46. Love Notes and A Shattered Heart

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The next morning came and for the first time in what had felt like a long time, I truly had a really good sleep, I awoke feeling really refreshed. I rolled over onto my left side, as I let out a sharp yawn and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes, stretching my limbs and sighing contently to myself, as I gazed out of the ship window. Where I saw the gorgeous Caribbean sun glistening, across the crystal blue water down below, rays of light beaming down one by one, the clouds every now and then blocking out the sun, as they floated by within the sky.

I lay there for a few moments taking in the scenery, finally feeling safe and content with my surroundings. Until suddenly I heard a ruckus upon deck, I could hear loud mumbling, but I could indeed make out that it was Elizabeth and father, arguing amongst themselves, whilst occasionally James, would interject every once and a while.

I slowly rose up from my pillow, as I stretched my arms up towards the ceiling, pulling the covers back off my legs, as I swung them round and sat on the edge of the bunk. Contemplating whether or not, I would be strong enough to stand on my own, or did I need to call for assistance. Taking in a deep breath, I pressed my hands firmly into the mattress, as I put all my weight onto my knuckles and began to rise up off the bunk, letting my legs and feet dangle over the side of the bunk, as I could not quite reach the floor, as I wasn't tall enough. I then managed to gather all the strength I had and lift my bum from the bunk and land firmly on my feet, taking the whole weight of my body. I finally let go of the bunk and tried to stand on my own, which I managed to do, however I was a little shaky at first.

I looked around the room, as I wrapped my arms around me, to keep myself warm, as the morning sea breeze had quite a chill too it today. I then looked over towards James's desk and there on the chair was a night robe, that I could only assume was for myself. I walked over to where it was placed upon the chair, as I picked it up and wrapped it round me, gladly tying the cord around my waist, letting it pull tightly towards my body, since it was so cold. I then looked upon the desk and I noticed there was a note written with my name upon it, I recognised the handwriting immediately and I realised that it was indeed James's. I smiled to myself, when I saw my name written upon the piece of paper, in his handwriting, it was so neat and no letter was squiggled or messy at all, it twas far more neater than my own.

I slowly opened the note, as I scanned the paper with my eyes, upon it, it read.

Good Morning Anne, I hope that you are well, please take this robe and wear it, should you feel cold, as there is to be poor weather conditions today. If you feel well enough, please feel free to join myself, your father and sister upon deck, we shall be waiting for you, should you not feel any better, please inform Gillete whom shall be standing guard at the door and he shall come and retrieve myself and I shall inform the doctor, please get back into bed and await for us to come to your aid. Yours Faithfully, Commodore James Norrington. P.S. I haven't stopped thinking about you or our kiss all night, I can't wait to see you when you awake.

I smiled brighter than I think I had ever smiled before, as I held the note towards my chest breathing heavily slightly. I stood frozen to the spot for a few moments, before I returned to reality and placed the note within the robe pocket and walked towards the cabin door. Slowly opening it, only to find that it was blocked by none other than Gillette, whom was standing guard. I gently tapped him on his right shoulder, to grab his attention, he turned around sharply as I smiled at him and he returned the gesture. "Good Morning Miss Swann, I do hope that you slept well and are feeling much better?". He asked me. "Indeed I am, could you be so kind as to tell me, what is going on, why are my sister and father arguing?". I asked him. "I'm not so certain Miss, but I think it may have something to do with a Mr William Turner". He replied. "Oh right, thank you Gillette", was all I responded with, before I walked past him and over towards the group.

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