Part 15. Facing Father and Fighting Back Feelings

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It was finally nightfall when the carriage finally pulled up outside of my home, I took a deep breath in through my nose, Norrington exited the carriage first holding the door open for me. He took my hand to help me down of the step on the carriage, my heart was racing at this point, worrying as to what was going to happen to me, once I entered the house. I finally exhaled when I stepped out of the carriage and took in the night air, breathing it in deep, trying to get rid of the dust from my lungs, that I had breathed in whilst at the Black Smith's.

Norrington held out his arm for me to take and he escorted me to the front door, Sedrick who is our butler within the household, opened the door. "Welcome home Miss Swann, your father is in the parlour". "Thank you Sedrick". I said. Norrington still had his other hand placed on top of mine, as if he was not going to let me escape this time. He escorted me all the way to the parlour, where father was.

One of the servants had opened the parlour doors to let us both enter, I walked in still holding onto Norrington, by then my grip on his arm, had somewhat tightened that I was sure he could feel it, but was choosing to ignore the pain I was causing him. I looked over to the huge fireplace and the armchair what father was sitting in, his arm resting on one of the arm rests and his hand upon his forehead, in a thinking position. He didn't move and he continued to just stare into the fireplace.

The silence within the room was so apparent, that if you were to drop a pin on the ground, everyone would be able to hear it. All you could hear was the crackling of the fire and both our footsteps upon the marble floor. The light from the fire was the only sauce of light, that was allowing us to see clearly within the dark and dingy room, making our shadows stand really tall on the walls, however there were the odd candelabra's, hanging from the walls giving off as little light, as possible. Norrington finally broke the silence, when he decided to speak up, clearing his throat beforehand. "Er, forgive my intrusion Governor Swann, but I have someone here who would like to see you".

Father didn't bother to turn around, he just continued to stare into the fire, in the same pose as before. "Whomever it is Commodore, please tell them of my apologies and send them away, I'm not in the mood for seeing anyone not now, the only person I would want too see is my Anne, only she isn't here is she, goodness knows where she could be, she's out there all alone in the dark, anything could happen to her". Father said his voice cracking in between sentences, trying not to cry whilst rubbing his hand back and forth, upon his forehead whilst it is still placed upon the arm rest.

Norrington looked at me, as though he wanted me to finally say something. I copied Norrington and cleared my throat. "It's me father, I'm home". I said in a whispered tone. Father then shot up from the arm chair and turned around sharply. He looked me dead in the eyes, his had tears forming in his. I was bracing myself for a stern telling off, but instead father rushed towards me and engulfed me into a hug, a hug so tight he could have broken my ribs, but I didn't care, I wrapped my arms around him and returned the hug. Why was I so foolish, as to think running away from them and not informing them of my whereabouts, was such a good idea, I thought to myself.

Norrington cleared his throat and bowed his head. "Governor Swann". Was all he said before he headed for the door, father gave me a kiss upon the forehead and still held me tight before turning his attention to Norrington. "Commodore!, thank you very much, you have no idea how much this means to me". Norrington didn't say anything, other than nod his head and smile and then exit the room.

Father then turned and engulfed me into a another hug. "Oh my dear girl, where have you been?, I was so worried, you have no idea of the scenarios that were playing through my mind, I thought you were kidnapped, I thought you had fallen into the sea and drowned, I thought that some man had got you and started to have his wicked way with you, I thought that you were lying face down in the streets dead!". I flinched at his words as they got louder, I could tell that he must have wanted to shout at me, but chose not too. He turned around and continued to stare into the fire like before, he had his back to me his arms placed behind his back.

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