51. Nightmares and Lullabies

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I sighed slightly, as I rolled on to my back and looked up at the ceiling, as I brought my hands up to my face and rubbed it gently. "Elizabeth I'm tired may we do this tomorrow?". I asked her not looking her in the eye. She herself sighed, "Very well we shall, but I shall be asking you about it first thing". She said, as she scooted further down in her bed and blew out the candle in annoyance. She then harshly rolled over in bed and sighed out hard, before it suddnely went silent on her side of the room.

I continued to stare up at the ceiling for a little while, until before I knew it I must have fallen asleep, as I was having the most strangest yet scary dream. In my dream it was pitch black still, I was walking down the landing in my dream,  goodness knows what I was searching for. I was walking past Helen and when I asked her what was going on, she just glared at me and gave me a filthy look, as she stormed right past me. I stood there staring in shock, at the look she had just past me I didn't know what I had done to deserve that. I began tossing and turning in my sleep, as the dream continued on. Somehow I made it down the stairs and into the foyer, where I was met with Sedrick, Frederick and Mary both our bulters and Elizabeth's maid.

They were both whispering to one and another whilst glaring at me harshly, why on earth were they looking at me, with such disgust I thought. "How dare she show her face after what she has done!". I heard Mary whisper, to both Sedrick and Frederick. I pretended as though I never heard what she had said, as I played dumb and walked over to the trio, asking them what is going on. "Mary what on earth is going on, where is everyone?". I asked her. She looked me up and down with displeasure, as she got up close to my face and through gritted teeth she replied. "As if you don't know, I don't know how you can show your face here after what you have done". She spat.

"W-w-what is it you suppose I have done?". I asked them, whilst glancing between them all. They all burst out laughing when I said this. "Hahahaha, look at her pretty face but definitely no brain in that head of her's". Mary laughed out. "She definitely is the runt of the brood isn't she". Frederick scoft, making Sedrick splutter and place his hand on Frederick's shoulder to prevent himself from falling over due to laughing. "What on earth are you all laughing at, tell me now this instance what it is I'm supposed to have done!". I snapped at them. The laughing slowly subsided when I gave my outburst, all three of them began to stare at me with wide eyes, until Mary walked closer to me once again and harshly grabbed hold of my shoulders. "You killed your sister!". She spat once again. "What!". I screeched. Mary began to nod her head. "Yes, first you kill your mother by slithering your way into this world like the snake you are and now you've killed your sister". She continued. I didnt say anything other than look shocked between the trio, why were they saying such harsh things to me, I thought to myself.

"I don't know how you can show your face, if I was you I would take the first carriage out of town and never show your face round here again!". Sedrick said through gritted teeth, as he stepped towards me. "No one wants you here, now get out!". Frederick shouted at me, whilst pointing towards the door. Tossing and turning in my sleep, I tired my best to wake myself but it was no use. Which meant that this horrible nightmare had to continue. Suddenly in my dream, father emerged from the parlour, looking as though he had seen a ghost, his face pale and showing no emotion. I ran over to him and grabbed him by both arms, as I buried my face into his chest and began to cry. "Oh father you wouldn't believe the terrible things they are saying to me". I said through sobs of hot tears that fell upon my cheeks. He never said anything, nor did he looked at me, he just continued to stand there staring into nothing, his eyes filled with no emotion.

Suddenly, the doors to the house burst open and in walked Norrington and his men, holding bayonets as they were running into the house. "There she is men, seize her!". Gillette shouted, as it echoed around the foyer. Before I even had time to do anything, Norrington's men grabbed me by both arms harshly, as they began to pull me towards the door. I began to cry out in protest, as I was so confused at what I had done, to deserve this treatment by everyone. "No let me go please, I have done nothing wrong, please tell me what I have done, I have not killed Elizabeth, I swear it!". I began to plead and beg to them. Both men whom were dragging me stopped in their tracks, as I heard footsteps come up behind me, my breathing becoming more erratic, as the fear of the unknown consumed me. Twas Norrington whom stepped in front of me, his hands behind his back, his eyes harsh and piercing right through my soul.

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