldn't bare it, if she were to be hurt or worse killed and with Jack not helping us, therefore I need your help as well as Thomas's, as I am not quite sure I can do this on my own, and I do not think of you as a foolish little girl and that was very foolish for me to think, as Thomas is right, your sister has raised you to be strong minded, independent woman, whom I look up to from time to time, believe it or not, and I for one am truly sorry that you never got too meet your mother, I'm sure she will be so proud of you, for wanting to protect your family, so please except my most sincere deepest apologies and I know to keep my thoughts to myself from now on".

I glanced back and Thomas who had his arms crossed and was just glaring angrily at Will, before I turned back to look at Will, I squeezed his hands within my own tightly. "Dearest Will, I accept your most humble apologies and I understand your anger, as I myself are angry too, thus if it wasn't for me letting Elizabeth to be dragged out of those doors with those pirates, if I had pulled myself together and ran after them, then we would all be safe within the walls of Port Royal by now and she wouldn't be faced with the fear she has put in front of her now, not knowing if she is too live or die!". I said to him, whilst tears were stinging my eyes. I bit my lip to prevent myself from crying.

"Do not think for a moment that it was your fault Anne, you were injured and concussed, if anything it was Norrington and his mens fault for not guarding the fort and the streets properly and letting those vicous blood thirsty scallywags enter into our mist, but had you done said rescuing we would not have been able to go on this incredible voyage now would we? ". I just chuckled at his words and looked down to the ground, "I suppose your right". I said whilst looking back up at him.

"Now let us all get out of here to safety and let us go and rescue your dear sister". He said whilst walking off in front of us. I proceed to follow him, before I turned to see if Thomas was following us also, "Come on!". I told him. He just stood there still on the spot with his arms crossed, before he let out a huge sigh and began to follow us, with his arms folded still.

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