30. Battling Storms, Am I God and What do Men Know

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We were half way into our journey, to the Isla of De Muerta and we suddenly hit this horrendous storm, the rain was lashing down upon our heads, drenching us from head to toe within seconds, the waves were extraordinarily bigger than I've ever seen before, the wind was howling very loud and hard, in-between our ears, bolts of lighting were crashing down through the sky, making the whole of the sky light up, for a moment in a brilliant shade of white, followed by a loud roar of thunder, before it disappeared and submerged us into great darkness again.

The ship was trying it's best to stay on course but to no avail, as the waves were tossing it about, all over the place. Poor Jack was clinging onto the helm for dear life, trying to keep us on course. All of the crew including myself, Will, Thomas and Mr Gibbs, were clinging onto the ropes tightly, making sure that none of them got loose, as these ropes were keeping the sails up for the ship, to sail through the harsh wind.

I couldn't see a thing in front of me, nor could I hear anything either, the rain was coming down so fast and hard upon my face, that I felt as though someone was continuously throwing buckets of water, at me and not even giving me a chance to breathe. The wind had something to do with that though too, as everytime I was trying to take a breath, it was though the wind wouldn't allow it and it began choking me, silently murdering me, as I struggled to breathe air through my nose and into my lungs.

I couldn't hear anything what the crew mates were saying at each other, I tried to read their lips but failed to see them clearly, as it was so dark. I continued to just hold on upon the rope, that I was holding tightly within my hands, giving myself rope burn and braced myself into a hunched over position, keeping my head down and my eyes screwed shut, praying that this storm would hopefully pass quickly. The icy breeze from the wind, was cutting into my skin and face, as I had no shelter to protect me from it's sharp bites, that were like daggers being plunged into me all over.

Suddenly a big wave came over the side of the ship and it submerged us all within it's icy grip for a moment and knocked us all of our feet, sending us all stumbling about upon deck. Will had seen that I had tumbled down with the collsion, he got to his feet and walked over to me and helped me up. "THANK YOU!". I shouted so my voice could be heard. "YOUR WELCOME!". He shouted back. I looked around to see if I could see Thomas, scanning the deck for his tall gangly figure, until I found him, he was lying on the deck upon his back, like a tortoise who was stuck and struggling to get up, he was holding tightly onto the rope, that he was holding, his eyes were screwed shut and he was gasping for air, as the sea was continuing to fill his mouth and nostrils with its salty death trap.

"THOMAS WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?". I shouted down to him, as he was still lying upon the ground. "GOD IS THAT YOU?". Thomas breathed out, still with his eyes shut tightly and holding onto the rope. "NO TIS ME ANNE". I replied. "ANNE ARE YOU DEAD TOO?". He asked. I pinched him upon the arm, "OW!". He cried out. He then proceeded to slowly open his eyes and scan his surroundings, the waves continuing to drench him as he lay still upon the deck. His gaze fell upon me and he sighed a sigh of relief, with a content smile upon his face. "OH DEAREST ANNE! FOR A MOMENT THERE I THOUGHT OF YOU AS AN ANGEL COMING TO CLAIM MY SOUL TO JOIN YOU, INTO THE STARY SKY ABOVE AND INTO THE UNKNOWN!". He said to me.

"UNFORTUNATELY DEAR THOMAS WE ARE NOT YET NOR ARE WE DEAD!". I laughed, before I grabbed a hold of his arm and helped pull him to his feet, he smiled at me, suddenly becoming distracted for a moment, as he had let go of the rope he was holding for a second, before he turned and jumped up to reach it. Will walked over to us unsteadily on his feet, the wind pushing him from side to side. "THAT WAS A CLOSE ONE THERE MATE, NICE CATCH THOUGH!". He shouted to Thomas. Thomas smiled and nodded at Will. "YES ITS ALL DOWN TO ME AND MY LIGHTING REFLEXES!". He laughed, making karate moves with his hands. Will laughed before he struggled to walk off back to his duties and stand beside Mr Gibbs.

"WE SHOULD DROP CANVAS SIR!". Mr Gibbs shouted up towards Jack. "SHE CAN HOLD A BIT LONGER!". Jack shouted back whilst frantically turning the helm back and forth. "WHAT'S PUT YOU IN SUCH A FINE MOOD CAPTAIN?". Mr Gibbs asked him. Jack stared out into the dark abyss not looking Mr Gibbs in the eyes. "WE'RE CATHING UP". He said. Myself, Thomas and Will all turned to look at one another. "CATCHING UP TO WHAT?". Thomas bellowed at us. "OR WHOM?". Will continued. "DON'T YOU GENTLEMEN PAY ATTNETION TO ANYTHING OTHER THAN SWORD FIGHTING AND WOMEN?". I asked them. They both just looked at each other, before they turned back towards me and shrugged their shoulders.

I shook my head and rolled my eyes. "HE MEANS THAT WE ARE CLOSE TO THE BLACK PEARL". I told them both. "OHHHHHHH!". They both said in unison, looking at each other nodding their heads slowly. I placed my head within my hands and shook my head. Men, they think they know everything, but all that matters in a topic of conversation is sword fighting, women and rum nothing else. I thought to myself.

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