Part 18. Fleeing From Safety and Bleeding Heavily

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I ran into Norrington's office, to join my father, I closed the door behind me and pushed a chair up against it, to prevent anyone who may do us harm from entering. Deep down I knew we would be safe, what with Norrington and his men not far from us, however I could not take any chances. Father was sitting at Norrington's desk, with his elbows propped up upon it and his head in his hands, muttering sentences that were so mumbled, even I couldn't even understand what he was saying.

I walked over to him and placed my hand upon his shoulder. "It's going to be alright father, if anyone can stop a pirate invasion it will be the Commodore and his men, we will be perfectly safe in here, as long as we stay quiet I suppose". He released his head from his hands and looked up at me, putting his hand on top of mine and squeezing it tightly. "I suppose your right Anne, but what do you suppose they want? I mean Port Royal has always been a quiet town, with the occasional drunkard causing some disturbances, but nothing like this". He said to me, "I'm not sure what they want father, maybe to try and take the land or look for buried treasure, but whatever it is, they will not harm us in anyway, I know Norrington will make sure of that". I told father whilst placing my head on top of his.

"You speak so highly of the Commodre don't you? It's almost as though you are starting to get feelings for him, I can sense it you know, although I wish your sister would feel the same way, after all it is her who the Commodore has proposed to marry". Father told me. "I don't know what you mean father, Commodore Norrington is a fine gentleman, who looks after his people who are under his charge and I admire him for that, as well as his bravery, I mean if it wasn't for him, we wouldn't be safe within this room now would we? And as for Elizabeth well...".

I paused, my face fell with no emotion, with all the commotion and disturbance's throughout the town tonight, I had completely forgotten all about Elizabeth and how she was all alone within that house, with no one to look out for her or keep her safe. Father must have noticed the worried expression upon my face."Anne, what is it? Are you ill, please tell me what's wrong?". Father asked me, I never replied to his question's and within in the heat of the moment, I spun around so quickly, I felt as though I may fall over, I dropped the coat that was around my shoulders and let it fall to the floor.

I ripped the chair from underneath the door handles and I flung open the office doors and ran as fast as my legs could carry me, back towards the mansion. Father followed me out of the doors, screaming at me. "ANNE! WHAT IS IT? WHAT'S WRONG?". I never answered him, I just kept on running. "ANNE!, WAIT!, ANNE!, COME BACK HERE!". I could here my father's crying pleas getting distant, as I kept running. I managed to run past Norrington and his men, Norrington must have caught me running out of the fort, as I heard him screaming my name, along with my father. I'm sorry father, Norrington but my sister needs me, I thought to myself.

I ran back to the mansion, extremely out of breath, but I didn't let that stop me, I could see that the doors to the mansion where open and something within my gut told me, that I wouldn't be alone in there. I held my breath as I got to the mansion doors, all the candles were still lit within the foyer and luckily no one was around. I went to step inside, but my foot touched something, I looked down to the ground to see that poor Sedrick had been shot dead, I put my hand up too my mouth, to conceal a gasp.

Whilst trying to hold back the tears, I silently crept over towards the dining room, past the chandelier that was shattered all over the floor, mysteriously both doors where open in the dining room too. I peeked around the corner to see two men what I presumed to be pirates, looking around the room holding torches in their hands. One of them was partially bald on the top of his head and he was fat, he had yellow eyes, it was like his body had never had anything else to drink in years other than rum.

The other man was tall and skinny with shaggy hair, he had both his ears pierced and a false eye, in his right eye. They both looked like they could do with a really good wash and clean their teeth. "We know your here poppet!". The fat one shouted out, whilst the other one was mimicking him. Both of them were turning around in circles, as though they were trying to catch something or someone. "Come out! We promise we won't hurt you".

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