25. Childhood Stories and Threatening Jack

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We got further out into the open ocean, I stared out over the port side, resting my hand upon my cheek and propping my elbow up on the side, staring down at the crystal blue water and breathing in the sea air. Listening to the group of seagulls squealing and screeching above us. I put my hand up towards my bandaged head and winched in pain, as it still rather hurt some blood was upon my hand, when I pulled it away from my head, as it must be still bleeding rather heavily, through the bandage. I wiped my hand upon my dress, before I returned back to look out into the open water.

I was in a world of my own for a time, taking in the beautiful sight in front of me, before I overheard Will and Thomas having a conversation, about their lives and how they got to where they are now. I decided to join them, I jumped down from the port side and walked over towards a barrel and sat upon it and listened to their conversation, not interrupting but just listening.

"When I was a lad living in England, my mother raised me by herself, after she died I came out here, looking for my father". Will told Thomas, whilst he was sharpening his cutlass with a stone. "I never knew my parents, as far as I am aware, I have lived in Port Royal all my life and I was raised by an elderly lady called Margaret, she was so kind, she even treated me like her own son, she also died and then I ended up living on the streets of Port Royal for a while, begging for money and scraps of food, before Mr Brown took me in as an apprentice and that's how we met".Thomas told Will, they both chuckled at his statement.

"Yes and if it wasn't for you and your sharp wit and intelligence I wouldn't have got to know the things I do today, so I thank you for that". Will said to Thomas, "It's no problem at all my dear friend, even though you are older than me, I am glad I got to teach you and also learn a few things from you myself, you have become like a older brother to me and to that I am most grateful, as I don't think I have any siblings of my own, that I know of, so it is nice to have a figure of a one". Thomas replied.

They both chuckled once again, before they both turned their attention towards me. "Oh hello Anne, we didn't see you there, is everything alright?". Thomas asked me, "Yes of course, everything is fine, please don't let me stop your conversation, it sounded rather interesting, to find out about your backgrounds, especially Will's since I know nearly everything about you Thomas, being my dearest friend and all". I chuckled. Little did we all know, that Jack was standing behind us all, listening into our conversation whilst checking to make sure everything was in order upon the ship.

"Is that so?". Jack pipes up whilst checking some ropes, that were hanging from a beam. "My father, Bill Turner?". Will got up and followed him towards the helm, me and Thomas both looked at each other and just shrugged and we watched them both walk away. "At the jail, it was only after you learned my name that you agreed to help". Will told Jack. "Since that's what I wanted I didn't press the matter, I'm not a simpleton Jack you knew my father". Will continued.

Me and Thomas decided to follow them up at the helm and stand to listen to their conversation, even though it was rude to do so, we at least needed to know some information, about the people who we were going to be sailing with, for some time. I looked at Thomas wide eyed, when Will made that comment, about Jack knowing his father, I knew he wasn't doing this out of the kindness of his own heart, he is either wanting something out of all of this, or he is going to use the father advantage on Will to blackmail him into helping him, get what he wants, I thought to myself.

Jack had his back towards Will and was busy tying a rope, around a wooden pole on the starboard side of the ship. He suddenly stopped what he was doing and let out a sigh, before he proceeded to stand up straight and turn to look at Will in the face. "I knew him, probably one of the few who knew him as William Turner, everyone else called him Boostrap, or Boostrap Bill". Jack told Will before walking off towards the helm. "Bootstrap?". Will questioned. "Good man, good pirate, I swear you look just like him". Jack said, as he turned to look back towards Will. "It's not true, he was a merchant sailor, a good respectable man who obeyed the law". Will told Jack.

Jack turned around, "He was a bloody pirate a scallywag". Jack told him, before he turned back towards the helm. "My father was not a pirate!" Will spat at Jack, whilst pulling out his sword from his belt and pointing it at Jack. "Put it away son". Jack told Will with his back to him. "It's not worth you getting beat again". Jack continued. "You didn't beat me, you ignored the rules of engagement, in a fair fight, I'd kill you". Will told him. Jack turned around to look at Will again. "That's not incentive for me to fight fair, is it?". Jack said. Suddenly Jack turned the helm fast, making a beam come out of nowhere and hit Will, making him cling on for dear life, as it was suspended out towards the open ocean, making Will dangle over it like a fish on hook.

I ran over towards Jack, whilst Thomas followed. "Jack, bring him back on aboard and let's stop this childish, foolishness and lets start and behave like gentlemen shall we?". I told him, he gave me a sideways glance and smirked before he walked over towards Will, who was still clinging onto the beam. He picked up Will's sword, that he had dropped when he was pushed out, towards the sea and he pointed out towards Will. "Now as long as you're just hanging there, pay attention, the only rules that really matter are these, what a man can do and what a man can't do". Jack told Will, whilst he was flinging himself around, on the beam trying not to fall off. "For instance you can accept that your father was a pirate and a good man or you can't, but pirate is in your blood boy, so you'll have to square with that someday". Jack continued. "Now me for example, I can let you drown but I can't bring this ship into Tortuga all by me onesies savvy?". He said.

"So, can you sail under the command of a pirate?, or can you not?". Jack asked Will whilst he pulled him back onto the ship, Will landed with a thud on the deck, Jack then handed back Will his sword. Will took it back from him. "Tortuga?". Will questioned. "Tortuga". Was all Jack said. I stood there my mouth open like a cold fish, as I thought this was supposed to be a rescue mission for my sister, not some beer drinking, sleeping with prostitutes, gambling adventure, otherwise I wouldn't have come and I would have stayed in the safety of Norrington, I thought to myself.

My thoughts were broken, when Thomas decided to speak. "Erm pardon me... what's a Tortuga?". Thomas asked. Jack looked at Thomas bemused and shocked. "What's a Tortuga you say?". Jack asked Thomas. Thomas nodded his head. Jack smirked, "Then you my dear boy shall find out when the time is right and you will be in for a right treat won't you". Jack told Thomas. "What's that supposed to mean?". Thomas asked. "All in good time my boy, all in good time". Jack said whilst steering them helm.

I walked over towards Jack. "Excuse me Jack, I hate to be the one to crush your hope's on arriving at your destination, however I thought this was supposed to be a mission to rescue my sister, not go gallyvanting off, drinking beer and sleeping with whores!". Jack looked at me up and down with a shocked and scared look upon his face. "You know of Tortuga do you lass?, pray tell us all, how you know of such a place and what takes place there?". He asked me whilst looking at Will and Thomas and smirking. "I have heard and read stories, about it Jack, you see some of us are highly literate, unlike some who can't even spell Captain let alone claim themselves to be one". I glared at Jack and crossed my arms. "Now answer my question, CAPTAIN!, otherwise I advise you to turn this ship around and take me back home this instant". I emphasized the word captian, as I spoke, whilst continuing to throw daggers at Jack.

"Listen Missy, we shall be saving your sister, but in order to save your sister, we can not do it alone, therefore we shall need to go to Tortuga to gain a crew and by gaining a crew means, more hands on deck, which means more speed, more speed means able to rescue dear sister from Barbossa's clutches faster savvy?". He glared back and me and smirked. "Very well I trust that this will be beneficial to our mission, if it shall not turn out this way, I will be looking for another way to return home, which means if anything should happen to me, on my way back to Port Royal my father, and possibly most likely Norrington, would happily put your neck through the noose, so do we have an agreement?". I asked him whilst sticking my hand out for him to shake. He didn't say anything other than hesitate at first to shake my hand, before he took hold of my hand and shook it "Agreed". Was all he said to me.

I smirked at him before turning my back to him and crossed my arms, looking rather smug. I walked past Will and Thomas who were both rather shocked, at how I handled that situation. "See gentleman, that is how you handle men, from a women's point of view, play the women in danger card and threaten them with the noose and men especially pirate ones at that, do whatever you say to avoid the short drop and sudden stop". I giggled and walked off towards my cabin, to get some sleep as it had been a long day. Will and Thomas followed my moving frame and just both stood there in shock, before turning to look at each other they both just scoffed shaking their heads.

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