42. My Father's Words Of Comfort

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They all made their way back towards the Dauntless in silence, as James carried me within his strong arms. Father still slightly sobbing to himself, as he still held on tightly to my hand, caressing it with his thumb. The silence was broken when James began to speak softly. "Gillette will you take Miss Swann and take her straight to my cabin for me?". He asked. "Yes Si...". Gillette was cut off by my father. "No! If anyone else is to carry my daughter, then I think it shall be me, I am her father after all!". He snapped at them both.

James and Gillette did not say a word, however they must have nodded in agreement, as suddenly James walked over towards my father and placed me into his arms. Father gripped onto me tightly as he whispered into my ear. "Don't worry darling, I've got you". There was a pregnant pause, as he sobbed again slightly and placed a kiss upon my forehead. "Daddy's got you". He continued. There was silence among us all again, as they all made their way up the gangway and onto the ship. "Oi!". Someone shouted within the distance, as the waves crashing upon the sand drowned it out at first. "Oi!", the voice shouted again.

This time the voice must have gotten everyone's attention, as they all stopped upon the gangway, my father included and turned to look towards the person the voice belonged too. Whomever it was, began to run up the gangway and towards us, seemingly tired and out of breath, everyone went silent again, until it was broken by James once more. "Well, well, Jack Sparrow, we meet again!". James said sarcastically. "Likewise Commodore!". Jack said in his cocky tone of voice. "Thanks for not leaving with out me aye!". He continued. "ARE YOU RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS, ARE YOU RESPONSIBLE FOR MY DAUGHTER GETTING HURT?!". Father shouted at him. "No, hand on my heart I did no such thing, but I must say she looks bloody terrible, mate!". Jack replied.

"You!...". Father went to scolded him again, but was interrupted by Elizabeth. "Father! He did not harm her in anyway, you have my word on that, you mustn't worry". She told him, in her soft calming voice. "Yeah in fact Sir, he has been very good to us". Thomas interjected. Father didn't reply to any of them, instead he just pulled me closer to him, any closer and I feel as though he may crush my ribs, but I knew he meant no harm by what he was doing, he was only trying to keep me safe, like he always has done. "What is your purpose here Mr Sparrow?". James asked him.

"Well I'm not here on holiday, if that's what you bloody think". Jack said sarcastically. James never replied to his comment, instead he shouted for Gillette to come forward. "Gillette!, escort Mr Sparrow up on deck and when he's there, place him in irons!". He told him. "Yes sir!". Gillette replied. We all began to walk further up the gangway, we all finally made it on board, however, James held Jack back and mumbled something to him, but it was loud enough for all of us to hear. "Mr Sparrow, if I find out that you are lying and that you are indeed responsible for Miss Swann's injuries, then so help me god I will have you in that noose faster than you can beg for mercy, Do I make myself clear!".

"Perfectly Sir!". Jack replied. James grabbed him by his arm and dragged him over towards Gillette, whom was preparing the irons to be placed around his wrists. "Governor! Take Miss Swann into my cabin and Groves, fetch for the doctor!". James bellowed. "Yes Sir!". Groves replied. Father made his way into the cabin with me, as he gently placed me down upon the bunk, placing the covers over me, to keep me warm. He grabbed the chair that was behind Norrington's desk and placed it down beside the bunk and sat upon it.

He let out a huge sigh, as he sat down and grabbed my left hand and squeezed it tightly, as he leant over and used his other hand to stroke my forehead. "What am I going to do with you hmm?". He said softly. "I don't know if you can hear me Anne, but I want you to know that I do truly love you and seeing you lying there in the Commodore's arms lifeless, made my heart stop". He sighed once more. "Seeing you like that took me right back to the day your mother died, I thought not only have I lost my wife, but I have lost the only person that reminds me of her everyday, everytime I see you, your sister has her personality, that's for sure, but you...". He paused again as another sob escaped him.

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